Wednesday 16 October 2024

Battle over another Adult Gaming Centre in Harlesden at Planning Committee tonight


The premises

The latest chaper in the battle over an additional Adult Gaming  Centre (AGC) in Harlesden takes place at Planning Committee tonight after a number of applications and Planning Inspectorate appeals.

It pits ward councillors and 19 objectors who oppose the application against the recommendation to approve it made by planning officers.

The Harlesden and Kensal Green ward councillors are Mili Patel, who is deputy leader of Brent Council; Matt Kelcher, who is chair of Brent Planning Committee, and Jumbo Chan.

Clearly officers are seeking to avoid yet another appeal by the applicant to the Planning Inspectorate and rely on some changes in the application and its context to recommend approval.

The narrowest one is the proportion of AGC shop fronts in the area which has been reduced by one such shop front coverting to retail.  The quota is 3% and with this application at 5-6 Park Parade comes in at 2.74%.

 The Officers Report states:

In summary, the proposed change of use would not result in an unacceptable over-concentration of Adult Gaming Centres as defined within the Council’s adopted policies, it therefore would not harm the vitality and viability of Harlesden Town Centre. The proposed development is in accordance with to DMP 1 and BE5 of the Brent Local Plan 2019-2041. The principle of development is in accordance with the Council’s policies and the London Plan and therefore is considered acceptable.

 The proposal is now for one Adult Gaming Centre unit in the double fronted shop rather than an AGC plus betting shop as previously. 

The concern over the impact on crime and anti-social behaviourof another AGC preying on a vulnerable population is undermined by the Planning Inspector's findings:

Comments were received raising concern that the use would result in crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour, noting the Police objected to a previous applications. Previous comments from the Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team suggested that adult gaming centres were driver for anti-social behaviour, maps were previously provided showing the location a concentration of anti-social behaviour, violence and drug offences. The comments noted a concentration around the Jubilee Clock and Silvertime gaming centre. The Safer Neighbourhood Teams raised similar concerns with the Appeal Scheme (Appeal Ref:

APP/T5150/W/21/3269557) , a list of offences were submitted and the Inspector was furnished with this.

The Inspector did not support the Local Planning Authorities view in terms of crime, anti-social behaviour and disorder, at paragraph 16 of the Appeal Decision (Appeal Ref: APP/T5150/W/21/3269557) they stated
‘The Council have detailed concerns relating to crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour including comments from local residents and bodies, the Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team and the Metropolitan Police. The Harlesden area is identified as an area of high deprivation with unemployment and homelessness levels generally high. There is no unequivocal link presented to me between these matters and the proposal which would result in a single AGC leading to a harmful effect on crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in the area.'

 Planning Officers' conclude:

The principle of development is acceptable and would not result in an over concentration of AGCs within Harlesden Town Centre as defined within the council's planning policies or result in harm to the vitality and viability of the town centre. The proposed development is considered to be acceptable in terms of impact to character and appearance of the subject property and the wider streetscene and the development would preserve the character of the Harlesden Conservation Area. The proposed development is not considered to have an adverse impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties.


Subject to conditions, the proposed use would be acceptable and not result in harm to the locality and neighbouring occupiers. The proposal is considered to be in general accordance with the development plan having regard to material considerations.

Approval is accordingly recommended.


 The full Officers' Report is HERE

The meeting is in the Conference Hall of Brent Civic Centre at 6pm tonight. It is also live streamed HERE.

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