Sunday 19 May 2024

Parents and community members join NEU strikers on the picket line at Byron Court



The struggle to resist the handing over of Byron Court Primary School to the Harris Federation Academy Trust reached a crucial new stage on Friday when NEU members at the school went on strike. Having explored all avenues and marshalled support from parents, community Barry Gardiner MP and Gwen Grahl, Lead Brent Cabinet Member  for schools, without any move by the government, the NEU saw no other option but to take official industrial action supported by the requisite majority of members balloted.

Support on the picket line included Brent Trades Council, a speaker from the Lyon Park Primary School strikers who won most of their demands, and an NEU member from a school in Hackney facing similar academisation. A speaker from Brent Trades Council made a speech expressing solidarity as did Cllr Daniel Kennelly.

NEU co-secretary Jenny Cooper thanked parents for their support and recognised the practical difficulties that strike action would create, but emphasised that the long term aim was to safeguard the future of Byron Court as a locally accountable school, close to the community and offering a broad curriculum with support for SEND pupils and second language learners.

Hank Roberts, veteran anti-academies campaigner, called for a creative approach to the campaign to ensure maximum publicity.

The overall message on the picket line was the need for unity and resistance to efforts to divide and rule.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Brent Labour move to limit Opposition groups' call-in powers

Having apparently dropped plans to increase the number of councillors required to call-in Key and Cabinet decision for further scrutiny from 5 to 10 LINK, Brent Labour has come up with another proposal to be tabled at the Council AGM on May 22nd.

This time the proposal is that the number remains at five but must consist of members of more than one political group. As there are five members of the Conservative Group this means that a call-in will only be successful if also supported by the Liberal Democrats, or (very unlikely given whipping), some Labour councillors. The Liberal Democrats currently have three councillors so will not be able to call-in anything on their own.

As the Tories and Lib Dem differ on many aspects of policy it is likely that there will be fewer call-ins in the coming municipal year. It appears to be a deliberate political act as there are already safeguards in place to ensure the validity of call-ins.

The words in red below are the proposed changes.

I expect Brent Labour to again resist calls for opposition groups to be given a chance to chair or vice chair either of the Scrtutiny Committees.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Bob Blackman MP invites Suella Braverman to his Edgware fundraiser dinner and gets a noisy surprise


Bob Blackman, Conservative M for Harrow East and Monday Club  Joint Executive Secretary, held a fundraising dinner last night in Edgware.

His special guest was none other than ex-Home Secretary and joint-founder of Wembley's Michaela School, Suella Braverman. Both have strong Brent connections with Blackman an ex-leader of Brent Council (and deputy leader in the Lib-Dem coalition) and Braverman (actual name Sue-Ellen) was born in Harrow and brought up in Wembley. Her mother was a Brent Conservative councillor.

Last night's dinner I understand was held to raise funds for Blackman's General Election campaign but amidst Sunak's problems and Braverman's undisguised leadership ambitions, of wider political significance.

The local community, having got wind of the dinner, marshalled at short notice a mass picket outside the restaurant. It was peaceful but noisy.  Some guests entered through the front door on Mollison Way, others came via an alternative entrance as far as could be ascertained. There was no attempt to stop them entering.

Chants and individual speakers objected to Bob Blackman's stance against a Gaza ceasefire, his admiration for Mahendra Modi and support for the exclusion of caste from equality laws.  Suella Braverman's support for Israel and antipathy to pro-Palestine demonstrations and her 'dream' of deporting refugees to  Rwanda deportations enraged the demonstrators who charged them  both with complicity in alleged genocide. 

The crowd chanted, 'While you dine, babies die.'

Those present at the right-wing Fest must have been able to hear the demonstrators and after two and a half hours of chants and speeches a metal grill was lowered over the restaurant windows and entrance.

Despite the noise and anger the protest was disciplined and when a minute's silence was requested for the victims of the Middle East conflict a total silence fell over the suburban street and the demonstrators dispersed without incident.



Wednesday 15 May 2024


 From Brent National Education Union



NEU members at Byron Court Primary School are to strike in a fight to save their local community school which is threatened with a forced privatisation by the huge Harris Federation chain of academies. PICKET LINE OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL FRIDAY 17TH MAY 7.30-9.30am!


Staff at Byron Court Primary School in Wembley will be on strike to save their local community school from a forced “academy order” following an intimidating Ofsted inspection which has left some staff fearing for their mental health and their futures. Many of these long-serving staff served the school’s community throughout the pandemic and face uncertainty in their jobs, pay and conditions as they face a takeover by the hostile Harris multi-academy trust. 




