Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Sufra launch Ramadan Appeal 'Seeking Sanctuary - Finding Hope' - your donation will be match funded, Help the homeless and the hungry



 Thanks to the Islam Channel for the video

 Message from Sufra Foodbanks and Community Kitchen

Whilst many of our team observe fasting during this month of Ramadan, it’s sad and distressing that a growing number of our guests don’t even have enough food to break their fast.


Youssef, a young Sudanese refugee, is just one of many of our guests in this situation.


Youssef came to our food bank this week in desperate need of hope. He had been sleeping on the streets for weeks, with no food or adequate provisions to keep warm. He had lost faith in getting the support he needs over Ramadan.


As we do with a growing number of refugees and people seeking asylum who have been made homeless, we are making sure Youssef now has a nourishing Iftar every day.


Meanwhile, we are paying for emergency accommodation to keep Youssef warm, dry and safe – whilst fighting for his right to a decent roof over his head.


With record levels of demand for food aid at Sufra, and homelessness reaching new highs across London, we can’t do this without your help.  



At a recent Advice drop-in, Ahmed (a refugee from North Africa) turned up in complete despair. Despite his physical disability, he was evicted from his Home Office accommodation without any support, and left to fend for himself on the cold streets of London.  


Using our Samaritan Fund, our Advice Team arranged emergency accommodation in a hotel that met his medical needs. We provided food aid and support with his benefits, whilst working to secure his right to a decent roof over his head. 


This Ramadan, Sufra’s thoughts are with people like Ahmed, who have been forcibly displaced and are bravely establishing new lives in London. Those who have fled war, abuse and life under threat. Those forced to leave their families and seek sanctuary in a foreign land. 


Donate Now to Help Sufra Support People Like Ahmed  


Sadly, when a person seeking asylum reaches the UK, their basic human rights are ignored and they are often treated like second class citizens. Every day our advice workers are faced with some of the most inhumane and heart-wrenching cases, and it isn’t the situations they are fleeing but the ones they are facing here. 


As soon as a person seeking asylum receives the right to remain in the UK, they are served an eviction notice and have as little as seven days to leave their Home Office accommodation. Many of them are left homeless and hungry whilst trying to find a place they can afford – an almost impossible task. 

When guests come to Sufra, we make them feel at home by sharing a meal and listening to their struggles. We treat everyone with dignity and respect to rekindle their hope and sense of community – all whilst fighting for their basic right to food and shelter.  


Please support our ‘Seeking Sanctuary, Finding Hope’ Appeal to help uscontinue to provide food and shelter this Ramadan. 


35,000 Meals This Ramadan 


During the holy month of Ramadan, our Community Kitchens will be serving free Iftars, four days a week. People of all faiths or no faith are welcome to attend and sample Chef Jas' delicious global cuisine.  


Through our network of Food Banks and Community Kitchens, we aim to provide 35,000 meals to those most in need.


If you would like to be part of our mission this Ramadan, please donate HERE


Double Your Donations with Beta Charitable Trust (BCT)


We are very grateful to have £10,000 of initial match funding for our Ramadan Appeal from our gracious, long-term partner BCT. This means every penny you give will automatically be doubled and have twice the impact for our guests.


Donation amounts: 

  • £5 will provide one of our guests with a hot and freshly cooked 3-course meal.   
  • £40 will provide a family with a week’s worth of food and essentials. 
  • £100 will cover the cost of emergency accommodation for a guest who has been made homeless. 
  • £250 will sponsor one of our homeless food drives.
  • £1250 will sponsor a week’s Community Kitchen service. 


Zakat al-Mal and Zakat al-Fitr 


Sufra NW London can distribute Zakat al-Mal and Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of observant Muslims to needy individuals and families living in Northwest London. 


All Zakat funds are restricted to providing emergency aid (including food, clothing and hostel accommodation). No zakat funds are used for the general running costs of the organisation. 


You can find our Zakat Policy here. 


To pay Zakat al-Mal (2.5% of annual savings – restricted to emergency aid) use this link

To pay Fidya, Kaffarah or Zakat al-Fitr (£5/person – 100% restricted to food) use this link


Other Ways to Help 


Many mosques, community centres and school are running food drives during the month to help keep our shelves stocked, if you would like to organise a collection please get in touch and we can provide you with one of our iconic yellow bins and shopping lists to distribute in your local community. 

Alternatively, you could also take part in our Ramadan Giving Calendar which is a great way for children to learn about the importance of giving (and adults too!)



1 comment:

Azeez's Blog said...

As someone who has personally benefited from Sufra's unwavering support, I can attest to the profound impact of their initiatives. During a challenging period, Sufra provided me with not only nourishing meals but also a sense of community and hope. Their commitment to assisting individuals like Youssef and Ahmed, as highlighted in their 'Seeking Sanctuary - Finding Hope' Ramadan Appeal, resonates deeply with me. The knowledge that donations are being matched by the Beta Charitable Trust amplifies the potential to make a difference. I encourage everyone to support Sufra's mission, as their work truly transforms lives.