Showing posts with label Alperton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alperton. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Alperton Bridgewater Road high-rise development approved

Cllr Anton Georgiou (Lib Dem, Alperton ward) told the planning committee that the proposed high-rise development on the Saab showroom site on Bridgewater Road LINK was felt by residents to be 'unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary.'

He said that the 'mini-city' developing around Alperton station was changing the character of the area. The Bridgewater Road proposal was in an area where the majorrity of housing was two storey homes. There were developing problems of traffic levels and the application would contribute to further congestion.  He asked if the £4.4m CIL money raised by the development would actually be spent in the area.

He reported a young resident who had told him,  'Alperton is a place to sleep - not to live.'

Georgiou echoed Paul Lorber's call LINK for the suspension of high-rise development until links with Alperton's high Covid19 rates had been established, including the role of communal areas in high rise blocks in the transmission of the virus.

Cllr Trupti Sangani (Labour, Alperton) said she had seen no improvement in Alperton via CIL spending and called for step free access at Alperton station. The Transport Officer said that this single development was not enough to trigger such a demand as increased footfall following approval would be neglible. Improvements were being sought for nearby bus routes.

It appeared from the developer's response that Alperton School had not been directly consulted about the development which will partially over-shadow the school's site.

There was a discussion regarding how each development on its own would not have an impact but it was the cumulative impact of all the high-rise blocks that was important.  Officers referred to the Alperton Growth Area Policy but it was unclear whether the need for station and train frequency improvements would only happen late in the day, when the new housing was already occupied.

The  Growth Area plans included public spacse, canal improvments new play areas, a new nursery, community spaces and road and junction improvements.

Cllr Sangani referred to problems of anti-social behaviour along the canal side in Alperton and said officers should be raising these issues when they spoke to developers. She was told that things would improve when there was natural surveilliance from the blocks overlooking the can and when the link between all the developments in a wide canal side path had been completed.

The Canals and Rivers Trust could apply to the Council for CIL money to make improvements.

So far the Alperton developments had gained over £14m CIL money for Brent Council, 15% (about £2m) was allocated for Neighbourhood CIL. Chair of Planning Committee, Cllr James Denselow, said that this raised the wider issue of whether CIL money should be spent in the area from which it was raised, or across the borough. This was not a decision for the Planning Commitee nut for the Executive.

The main selling points put forward by the developer was what they claimed was 100% affordable housing and the creation of 120-150 new jobs in the industrial component od the scheme. They stressed their close working relationship with the Council developed through their other schemes in the area.

Councillors were told that their decisions had to be on the merits of the application and they could not make the deision on wider issues and pre-existing local conditions.  Cllr  Denselow, told members of the committee that it was 'tricky' as to an extent they had to take their ward councillor hat off when making decisions.

Officers warned that if they made decisions beyond strictly planning issues they could open the Council to appeals and financial penalties.

Cllr Michael Maurice voted against the application on grounds of his opposition to high rise and was reminde by Cllr Denselow about the danger of pre-determining applications. Maurice was also concerned about the transport implications, Cllr Sangani abstained.

Call for Brent Council to review policy on high-density high-rise developments in view of Brent's high Covid19 death rate

Paul Lorber of Brent Liberal Democrats has written to Brent Council CEO regarding the new development that is planned for the Bridgewater Road site near Alperton station. LINK

The application is due to be heard at  Planning Committee tonight and Alperton Cllr Anton Georgiou will be speaking against it.

The meeting is being livestreamed 6pm tonight VIEW HERE

Paul Lorber writes:
Has Brent Council undertaken a study why the Alperton area has one of the highest death rates during the current Covid 19 emergency?

Overcrowding, lack of open spaces, overdevelopment, congested roads, low incomes, poor diet etc etc may be some of the reasons.

Brent Council cannot be responsible or be able to control all of these.

Brent Council should however stop and study evidence and listen to advice to stop making the situation worse and to mitigate the impact of future outbreaks - which may be just a few weeks away.

The first step Brent Council should do is to revise its Planning Policies and stop any more massive tower blocks with no amenity open space until such time as the Council has answers to some of the questions.

