Showing posts with label Cllr Collymore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Collymore. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Cllr Collymore resigns as Deputy Mayor of Brent Council and resigns from other council positions

 Brent Audit and Standards Committee was told tonight that Cllr Collymore has resigned from her position as Deputy Mayor and from her other council positions. This follows the finding that she had breached the Members Code of Conduct in an altercation with a parking warden. See LINK

Members noted the outcome of the investigation bt Debra Norman, Corporate Director of Law and Governance and the sanctions imposed.

Cllr Janice Long remarked that the report made what appeared to be something nasty seem bland, and it was hard to judge without seeing the video footage referred to. Debra Norman said the video was private but had been made available to the leaders of the Labour Group. The complaint was serious but she could imagine worse. She did not want therefore to use the full range of sanctions available to her.

She confirmed that as the decsion had been made under  her delegated powers it would not go the Audit Committee.

I understand that at present Cllr Collymore remains a councillor and a member of the Labour Party.