Showing posts with label Randall Avenue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randall Avenue. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2025

Planning Officers recommend approval of Reserved Matters in Randall Avenue application to build on back garden

 The development site

 From above

 A controversial planning application will be heard at Brent Planning Committee on Wednesday which received some vociferous opposition at the Outline stage. The application is on reserved matters for the plan to build on the garden at the rear of 7 Randall Avenue in Dollis Hill:

The application relations to the grassed area to the rear of No.7 Randall Avenue. The application site slopes to the south, and currently forms part of the garden to No.7 Randall Avenue. The application site has a shared driveway with the adjacent dwelling to the north, No.9 Randall Avenue.

Ten individuals have submitted objections some of which are multiple. Not mentioned in the officers' report is a Change petition 'Brent Council must reject all plans to approve a private car park and HMO on Randall Avenue, NW2' LINK.



Front view of development

Extract from  an Objector's comment:


I am writing to formally object to the planning application submitted by Mr. Teixeira for the development of the 1.5 storey building right behind my house, based on outline permission 22/0175. This objection is rooted in significant concerns that must be addressed and the risk are too high associated for this planned building.

The proposed development poses a serious risk of land movement and potential landslides due to its location on a higher part of the hill, directly above our home at 98 Dollis Hill Avenue. Any disturbance to the hillside could result in structural damage to our property and neighbouring homes. We already face issues with soil instability, and new construction on the muddy, water-saturated ground significantly increases the risk of landslides. The loss of soil cohesion and added weight from construction could exacerbate this, leading to dangerous consequences for the entire area. Who will take responsibility for the damage if this occurs-the council or the developer?

Additionally, the underground parking proposed on conserved land poses serious environmental and noise concerns. Not only would it disrupt the green space and natural extension of Gladstone Park into our gardens, but it would also increase noise pollution and vibrations from vehicle engines, causing a loss of tranquillity in our outdoor spaces. There is a strong possibility of structural damage to nearby properties over time due to these vibrations, especially considering the already unstable soil in the area.

Further, the introduction of more cars and the associated air pollution from exhaust emissions will have detrimental effects on the air quality in our gardens and could harm the local flora and fauna, not to mention the long-term health risks for residents. The character of this quiet, modest area will be forever altered by a luxury development overlooking our gardens and the tenants looking into our houses, bringing increased noise, traffic, and a social divide that could push long-term residents out of the neighbourhood.

Finally, issues of overshadowing, loss of privacy, and increased traffic congestion must be thoroughly examined. The scale and design of the development are out of character with the local architecture, and the shared driveway arrangement raises legal concerns. This is an area built for tranquillity and a naturally grown community that enjoys nature and privacy, and the proposed development threatens that balance.

I strongly urge the Planning Committee to reconsider this application in light of the risks posed to neighbouring properties, the environment, and the community. The potential impact on our safety, quality of life, and local infrastructure is too great to ignore.
Thank you for your consideration

Residents' experience of Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) is raised in the petition and some objections. Planning officers respond:

The development as granted by the outline planning permission seeks to erect a new, self-contained dwellinghouse to the rear of No.7 Randall Ave. Functionally, the proposed dwellinghouse forms a separate planning unit to the premises at No.7 Randall Ave. There is no evidence to suggest that a new home would result in increased anti-social behaviour.


The use of 7 Randall Avenue had previously been investigated by the Planning Enforcement Team and found to be lawfully operating as a small HMO with a licence. This had been happening prior to the Article 4 direction, which prevents the change of use to small HMO's within Brent without planning permission.


Any change of use into a 'large' HMO of a sui generis nature beyond the threshold of Use Class C4 would express necessitate planning permission anyways. (sic)


There is sufficient control in place that would prevent the proposed dwellinghouse to be converted into an HMO without express planning permission.


The Planning Officrs' recommend the Planning Committee approve the application LINK