There is a 26 storey block being built in Ealing Road opposite the bus garage. A massive block is coming on the opposite side by the Canal. There is talk of another massive development on the side of the Bus Garage - this on top of everything that has been built already.

Tonight the Planning Committee is considering a development including a 19 storey block at the back of the Alperton Garage around the corner in Bridgewater Road. This is another over development with no car parking with as much being squeezed in as possible to help the developer and  boost the Council's CIL and new homes bonus pot. I think the death toll in Alperton should now be a factor which should influence the Council thinking as to whether these types of highrise monsters are a good or safe option for the future.

At times like these there is a need for decisive leadership. I think you should now recommend to the Council that the policy of massive highrise and excessive densities of new build needs to be reviewed in view of the Covid 19 crises and the excessive number of deaths in parts of Brent. 

I trust that you will take action before it is too late.

I am copying the chair and vice chair of Planning as I think they should consider deferring the Alperton Planning application before them this evening.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Alperton high rise city's onward march up Bridgewater Road

The emerging high rise city
The former Saab showroom, 2A Bridgewater Road, part of the development site
The site marked with red pin - note the 2 storey suburban housing to the right of image
Wednesday's Planning Committee will be asked to following officers' recommendation and approve a 4-19 storey development to replace the low rise former Saab showroom at 2A Bridgewater Road, Alperton.

The application continues the expansion of high rise in the area as can be seen from the top image take from the application.  The blocks are set back near the Piccadilly underground line, which offers say mitigate their height, with an industrial unit on the street frontage. 

The housing comprises 124 units:

Affordable Housing – comprising 47 affordable rent units at London Affordable Rent levels and 77 shared ownership units in line with the household income cap and eligibility criteria for intermediate products set out in the London Plan and draft London Plan
It has less family housing than guidance suggests but officers say that is offset by its '100% affordability.'

Apart from some disabled parking it will be a car free but officers suggest the case for a local CPZ will be strengthened by the development.

Regarding the development's closeness to traditional 2 storey surburban housing, the report states:
The proposal would respond well to the constraints and opportunities of development in this area of transition between the dense urban fabric around Alperton Station and the more traditional housing to the northwest.


Tuesday 21 April 2020

Bedding plants offer to Wembley Central and Alperton residents to boost morale under Covid-19

Wembley Central and Alperton Residents' Association have come up with a novel idea to help residents through the Covid-19 crisis. It is particularly useful at a time when most garden centres are closed.

Chirag Gir of the WCARA said:
We are looking at different ways which will help keep spirits up during this extraordinary time for all of us. One such project we will be running is "Blossom 2020", which would bring a positive impact on mental health of our residents. The project will involve providing bedding plants to residents in Wembley Central and Alperton. 

This will help boost morale amongst our residents and also brighten up the front gardens, streets and surroundings around us. We believe this is a great initiative to support our residents and has been widely supported by residents and local businesses. 

We are expecting to have delivery of the plants on Monday 27th April and we aim to deliver to residents on Monday 27th/Tuesday 28th April.
If you are interested please call or text Chirag on 07956 228740

Friday 3 April 2020

Zoom's a boon for Alperton Covid-19 Mutual Aid group

After a successful group meeting on Zoom the Alperton Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group has decided to utilise the video conference facility to overcome social isolation in the ward and beyond.

A virtual coffee morning is planned for April 12th 10.30am-11.30am LINK and there is a possibility of a quiz in the future.

Zoom is free for the first 40 minutes.

Doug Lee of Brent Play Association, which is based at Peppermint Point in Alperton, said:
The Alperton Mutual Aid group held a meeting via Zoom which was very productive and it was suggested that more people could get involved via the Zoom app which is totally free and easy to use. People could use it as we did to discuss ways of helping and volunteering efforts, but also to connect with family members. Just get the app, agree on a time, and away you go!

It could be used for special interest groups, quizzes and  all sorts of gatherings.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Fears have been raised about security on Zoom. Read more HERE 

Friday 24 January 2020

Green's performance in the Brent by-elections

Thanks to everyone who voted Green in the Brent by-elections and to those who came out to help us leaflet. We were disappointed not to do better but getting more than 8% in two of the wards was an achievement.

