Saturday 27 November 2021

LETTER: Natural Grass Playing Field Conversions to 3G

 This is the first Letter to the Editor to be published. Send your letters to with your name (tell me if you do not want you name  published). Maximum 1000 words - shorter preferred). I reserve the right to edit the letter and not to publish if I deem it unsuitable for publication.

Dear Editor,

This month Brent Council is again tasked with considering a planning application for a commercial 3G artificial grass floodlit football pitch development. But will this finally be the last of its kind?

We have seen these applications several times before, and they almost read the same. This time it is by Queens Park Community School (QPCS) in Brondesbury (Ref 20/1411) [1]. Like its predecessors, QPCS wants to replace its natural grass playing fields with artificial 3G rubber surfaces, complete with state-of-the-art floodlights and commercial football hiring until 9 pm. As is the case with many other schools in London, QPCS is located in the midst of a quiet residential area.

The arguments remain the same. 3G rubber crumbs are invariably bad for the environment and players' health. 3G pitches are banned in parts of the EU as a result. These operations tend to be very noisy. And, the commercial hiring aspect routinely draws in large numbers of visitors from further afield that will be using private transport because the site is not well connected to the public transport network.

On the other end, the school is citing the desperate need for an all-year football pitch because the grass surface becomes difficult to play on during the winter months.

The Head of QPCS recently took her cause to the Brent & Kilburn Times stating that 'QPCS has produced "outstanding top-flight footballers"' before naming a few [2]. This is, undoubtedly, a remarkable record, but it also begs the question that if QPCS can 'produce outstanding top-flight footballers' on its natural grass playing fields, then why does it even need to replace Nature with artificial grass with all the dire consequences this development would bring?

But there is another question. How much should we be focussing on producing more professional football players? Only a tiny fraction of players will ever make it to a level where they can support themselves following this elusive dream. And, it is often a rather short dream due to the immense physical strain players are under. For some, it is over as quickly as a flight into suborbital space.

As a nation, we are under immense pressure to solve the many complex problems we are faced with today. We are battling a global pandemic. We are battling Climate Change. We are battling social injustice, an ageing community and a looming care crisis.

We are in desperate need of healthcare professionals, doctors, engineers, scientists and leaders that can help us get through these challenges. Our Government has failed to attract a single applicant to its fast track Global Talent visa scheme.
Therefore, should our schools in Brent not be focussing on producing the skills and expertise that we so desperately need? Should our role models not include Sir David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, or the many unsung heroes of our time who develop vaccines against Covid or work to solve our growing need for renewable energies?

This particular planning application is additionally facing serious ecological challenges. There is anecdotal evidence of there being colonies of bats at the site which is adjacent to Tiverton Green. Yet, when QPCS presented its initial plans in 2020 and when it resubmitted these plans in 2021 it did not commission or present a single bat survey as would be customary in these situations. This has taken many observers by surprise. However, due to the efforts of the Brondesbury Park Residents Association who privately commissioned a professional 'Bat Activity Survey', we finally have clarity on this point. There are indeed two species of roosting and foraging bats in the immediate vicinity of the site.

This 'Bat Activity Survey' was uploaded to the Brent Planning Portal only hours before the end of the consultation. Unfortunately, this has meant that the public, including pupils, their parents, neighbours, and everyone who has commented on this application, did not have the benefit of this important evidence and information.

I suspect that further bat surveys will now be required covering all of the proposed site and its surroundings. This would need to be done before this application could possibly be resubmitted in the form of a revised application if this should even still be deemed viable.

I feel that QPCS and its management has let down the public and its supporters by resisting to undertake professional bat surveys right from the start. It would also seem inconceivable that anyone would be tempted to continue pursuing a planning application when it stands to contravene the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2017).

Moreover, there appears to be an important lesson for all when it comes to schools wanting to replace their natural grass playing fields with artificial materials such as 3G rubber surfaces.

As the many detailed responses to these planning applications repeatedly show, the impacts these have on the natural environment stand in no comparison to the perceived incremental benefits these might offer.