Staff and parent supporters will protest at a picket line outside the school from 7.30am Tuesday and will continue to lobby the Secretary of State to get their academy order revoked. Staff are asking for a reinspection, handled fairly and proportionately, while a live complaint lodged with Ofsted is being looked at externally after reports that Ofsted lied during the complaints process.


Jenny Cooper of the NEU national executive has stated:


These striking members undertake difficult jobs every day and have the expertise and knowledge that should be valued in our schools. There has been no consultation whatsoever with any stakeholder and we do not believe it is the right decision to hand this school to a glorified carpet salesman who is paid half a million a year for the privilege. The NEU will NOT accept privatisation of our schools through a politicised Ofsted process which is what we are seeing.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Cllr Jake Rubin to take on Brent Cabinet Climate Action role with Cllr Mary Mitchell Cabinet Climate Action Champion. New chief whip replaces Stephen Crabb


News from the Brent Labour Group AGM, held on Saturday, is gradually coming in.

Cllr Jake Rubin (Roundwood ward) announced his appointment as Cabinet Lead Member for Employment, Innovation and Climate Action on Twitter this afternoon

He takes over climate action from Cllr Krupa Sheth (Tokyngton) whose brief  was Lead Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Action.

Cllr Iman Ahmadi Moghaddam (Wembley Park) has the interesting and potentially difficult role of Labour Chief Whip.

He takes over from Cllr Stephen Crabb  (Queens Park)who had his own difficulties in the role when he had to deal with a potentially controversial Labour motion for Full Council.

After his intervention, when he sought advice from a senior Labour Party body, the motion was not placed on the agenda.


The Climate Action brief has been additionally strengthened by the appointment of Cllr Mary Mitchell (Welsh Harp) as 'Climate Action Cabinet Champion.'

Hopefully this will mean a more concerted and coordinated tackling of climate emergency action across council departments. Something local environmental groups have been pressing for.







I understand  that Cllr Rita Begum (Kilburn) failed in her attempt to become Deputy Leader of the Labour Group. Cllr Rita Conneely (Kilburn) retains her chair of the Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee. Cabinet and  Committee posts go the the Full Council AGM for approval but the Chief Whip post is internal.

The Council AGM takes place on May 22nd, when other positions will be announced, and the first Cabinet of the new municipal year is on May 28th.

Striking Byron Court staff call for community support on their picket line on Friday May 17th. They are striking against forced academisation & the resulting worsening of teachers' pay and conditions and children's education


Staff of Byron Court Primary School in Brent will be striking against forced academisation on Friday May 17th. This is the first of a series of strikes that will take place in May and June against the takeover of this community school by the Harris Federation.

The National Education Union  have asked for support on their picket line protest from 7.30am to 9am at the school in Spencer Road near South Kenton station.

Positive response to TfL's cycling plans for Harlesden-Wembley Central route: 'Now let's build it - no time to lose!'

From Transport for London

Between 10 November and 21 December 2023 we consulted on walking and cycling improvements between Wembley Central and Harlesden stations.


The proposals include a protected two-way cycle lane on the A404 Harrow Road and Brentfield, new and improved cycle and pedestrian crossings over Harrow Road, better street lighting and more trees and plants to help make the area feel safer and more welcoming. 


We received 313 responses in total, including ten from stakeholders. 


Some key findings include:

• 83 per cent (233 respondents) think the scheme will encourage more people to walk

• 87 per cent (243 respondents) think the scheme will encourage more people to cycle2

• 69 per cent3 (190 respondents) think the scheme will encourage more people to use public transport

• 60 per cent (163 respondents) think the scheme will mean fewer people will choose to travel by motor vehicle for personal journeys and 46% (125 respondents) think it will have no impact on business journeys


Next steps

TfL will continue to work closely with LB Brent officers to develop these proposals for walking and cycling improvements between Wembley and Harlesden over the coming months. The feedback we heard from local people and other stakeholders during our consultation will inform this work, along with further surveys and assessments.


An updated set of designs for these improvements will then be shared with Brent Councillors, who will then make a decision on whether to progress the proposed design solution to construction.


We will continue to liaise with community stakeholder groups to provide updates on our progress.


These are the indicative timescales we will work to, going forward:

  • Spring 2024 – further design work, including surveys and assessments
  • Summer 2024 – continue to engage with stakeholders
  • Late 2024 – decision point (with Brent Council) to commit to constructing the scheme, subject to acceptance and further refinement of proposals following the consultation, The contract for the detailed design work would then be issued
  • 2026 – anticipated start of construction, subject to approvals and programme


On Twitter Brent Cycling Campaign said:

The report into the consultation on the proposed walking and cycling improvements to the Wembley-Harlesden route has been published. Disappointing response rate but largely supportive. Let's build this now pleaseTfL and Brent Council. No time to lose.