Liberal Democrats win Alperton council seat from Labour

After deluging the ward with thousands of leaflets and fielding up to 80 canvassers the Liberal Democrats tonight gained Alperton from Labour.

Anton Georgiou won 1,699 votes, followed by Labour at 1,304.  The Labour candidate had been suspended by the party while investigations were made into alleged Islamophobic tweets. Andrew Linnie achieved 373 votes for the Greens and the Tories won 900.

Labour held the other contested seats in Wembley Central and Barnhill.

The Conservatives had been very active in the byelections spurred on by the General Election win and are likely to be disappointed by their performance.

Georgiou will be the sole Liberal Democrat on the Council but promises robust scrutiny of Council decision making.

Greens were disappointed not to make a breakthrough into the Council chamber but will continue to provide robust opposition and scrutiny from outside.

Election result from Brent Council

The results for each candidate are:
Alperton results
4,303 residents in Alperton ward cast their votes, marking a turnout of 33.99%.
The results for each candidate are:
Barnhill results
2,751 residents in Barnhill ward cast their votes, marking a turnout of 21.97%.
Wembley Central
The results for each candidate are:
Wembley Central results
3,602 residents in Wembley Central ward cast their votes, marking a turnout of 27.57%.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Why Labour voters should support Andrew Linnie of the Green Party in Alperton after suspension of the Labour candidate

The Kilburn Times reports LINK that the Labour Party has suspended Chetan Harpale, its candidate in the Alperton by-election  over alleged anti-Muslim tweets. Wembley Matters  broke the story on the tweets on December 30th  LINK which apart from the anti-Muslim comments also suggested Jeremy Corbyn was pro-Jihadis and praised right wing Tory MP Bob Blackman.

Harpale remains on the ballot paper and suspension is not the same as expulsion. Due process means that there will be an investigation and Harpale will have the chance of defending the comments or perhaps claim that his Twitter account was hacked. 

Labour Party activists are unlikely to be able to stomach campaigning for Harpale given the allegations but under Labour Party rules are not able to openly campaign to support a candidate from a rival party. This does not apply to Labour voters of course, who can make up their own minds over which candidate from other parties standing in Alperton comes closest to reflecting their own beliefs.

A further consideration is that if Harpale is elected despite the allegations, perhaps through automatic support for Labour by habitual Labour voters, he could be expelled by Labour but attempt to keep his seat as an Independent. As an Independent action could be taken against him in the Standards Committee using the Code of Conduct for Councillors.  Ironically the previous Chair of the Standards Committee was James Allie who the Kilburn Times reports has also been suspended by the Labour Party. He resigned before Christmas following allegations that he has 'utilised' a dead woman's legacy for his own uses, including the purchase of a house. LINK

If Harbale is elected, but resigns immediately, there will need to be another by-election in Alperton ward.


I would argue that the best way to solve this mess is for Alperton Labour voters to support Andrew Linnie the Green Party candidate.  Andrew has an excellent reputation as an Alperton resident who has campaigned on housing and regeneration issues.  He has addressed the Planning Committee on behalf of residents and issues a regular campaigning Newsletter in the locality.

More broadly the Green Party has national and regional policies which many Labour  activists would support. These include:
  • ANTI-AUSTERITY The Green Party campaigned against the imposition of austerity from the outset while the Labour Party pre-Corbyn, was ambivalent to say the least. Locally we were members of the cross-party Brent Fightback. (Caroline Lucas addresses the People's Assembly Anti-Austerity march in 2014 HERE)  The Lib Dems were of course pro-Austerity.
  • GREEN NEW DEAL Greens came up with the idea, in collaboration with trade unionists and other groups, a long time ago supporting One Million Climate Jobs and advocating a 'just transition' to a low carbon economy. Green Party statement on Green New Deal 2007 LINK
  • HOUSING Greens have a range of housing policies LINK which start with the principle that 'affordable, secure and comfortable accommodation is a basic human right'. We reject the current misuse of the term affordable and through our GLA Assembly members are campaigning for the the London Mayor to have control over London's housing so renters are guaranteed decent homes and are protected from unfair evictions and unaffordable rents.
  • DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY OF EDUCATION The Green Party adopted a policy of opposition to academies and free schools and their integration back into the local authority system well before the Labour Party and also opposed SATs because of their detrimental impact on both pupils and teachers. LINK

This is the motion on Islamophobia adopted by Full Council on July 8th 2019:

“Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in encounters between religions and non-religions in the public sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

·                Calling for, aiding, instigating or justifying the killing or harming of Muslims in the name of a racist/ fascist ideology, or an extremist view of religion.