If we are to learn from past mistakes, we need to change how we go about our natural resources. If COP26 in Glasgow has taught us anything then we need to change now. We cannot afford to further destroy our local natural habitats and let a commercial undertaking benefit from its demise.

If Brent Council and its Members are serious about the Climate and Ecology Emergency it had called in 2019, and if they are serious about the Brent Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy 2021-2030, they must act firmly and call time on these ill-conceived developments that harm our fragile biodiversity.

Brent Council should also make it clear that these types of developments will no longer be considered in future.

Daniel Hulsmann
Brent Resident



Brent draft budget proposes 3% Council Tax rise and average 4.1% Council rent rise



The Cabinet will be asked to approve consultation on a draft pre-election budget LINK  for 2022-23 at their meeting on Monday December 6th (10am).  The budget includes a 3% increase in Council Tax for the Brent segment with an as yet unspecified amount for the GLA precept to be added, and an average 4.1% increase in  Council rents, an increase which is expected to be repeated in the next controlled 3 year period.  The budget gap of £2.7m will be reduced through cuts and savings already agreed of £2.7m. LINK

In discussing the background to the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) officers note:

It should be recognised, however, that forecasting over the medium term has been, and continues to be, extremely difficult. There is a high level of uncertainty over the medium term due to the delays in funding reforms, the continuing impacts of COVID-19 on residents and businesses in the borough and the impact of BREXIT. The significance of the financial challenge cannot be underestimated, however the measures outlined in this report aim to ensure that the Council continues to operate in a financially sustainable and resilient way.

If unforseen demands are made on the budget, further cuts are likely.

Key features of draft budget are:

  • A council tax increase of 3%, making a Band D council tax of £1,419.48 (for  Brent element). The GLA precept, which typically makes up 20% of the overall bill, is currently unknown and is subject to their own decision making. (Removing the funding for the social care reforms, the increase is actually 1.8% compared to 3.3% for the average government department. Nevertheless, while the additional funding announced for Local Government is welcome, the precise outcome for individual authorities will not be known until the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement, usually announced in mid-December.)
  • Budget savings proposals (all of which were considered by Council in February 2021) with an aggregate value of £2.7m, as summarised in Appendix A
  • Consultation on a rent increase of 4.1% (CPI + 1%) for the 2022/23 Housing Revenue Account budget.


The report notes:

Although growth has been built into the MTFS to help alleviate some of these pressures, they continue to present a significant budget risk, particularly in respect of the demographic and contractual pressures.

For example:

  • The impact of COVID-19 is not fully known or how the pandemic will play out for the remainder of the year. Therefore, there is a level of risk when setting the budget that the Council may be exposed to unfunded financial pressures in-year.
  • The new income loss compensation scheme announced for Council Tax and Business Rates does not fully cover the losses the Council is estimating and only applies to losses incurred in 2020/21. The ending of the furlough scheme in September, the tapering of business rates reliefs and the ending of business support grants are likely to have a continuing impact on business rates income. Other income losses will be dependent on the pace at which the economy recovers. Overall, income losses can pose a considerable budget pressure.
  • The level of ‘scarring’ that has occurred, for example pent up demand in children’s social care, long Covid and the mental health impact on adult social care. In addition, the extent to which current circumstances will become the ‘new normal’, for example greater domestic waste if more people continue to work from home and a larger role for Public Health.

If these were to transpire, without any further government support, they could expose the Council to a liability that may require it to put in place further savings and/or expenditure reductions in order to balance the overall budget and MTFS.



Nationally, there has been a significant increase in the number working age people claiming Council Tax Support. In Brent, this number has increased by 4.9% bringing the total number of working age people claiming CTS to 19,338.


The total cost of providing CTS has increased from £28.4m at the start of the pandemic to £30.7m as at November 2021, an increase of £2.3m. This is important because an increase in CTS expenditure reduces the amount of Council Tax that is able to be collected.



