The Brent Council Performance Review report for the first quarter of 2013-14 gives several areas a red rating using the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) traffic light system. Red indicates targets are not being met and Amber a danger that they will not be met.
The volume of residual waste per household is a key measure both environmentally and financially (landfill tax). Currently the year to date total is 119.7kg per household against a target of 89.
The percentage of household waste being sent for recycling is 42% against a target of 55.6%
Tonnes of waste being sent to recycling is 16,313 against a target of 13,110
These figures contribute to a forecast overspend in recycling and waste of £226,000 Veolia currently hold the contract. Brent Executive on October 14th will choose between Veolia and Enterprise for the new Public Realm Contract to run from 2014.
It is in the area of inspections and investigations for fly-tipping that the discrepancy is most marked with 330 against a target of 1,000.
The figures for the number of streets falling below expected cleanliness measures are not yet available.
Elsewhere the number of library visits per 1,000 of population is 1.150 against a target of 1,215 and the percentage of Brent population who are active library users is 20% against a target of 22%.
Children and Families had a target of zero for secondary and primary schools judged Inadequate by Ofsted but the figures are respectively 2 and 4.
The reports go to the One Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 9th October LINK
The volume of residual waste per household is a key measure both environmentally and financially (landfill tax). Currently the year to date total is 119.7kg per household against a target of 89.
The percentage of household waste being sent for recycling is 42% against a target of 55.6%
Tonnes of waste being sent to recycling is 16,313 against a target of 13,110
These figures contribute to a forecast overspend in recycling and waste of £226,000 Veolia currently hold the contract. Brent Executive on October 14th will choose between Veolia and Enterprise for the new Public Realm Contract to run from 2014.
It is in the area of inspections and investigations for fly-tipping that the discrepancy is most marked with 330 against a target of 1,000.
The figures for the number of streets falling below expected cleanliness measures are not yet available.
Elsewhere the number of library visits per 1,000 of population is 1.150 against a target of 1,215 and the percentage of Brent population who are active library users is 20% against a target of 22%.
Children and Families had a target of zero for secondary and primary schools judged Inadequate by Ofsted but the figures are respectively 2 and 4.
The reports go to the One Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 9th October LINK