·                Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Muslims as such, or of Muslims as a collective group, such as, especially but not exclusively, conspiracies about Muslim entryism in politics, government or other societal institutions; the myth of Muslim identity having a unique propensity for terrorism, and claims of a demographic ‘threat’ posed by Muslims or of a ‘Muslim takeover’.

·                Accusing Muslims as a group of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Muslim person or group of Muslim individuals, or even for acts committed by non-Muslims.

·                Accusing Muslims as a group, or Muslim majority states, of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia, ethnic cleansing or genocide perpetrated against Muslims.

·                Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.

·                Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, e.g. loyalty tests.

·                Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia (e.g. the Prophet Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule) to characterise Muslims as being ‘sex groomers’, inherently violent or incapable of living harmoniously in plural societies.

·                Holding Muslims collectively responsible for the actions of any Muslim majority state, whether secular or constitutionally Islamic.

Monday 6 January 2020

Green Party candidate calls for Labour to withdraw support from their Alperton by-election candidate over anti-Muslim views

The website has today published more extracts from Tweets allegedly written by the Labour Party candidate in the Alperton by-election, Chetan Harpale,

Andrew Linnie, Green Party candidate for Alperton said:
I am shocked and disgusted by the racist, islamophobic views aired by Labour's candidate in the Alperton by-election. I think it is important, given the hostility of the language used, that Labour leader Cllr Butt not only condemns these views but withdraws support from this inappropriate candidate from the election while there's still time. Mr Harpale has no place representing anyone, let alone representing an area as culturally diverse as Alperton.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Brent Council by-election candidates announced

Following the closure of nominations at 4pm this afternoon Brent Council has published the  statement of persons nominated:

The candidates are:

Anton Georgiou (Liberal Democrats)
Chetan Harpale (Labour Party)
Andrew Linnie (Green Party)
Harmit Vyas (Conservative Party)

Mansoor Akram (Labour Party)
Michael Brooke (Liberal Democrats)
Martin Francis (Green Party)
Gaynor Lloyd (Labour Party)
Kanta Mistry (Conservative Party)
Peter Murry (Green Party)
Larry Ngan (Liberal Democrats)
Stefan Voloseniuc (Conservative Party)

Sai Karthik Madabhushi (Conservative Party)
Jyotshna Patel (Liberal Democrats)
William Relton (Green Party)
Sonia Shah (Labour Party)

Polling Day os January 23rd 2020

Current Council:


Monday 9 December 2019

Cllr James Allie resigns becoming the 4th Labour resignation in recent weeks

From Brent Council website:

Councillor James Allie, who represented the Alperton ward in the London Borough of Brent, has resigned today – Monday 9 December 2019.

The former Councillor notified Carolyn Downs, Returning Officer and Chief Executive of Brent Council, of his decision to stand down with immediate effect this morning.

His resignation creates a vacancy for the office of Councillor for the Alperton ward. In order to trigger a by-election, two local government electors in Brent must write to the Chief Executive’s Office requesting that an election take place. On receipt of the requests to fill this vacancy, the Returning Officer will set a date for an election to be held within 35 days.

All requests or letters regarding these vacancies must be sent to: Chief Executive’s Office, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ or by email to: or
LATE NEWS - Two requests have been received by the Brent Returning Officer so the by-election will be held on January 23rd alongside those for Barnhill and Wembley Central.

Personal note:  It would be handy if any other Labour councillor comtemplating resigning could do so as soon as possible - one cold December General Election and three bitterly cold January by-elections are quite enough. A freezing February one would be just too much! Thank you.

Cllr James Allie 'utilised' woman's estate meant for South African Charity

Cllr James Allie (Alperton ward) has been ordered to vacate a house and repay additional monies from an estate that he used for his own purposes reports the Daily Mail LINK.

