Alan Mathison |
Brent Green Party has selected Alan Mathison to fight the Kenton by-election. Alan, now retired, has spent most of his working life in universities and housing management. He has been a governor of three schools. He stood for the Greens in Kenton in last year's local election and received substantial support.
Alan said:
"The Green Party is the only party nationally who are questioning the whole strategy of deficit reduction through cuts. Locally the Labour Party are implementing the cuts imposed by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition and failing to protect the most vulnerable in the process. We are opposed to these cuts and are actively supporting Brent Fightback's efforts at coordinating opposition across sectors and involving both trades unions and users of public services.
Nationally we favour increased taxation of the very rich and heavy taxes on bank profits and bonuses. We want investment in the creation of socially useful green jobs through the provision of training opportunities and projects that would provide insulation for all homes, low-cost sustainable housing and public transport, and renewable energy production. Translated into local action this would help provide jobs at a time of rapidly rising unemployment."
Alan is scathing about his opponents in the by-election:
"The Labour Party's assurance that it would protect the most vulnerable from cuts has proved hollow. The Brent Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have the colossal cheek to start campaigning against the cuts locally when it is their government that has demanded them.
All three parties voted for the £100m over the top Civic Centre vanity project which is a slap in the face for local people when they see their services being slashed and charges raised. If we want all our libraries kept open and this means not building the Civic Centre, well so be it. Let's not build it!"
Reflecting on Kenton, where he moved eleven years ago, Alan said:
"I enjoy living in Kenton, it is a great place to live, but looking around you can see that it has been neglected by Brent Council. If elected my priorities would be to tackle Kenton's flooding problems, find ways of relocating the John Billam children's playground to a safer and more accessible site, seek to end the traffic chaos on Drayton Avenue and put an end to the dangerous speeding on Woodcock Hill. Kenton would be a much safer and pleasanter place to live if these issues were tackled."
Anyone willing to help with Alan's campaign should contact me.