Sunday 20 October 2024

Brent Council consultation on varying the PSPO regarding dogs in Paddingon Old Cemetery following complaints


From Brent Council

Dogs in Paddington Old Cemetery Consultation

Have your say – dogs in Paddington Old Cemetery

The Consultation

Brent Council has received complaints relating to dog behaviour in Paddington Old Cemetery, located in Willesden Lane NW6 and we are seeking your views on the rules that currently apply under our Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

Paddington Old Cemetery is one of four Brent cemeteries and the only one that allows dogs. The cemetery itself is a working cemetery with a number of burials taking place every year.

What is a PSPO

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPOs) are a legal measure aimed at preventing nuisance in public areas, with the aim of maintaining public safety and improving the quality of life for residents and visitors. They work by imposing conditions on the use of that area that apply to everyone.

Have your say

We are now consulting on varying the PSPO to address the complaints we are receiving about the behaviour of dogs in Paddington Old Cemetery. We are keen to hear from the local community to help us understand what rules should apply.

Please submit one questionnaire per household. If more than one response is received from the same household, only the first response will be considered as part of the consultation.

This consultation will open from Friday 18th October 2024 to Tuesday 10th December.

For further information on the consultation and FAQs please click here

You can email the Cemeteries team for more information


The consultation opened onf Friday 18th October and closes on Tursday 10th December 2024. Link to consultation survey  HERE


Anonymous said...

South Kilburn Public Open Space 2 hectares in the 45 ha tall building car-free housing zoned needs a PSPO imposed by GLA/ MHCLG to protect its being lost to Brent Council landowner 'site allocations' building on all of it bit-by-bit. Bigger, absolute and more terminal threats to green infrastructure exist than the Brent dog walking community. Go look for Granville Road Public Open Space in 2024, you will no longer find it.

POC, the Chapels are looking for a National Lottery grant to refurbish and put back into use the Chapels in this image. POC 10 hectares in size amazingly has only one daytime public entrance north side on Willesden Lane. I have proposed a new south-east daytime use entrance door through the cemetery wall to Salusbury Road Queens Park Town Centre at either St. Annes Church sheltered housing or Queens Studios. POC users like this from one entrance to two entrances upgrade idea for this public open space allowing more Brent public to access, that at least is a good starting point for this new entrance to actually be built.

Jaine Lunn said...

As it's the only cemetery in Brent that allows Dogs, are the Dogs on their own or accompanied by humans? Either way I'm sure the neighbours or not complaining, they probably glad of the company. I many of the residents have never heard of a PSPO let alone wish to travel to the other side to consult. This is you having a joke Martin?

Anonymous said...

Dogs are always off the lead, urinating, defecating jumping over people or attacking other dogs. The owners brought it on themselves

Anonymous said...

From Ham and High, its a petition that has been put to Brent.

In South Kilburn Public Open Space 2 hectares, the dog walkers help make the park safe, its a 24/7 park for a 24/7 real London and you can see dogs being walked there at all hours. Dog ownership massively increased during pandemic with stay local/ be outdoors. Dog owners are an important community here and they do pay local tax for their vital park access rights.

POC banning dog walkers from what they help to fund in a very built-up Kilburn seems harsh especially as POC is always staffed when its gate is open. Maybe Brent needs to engage with its dog owner community now that it has the views of its non dog owners in the petition? The more use, the safer public accessible open space becomes and POC surely needs more use rather than a less use PSPO?