Allie, a solicitor was appointed executor of Ruth Ballin's  £1.56m will which named the Canon Collins Education and Legal Assistance Trust that works in South Africa as benefactor. Canon Collins set up the International  Legal and Defence Fund at the time of the South African Treason Trials in 1956 to provide legal assistance for those facing trail, including Nelson Mandela, and to support their families.

Reporting the Court hearing the Daily Mail states:
..Mr Allie, who at the time worked for legal firm Spence and Horne, hid the news of the bequest from the charity for more than two years, the court was told.

Instead, the councillor is said to have ‘utilised’ her assets to buy a £580,000 property in Brent, where he has been living since it was purchased in 2017.
Cllr Allie was a Liberal Democrat councillor from 2005-2012, standing a the Lib Dem candidiate for Brent North in 2010.

In 2012 he defected to the Labour Party ostensibly over the Lib Dem's role in the Coalition Government LINK

Always a controversial figure a complaint was made against Cllr Allie in 2016 when he was spotted reading the Catholic Herald during a crucial Council debate on savage budget cuts. LINK

Cllr Allie and Cllr Butt in happier times

Former Labour Council James Powney was one of several people who drew attention to the irony of Cllr Allie being appointed as Chair of Brent Council Standards Committee later in 2016 by Council Leader Muhammed Butt. LINK

Sunday 25 November 2018

Help with tree planting in One Tree Hill Park on Saturday December 1st

Wembley Central and Alperton Residents' Association, with the support of Brent Council and Veolia, have secured 50 trees (English Oak, Silver Birch, Beech, Hornbeam, and Alder) for One Tree Hill Park. They will be planting them on Saturday 1st December 1.30pm to 3pm and invite you and your children to come along and help:
Meeting point by the Bowrons Avenue entrance of the park. Please also bring spades/forks/trowels and gloves if you have them, and wear suitable protective footwear. If residents dont have the tools, fear not, we are working with our friends at Veolia to provide some tools. Children to be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Monday 9 July 2018

New Alperton development exhibition Thursday July 12th

New extended plans are being put forward by developers for a site in Alperton next to the Grand Union Canal at the junction of Ealing Road and Bridgewater Road.

The site is now not just Alperton House (The Boat pub), 346 Ealing Road  but also the college and Topps Tiles next door (units 9-10 Abercorn Commercial Centre),

The exhibition is at Brent Play Association at Peppermint Point (next to the Sainsbury's Superstore) 4.30pm – 7.30pm Northwick Road, HA0 1LG.

Redrow Homes and Peabody have formed a partnership and promise reprovision of the pub/restaurant, a new canal side public space, new affordable homes, retail and workspaces.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Alperton Summer Festival Saturday July 7th

Alperton Summer Festival 2018
Saturday on 7th July 2018
Heather Park 

(Entry free)

There will be live music, a petting zoo, cricket simulator, face painting and more! (All free of charge, and of course we will be showing the England game live!) We will also be announcing the winners of the My Alperton Postcard Competition and raising money for local Charity and food bank Sufra NW.

Sufra adds:
Sufra NW London will be all over the Alperton Summer Festival this Saturday 7 July at Heather Park. As well as our information stall, we will be flipping delicious sweet and savoury pancakes on our new stall - Oh Crepe!

Thursday 29 March 2018

Easter Art Workshops for Children and Teens at Northfields Community Centre

Further details of the workshops are as follows:

Tuesday 3rd April, Drop-in sessions between 11am - 4pm - FAMILIES & YOUNG CHILDREN ACTIVITIES (targeted at children between the ages of 5 and 13 and their families):

- Art and interactive activities will be running all day on drop-in basis for families around the theme of the community competition

- Parents will be informed about the Festival, Community Competition and the Northfields development project

Wednesday 4th April, 3-6pm - WIDER YOUTH COMMUNITIES ENGAGEMENT (targeted at young people between the ages of 14 and 19): 

- Local young people will be informed about the Festival, Competition and the Northfields project

- Workshop activities around competition theme to get young people engaged and ready to submit their entries

Friday 16 March 2018

Wembley & Alperton Residents' Meeting Monday March 19th 7pm

This is the rearranged date for the meeting that was cancelled due to the 'Beast from the East'. Better luck this time!