Showing posts with label Bobby Moore Bridge mural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bobby Moore Bridge mural. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Cllr Muhammed Butt loses his cool when petitioner wants to make a point of order at Brent Cabinet. Bobby Moore Bridge Mural to be covered by advertising.

 Note: An earlier video has been replaced by this Brent Council video which has better sound quality.

Philip Grant, a regular contributor to Wembley Matters, who has no party political affiliation, presented a 100 signature plus petition to Brent Cabinet today setting out the case for the permanent display of the Bobby Moore Bridge tile mural. See LINK for details.

Council Leader Muhammed Butt made a brief response and then after asking for contributions  from Cabinet colleagues (there were none) put only one Option forward with no show of hands from Cabinet members. This was the option to cover the mural with advertising.

When Philip Grant tried to raise a point of order on this (4.20) above Cllr Butt refused to hear the point of order.

As it is hard to hear the point of order on the video I asked Philip what he had been attempting to say when shouted down: 

The point of order that I went to the public speaker's microphone to make was that the Leader had declared the Officer recommendation approved when not a single Cabinet member had put a hand up to show that they accepted the recommendation.

I then added the second point (which I'd already advised him of in my open email a week before), that the decision the Cabinet was meant to make was either Option A or Option B, and they had not been given the opportunity to vote on both options.