School budgets are under considerable strain from a number of factors that include reduced pupil numbers (particularly in some primary schools - funding is per pupil), increased national insurance costs, covid, and lack of funding for special needs pupils in the mainstream. Brent's overall education funding will be reduced as we move to the National Funding Formula and the Schools Forum has agreed a gradual move to the NFF that will mean a 10% reduction in 2022-23 only part of which will be made up by some short-term funding. The Report discuss the issues:


The Council will continue to set a local funding formula for mainstream schools in 2022/23, although the total funding available will be determined by the National Funding Formula (NFF). The provisional Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) block allocations announced show that the Council will receive a minimal increase in mainstream pupil funding of £1.8 million which represents an overall 0.71% increase. This is lower than the national percentage increase of 2.9% and lower than the average of 1.7% for Local Authorities in London. The lower overall increase is due to factors such as: varying per-pupil funding levels across local authorities in London which are higher than the NFF 2022/23 minimum per pupil rate, and the impact of decreases in primary pupil numbers.

The Spending Review 2021 confirms a £4.7 billion growth by 2024/25 for the core schools budget in England. This growth includes: funding to cover the cost of a temporary increase in National Insurance Contributions (NIC) of 1.25% for 2022/23 from April 2023 to be replaced by the Health and Social Care Levy. The funding would also be used to increase teacher starting salaries to £30,000.

The Spending Review also confirms a £1 billion Recovery Premium for the next two academic years for schools. This funding is based on pupil premium eligibility. Primary schools will continue to benefit from an additional £145 per eligible pupil, but it is expected that the funding for secondary schools will nearly double which may be close to the £290 rate for pupils in Special Schools, Alternative Provision & Pupil Referral units. Additional funding was also announced of £324 million in 2024/25 for additional learning hours for 16-19 year olds. This funding increases the average hours funded in 16-19 education by 40 hours. Further details are expected in the coming weeks detailing how the funding will be allocated.

The High Needs block (HNB) of the DSG for 2022/23 will increase by £5.3 million representing an 8% increase in the HNB income. This is below the London average of 8.21% and the national average of 8.84% due to London experiencing the lowest increase in the funding floor factor as a result of reduction in pupil numbers, and the lowest increase in 3 out of the 6 Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) bandings.

There are pressures against the HNB block due to increased demand for Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and this is a national issue. Despite the additional funds, the demand pressures continue to grow and to set a balanced DSG budget in 2022/23 the Council will request via the Schools Forum a 0.5% transfer from the Schools Block. The pressure in the HNB has led to the DSG being in a £10.5 million deficit carried forward from 2020/21 and further forecast pressures of £4.4 million in 2021/22 will increase the deficit position to £14.9 million.

The DfE require local authorities with an overall DSG deficit to have
management plan to recover the deficit over a number of financial years. The Schools Forum have been presented with actions being taken to manage demand, improve sufficiency of places and financial management to recover the deficit in the medium to long term. These include: establishing more SEND provision in the borough as part of the School Place Planning Strategy 2019-23 Refresh paper including developing new Additionally Resourced Provisions (ARPs); ensuring there is full cost recovery from other local authorities that place pupils in Brent special schools including administration and other specific costs; a review of the DSG funded SEN support services; continued central government lobbying. The Deputy Leader of the Council is actively part of the lobbying process.

The key principle of allocating the funding for the Early Years Block remains the same i.e. 95% of funding received is allocated directly to providers with the remaining 5% or £1m retained for central services. Funding arrangements for the Early Years Block have not yet been published but following the Spending Review 2021, the DfE confirmed that nationally, the block will receive additional funding worth £160 million in 2022/23, £180 million in 2023/24 and £170 million  by 2024/25 to enable local authorities to increase hourly rates paid to providers for childcare entitlement offers which reflects the costs of inflation and national living wage increases. An Early Years funding report for 2022/23 will be presented at the Schools Forum in January 2022 detailing the revised funding rates.

