Brent Mencap has circulated this message:
Here at Brent Mencap we are very concerned about the effect that public sector spending cuts will have on the lives of people with a learning disability in Brent. Even in the "good times" people with learning disabilities didn't get paid jobs or as good medical treatment as the rest of the population. They were discriminated against by service providers in many other ways.
We think the cuts and changes to things like
- Disability Living Allowance
- Incapacity benefit.
- Social Care services and Community based support
- Housing benefit cuts and longer waits for their own tenancies
- Cuts to transport staff, police, libraries, sports centres, colleges and other public services
will make it much harder for people to feel safe in their communities or access community services. We also think it will slow down the reasonable adjustments that service providers need to make to enable people with a learning disability to access the same services that you and I take for granted.
As a campaigning organisation we are going to hold some meetings for Brent people with a learning disability of all ages and their families . At these meetings we will talk about the kinds of cuts and changes the Government and Council are planning and support people to decide what action they want to take. Please circulate details of these meetings to people you know with a learning disability and their families. The times may not suit some people and we could hold similar meetings at different times if there was enough demand. Please contact about this.
Please circulate the flier (see under Pages) to your contacts who work with people with a learning disability and their families.
We are looking for volunteers to help support people with a learning disability voice their concerns. If you are interested in volunteering with us please contact
Brent Mencap recognises that other vulnerable groups and the general public will also be badly affected by these cuts and changes. We would encourage other voluntary sector groups, residents groups and other people to also get involved in the local anti-cuts campaign. The next local meeting to plan action against the cuts (organised by Brent Trades Union Council) is on Wednesday 8th September at 7.30 at the Apollo Club, 377 High Road Willesden NW10 2JR. We would encourage people to attend and also to plan their response to the cuts. For more details of the public meetings please contact Sarah Cox on
At the recent meeting we heard that Camden Councillors and their workforce (and parts of Islington Council) will be demonstrating against the cuts on October 20th, the date the comprehensive spending review report is published. To date there seems to be no similar action planned in Brent and it appears as if the cuts will go ahead here with little Brent statutory or voluntary sector public response about how this will badly affect Brent residents