Thursday 10 October 2024

Georgia Gould defends Winter Fuel Allowance cuts to Brent constituents

Unite Pensioners protest against Winter Fuel Allowance Cut

Georgia  Gould, the recently elected MP for the new constituency of Queens Park and Maida Vale, that includes three Brent wards, has defended the cut in Pensioner's Winter Fuel Allowance.

She writes:


Dear constituent,


Thank you for your email and setting out your thoughts on the Chancellor’s decision on Winter Fuel Payments. I apologise for the delay in responding to you, setting up my office has created a significant backlog in correspondence and I appreciate your patience. 


I can assure you this was not a decision that was taken lightly. The fact is that the previous Conservative government knowingly and recklessly overspent on departmental budgets, then covered it up, called an election and ran away from the problem, leaving a £22bn black hole in our country’s finances. Sadly, this means the Chancellor has had to make some really tough choices. As the Conservatives made commitment after commitment without knowing where the money was going to come, it is now up to the new Government to clean up the mess and take action to ensure the scale of the inheritance they have left us does not continue to threaten our economic stability.


Again, while it was a difficult decision, linking Winter Fuel Payment to Pension Credit means that payments are better targeted at those most in need. Of course, some low-income pensioners still aren’t claiming Pension Credit <> , and we are increasing our work with external partners and local authorities to boost uptake and target additional support to the poorest pensioners. This would then allow them to receive Winter Fuel Payment alongside other benefits – hundreds of pounds that could really help them.


For those who are not eligible for Pension Credit, the Chancellor has repeated Labour’s manifesto commitment to protecting the triple lock. This will, over the next five years, mean that over 12 million pensioners will see their State Pension increase by thousands of pounds. 


We are also working to tackle the cost of living crisis by saving money for citizens across the board including through our Warm Homes Plan which will support investment in insulation and low carbon heating – saving households money on their gas and electricity bills. Our ultimate aim is to bring stability back to our economy and to people’s lives, as creating economic stability benefits pensioners who are on fixed incomes with little or no means to supplement their income. 


Whilst I understand things remain tough, I hope this goes some way in reassuring you that we are trying our absolute best to support everyone with the resources we have available. Thank you again for your email.


Yours sincerely,


Georgia Gould MP
Member of Parliament (Queen’s Park and Maida Vale)







Anonymous said...

Not sure she understands what tough is, given she is a nepobaby

Anonymous said...

Anyone had a letter from Barry Gardiner or Dawn Butler? It would be good to compare them.

Anonymous said...

How these people expect pensioners to live just over £200 a weak is beyond me. This looks more and more like a one term government. As for CHANGE, so far all negative.

Anonymous said...

How much did it cost us tax payers for her to 'set up her office'?

Why has it taken do long?

And do those costs include the cost of heating that office?

Anonymous said...

What about Keir Starmer (who apparently has a personal fortune of £7million), his fellow Labour MPs and the Mayor of London getting freebie tickets, clothes, holidays etc - will these now be declared for tax? Will these benefits be means tested???

It's one rule for us and another rule for them😡

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of uncaring Tories we've elected into government.

Anonymous said...

Yet Labour is about to commit to wasting £6 billion of public funds to tunnel extend HS2 to Euston station.

That when new Old Oak Common station in Europe's biggest regeneration area 650 ha is 1.5 miles from the GLA Central London boundary at Royal Oak station. Plus you can already get a train direct to Euston from Willesden Junction with a 400m walk from OOC and the Central London boundary is set to expand as London grows north, south, east and WEST.

Why dig that £22 billion hole £28 billion plus deep? Labour is taken hostage by tunnel lobbyists at a brutal life quality cost to pensioners and to London outside of its conservation area welfare state continuity zones.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of hippocrites people voted in!

Please note not everyone was fooled by them!

Anonymous said...

As a pensioner, I currently pay £200 per month to my supplier for dual fuel, I have received winter fuel allowance in the past and this has been credited to my account, I am still in £1800 in debt which I am trying to pay off as and when I can. Yes I need help.

Anonymous said...

Cancel the £6billion plus needless tunnel to Euston public spend and Brent gets the HS2 London Gateway station ( 400m from Harlesden) and there is money for pensioners winter fuel allowance to be restored.

Anonymous said...

Our friend has been caring for her elderly mother for years without claiming any assistance from the government - but now the winter fuel allowance has been taken away, losing them £300 each, her mother will make a point of claiming attendance allowance of around £65 per week or around £3,380 per year.

So the government will be paying out around £2,780 more per year to just this one family. How many others will follow suit?