Proposed council rent increases (weekly)


 The Report sets out the arguments for a rent increase: 

The Housing Revenue Account budget setting from 2016/17 to 2019/20 was principally directed by the Welfare Reform Act 2016, which imposed a 1% rent reduction for four years. This has resulted in a reduction of rental income and bottom line surpluses previously assumed in the business plan. The resulting £23m loss of income, along with increased capital expenditure on major works, has led to the full utilisation of the major repairs reserve to finance investment in the existing housing stock.

Efficiency savings targets are incorporated into the budget setting process. From 2021/22 onwards, this is a 2% target across management and repairs costs, which equates to £0.5m per annum.

From 2020/21, the Council has the power to increase rents annually up to a maximum of CPI plus 1% for a period of five years. For 2022/23, CPI plus 1% equates to 4.1%, allowing the potential to increase rental income by £2m, and up to £6m over the remaining three-year rent control period.

The average rent in 2021/22 is £118.74 per week. A 4.1% increase would equate to an average rent of £123.61 per week in 2022/23, an increase of £4.87 per week when compared to the current rent levels. The increase is required for inflation led growth and to ensure sufficient continued capital investment in the Council’s existing housing stock.

Alternative scenarios of a 3.1% increase or a rent freeze were considered and rejected as leaving the account in deficit:

The report notes that because of  a court ruling on  the charging of water rates to council tenants the HRA account over-charged tenants and will have to reimburse them:

Therefore, Brent, and all local authorities, who had similar agreements with regional water companies, will need to reimburse all social housing tenants for any overcharged amounts. Brent had two such water collection agreements in respect of water charges, one with Thames Water and another with Affinity Water (formerly Three Valleys).

As these sums were received into each authorities’ Housing Revenue Account, the money for these reimbursements will need to come out of local authorities’ Housing Revenue Accounts as well. For Brent, the cost of refund is estimated to be £7.2m. Brent have set aside provisions for this in the accounts.


Compared with the Capital Programme the figures elsewhere in the proposed budget are peanuts. Note the £551,000,000 total over 5 years. Plans include retrofitting all Brent housing stock to reach Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) B Level by 2030 - a welcome commitment both for climate change through energy efficiency and hopefull wamer homes and lower bills for tenants.

Some South Kilburn residents are concerned about an apparent slow down of activity on regeneration in 2024-25 that means demolitions and rehousing will be delayed. 

A South Kilburn resident told me earlier this week that a South Kilburn housing were informed that apart from the sites already under construction, there would be nothing else available for at least 4 years.  He said, 'This explains why they are not able to rehouse the Granville New Homes residents, as there is nowhere for them to move to in South Kilburn.  My block, William Dunbar House will now not be decanted until 2028 or even later.'

I have highlighted in bold a section of the report referring to South Kilburn which seems to suggest the possibility of selling some council land and property but I stand to be corrected.


As set out in the table, the Council is planning to borrow externally up to £339m over the three year MTFS period. The prudential borrowing equates to around 61% of the total funding, followed by external grant and contributions at 25%.


Internal funding from earmarked reserves and capital receipts make up a further 7% and these will be mainly generated from the sale of council land and property that will be constructed as part of regeneration schemes such as South Kilburn.

The remainder comes from Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (SCIL) and S106 contributions.




A low-rise fire safety programme was developed by Brent Housing Management to address risks in 1,208 converted and purpose built blocks. With regard to high-rise blocks, it was decided to go over and above regulatory standards by carrying out Type 4 Fire Risk Assessments across all tower blocks over 12 storeys, the outcome of which found no fundamental issues or safety concerns. The Council is currently in the process of developing a robust major works programme, as outlined in the Asset Management Strategy, to deliver the highest standards of compliance, providing ongoing peace of mind and reassurance to residents when it comes to fire safety in tenant homes.

As part of the South Kilburn regeneration programme, the Gloucester House & Durham Court site is being redeveloped to provide 235 new affordable homes to assured social tenants. These are expected to be fully occupied by Brent’s residents in 2021/22. Brent Council owns the freehold and the Council’s housing team, together with the Council’s energy team, will provide the billing for heat to the residents. The associated costs will be funded by service charges and through the HRA asset management strategy, in line with other communal heating networks


Proposals, together with any changes made by Cabinet, to form the basis of consultation between December 2021 and February 2022 with local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders;

Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee to review the budget proposals and report accordingly;

General Purposes Committee, in December 2021, will review the calculation of the Council Tax base; and

After consultation, a budget report will be presented for Cabinet to recommend a final budget and Council Tax to the February 2022 Council meeting.







Police officers who shared pictures of the bodies of murdered sisters to be sentenced on Monday

 Metropolitan Police Statement regarding the police officers who shared pictures of the bodies of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman taken at the murder scene in Fryent Country Park.

A police constable has been dismissed without notice and another would have been dismissed had he still been a serving officer for taking inappropriate photographs at the scene of a double murder in Wembley.

An accelerated misconduct hearing was held for PC Jamie Lewis and former PC Deniz Jaffer, who has resigned, following their guilty pleas at the Old Bailey on Tuesday, 2 November to misconduct in public office.

The hearing was to determine allegations their actions breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to discreditable conduct, honesty and integrity, equality and diversity, authority, respect and courtesy, duties and responsibilities, confidentiality and challenging and reporting improper conduct.

The allegations were all found proven.

Both officers, who were based at the North East Command Unit, will be added to the Barred List held by the College of Policing. Those appearing on the list cannot be employed by police, local policing bodies (PCCs), the Independent Office for Police Conduct or Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services.

The hearing was chaired by Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball on Wednesday, 24 November.

AC Ball said: “The behaviour of PCs Lewis and Jaffer that day was shameful and fell very far below the standards we expect of all our officers. We do not want officers who act in such an unprofessional and disrespectful manner to be part of the Metropolitan Police Service.

“Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman and we deeply regret the additional distress this matter has caused them. I am profoundly sorry, both personally and on behalf of the Met.

“The behaviour of PCs Lewis and Jaffer initially came to light because someone had concerns and anonymously reported them. I thank them for doing the right thing; we encourage all our officers and staff, and indeed members of the public, to report wrong-doing and we will act on those reports.”

On Wednesday, 17 June 2020 the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards was informed of allegations that non-official and inappropriate photographs had been taken by police at the crime scene in Fryent Country Park, Wembley, in relation to the murders of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman. The sisters were killed in the early hours of Saturday, 6 June 2020 with their bodies found the following day.

During the early hours of 8 June 2020, PC Jaffer and PC Lewis were placed on the cordon to protect the crime scene. They left their posts to take pictures on their mobile phones of the victims and the crime scene. They shared the images with other officers and, in PC Jaffer’s case, with members of the public via WhatsApp.

Both officers used the disrespectful and derogatory term “dead birds” to describe the victims while sharing the images.

In an unconnected matter PC Jaffer used a racially derogatory term in a message to members of the public about a policing activity. PC Lewis responded with approval to another officer who used the same term and did not challenge or report it. That other officer will also face a gross misconduct hearing in due course.

Following the allegation about the photos taken in Wembley, the MPS made a referral to the IOPC, which launched an independent investigation. PC Jaffer and PC Lewis were arrested on Monday, 22 June 2020 by the IOPC on suspicion of misconduct in public office and subsequently released under investigation.

A file was referred by the IOPC to the CPS and both officers were charged on Wednesday, 28 April 2021. They will be sentenced on Monday, 6 December at the Old Bailey.

Following their arrest, the officers were suspended from duty. Former PC Jaffer resigned and left the Met on Wednesday, 18 August. Under the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020, serving officers are able to resign or retire without requiring permission but can still face misconduct proceedings. This ensures that if allegations are proven and they are dismissed, their names are added to the Barred List.

+ We're working hard to raise standards in the Met and have commissioned an independent review by Baroness Louise Casey to examine our culture and standards of behaviour. 

Every Met employee is being spoken to about adhering to professional boundaries, their use of social media and their responsibility to challenge inappropriate behaviour.