Showing posts with label Wealdstone Brook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wealdstone Brook. Show all posts

Friday 15 April 2022

Do not view before eating: Photographic evidence of Wealdstone Brook sewage pollution

With the planning application for the Lidding Road Garages, close to the Wealdstone Brook, coming up on Wednesday (See LINK ) a reader has helpfully sent me photographs taken today of the sewage pollution in the brook. Raw faeces flowing into the water. Surely councillors cannot ignore this?

Thursday 14 April 2022

The 'Battle of the Brook' returns on April 20th over flooding and sewage fears regarding the Lidding Road Garages planning application


One of several teenagers seen crossing the Wealdstone Brook recently - if they fell in the water they could swallow something very nasty

A comprehensive objection has been submitted on the Brent Planning Portal to the Lidding Road Garages Planning Application. The Planning Committee will consider the application next week (Wednesday April 20th) after its deferral to consider a report from Thames Water.

Planning Officers are recommending approval LINK .

Comments can still be made on the Planning Application HERE




The Wealdstone Brook is a river that starts from a spring on Stanmore Common in Harrow and runs through Harrow, into Brent near Woodcock Park in Kenton and then onto the river Brent beyond Wembley. By the time water enters the London Borough of Brent at the cross roads of Kenton Road and Kenton Lane it is already seriously polluted and reading counts taken of the E.coli bacteria in the water at the end of Lidding Road in Kenton, were one of the highest recorded from waterways in the London area. E.coli is a naturally occurring bacterium that is found in the human gut and is therefore an indicator of foul raw sewage in a water course.


This serious level of water pollution is due in part to known and unknown misconnections of the foul surface water and foul raw sewage water connections throughout its course through Harrow and the additional misconnections in this part of Kenton, Brent. Under severe rainfall events the Wealdstone Brook quickly fills to its maximum capacity before it reaches Woodcock Park and, due in part to poor maintenance, blocked and damaged foul surface water and foul sewage drains, the areas around the Brook quickly get flooded and badly polluted. The most recent recorded foul raw sewage overspill was from the manhole on the grass area at the end of Lidding Road on the 5th October 2021. This raw foul sewage over spilled onto the grass area, onto the area next to it known as the Legion Hall site and then into the Wealdstone Brook.


The Wealdstone Brook was an earth bank water course and there are numerous recorded flooding events between 1927 and 1981. In 1977 on the 16th and 17th August the Brook burst its banks and the whole surrounding area of Kenton was flooded including numerous residential properties. Following this 1977 event, works were undertaken along the length of the Brook up to and including the junction of the Kenton Road/Kenton Lane interchange – in other words mainly on the Brent side. These works included the widening, deepening and brick-walling sections of the Brook from Woodcock Park down to Wembley. The aim of these improvement works was to increase the capacity of the Brook and to speed up the flow of the water. An engineer’s report at that time indicated that these improvements would alleviate problems of flooding for 50 years – and that was 43 years ago.


The Wealdstone Brook is simply incapable of coping with the expected water run-off during storm events because it is, according to a recent Thames Water engineer, attempting to operate at over 130% capacity during severe weather events. There is an important difference between the Wealdstone Brook over-spilling its banks and the flooding which occurs around the Wealdstone Brook during severe weather events. This distinction is important in the light of the recorded history of the Brook. As stated earlier, the Brook starts its life from a spring on Stanmore Common in Harrow and continues to receive surface water from several sources as it runs towards the river Brent:


1.    Surface road drains taking rain water from roads and into the Brook. Most of the outlets of these drains can be seen on the sides of the Brook and most are at a low level where their outlet enters the Brook. Many are blocked with debris due to poor maintenance and soon become unable to discharge when the flowing water level in the Brook rises.

2.   Water run-off from saturated ground – such as the parks, school grounds as well as gardens which abut the sides of the Brook.

3.   Damaged, broken and leaking clean water drains.

4.   Misconnected foul sewage water and surface water pipes which connect to the surface water drains as in 1).

5.    Springs

Even in the driest of summers and the coldest of winters, water continues to flow in the Brook.


It is when there are torrential downpours and storm like conditions that we see the full force of the Brook. Within 30minutes of a storm event in the NW London area, the Brook can be full of water moving along it at a rate of 20 tons per second. In these situations the Brook is at full capacity when it hits the culvert that runs under the Kenton Road/Kenton Lane interchange and the roads around here become flooded. The poorly maintained road drains cannot cope and cannot discharge into the Brook. By the time the water reaches the Falcon Way culvert it is also full to capacity. Again, road flooding around this area and around Lindsay Drive roundabout occurs for the same reasons. These are all HA3 0 areas of Kenton. If any problems occur further down the Brook such as blockages of the road and railway culverts or the opening of the sluice gates on the Welsh Harp, then the flow of water in the Brook is slowed resulting in areas around the Brook higher up flooding even more severely.


Flooding from the Wealdstone Brook is therefore a more complex issue than simply saying that the Brook is overflowing its banks. It is a combination of hydrology issues which vary from event to event and include such factors as the direction of the weather storm event, the intensity of the downpours, the length of the downpours and, crucially to begin with, the state of the drains. Once a storm event has started both surface foul water and domestic foul water sewer drains quickly become full, house drains overflow and the mixture of these waters pollutes the surrounding land and intensifies the pollution of the Brook.


The main Wealdstone Trunk Sewer, which follows a similar path to the Wealdstone Brook through Woodcock Park and onto the northern section of the grounds of Uxendon Manor School, has been known to discharge its contents from 6m underground to well over 3m above ground during severe storm conditions. All this foul and surface water attempts to flow into the Brook.


To put it bluntly, the drainage infrastructure in the area simply cannot cope and is not fit for purpose. For the Environment Agency and Thames Water to say that housing developments close to the Brook can tap into the present infrastructure is to ignore the numerous occasions that Thames Water and Lanes for Drains have had to clean, repair and replace various pieces of drainage pipework in the area in the past few years. And to attempt to build on and next to the present drainage infrastructure as suggested in the Lidding Road garages development proposal (Planning Application 21/3248) would land Brent Council with a substantial structural and economic ongoing problem which would be both a disaster for the residents of these new builds, the residents in the surrounding area as well as an ongoing and increasing economic burden for the Council tax payers of Brent Council. Hash Patel, a past Principal Engineer, Transportation Service with Brent Council, following flooding around the Brook on Wednesday 26th August 2015 and Wednesday 16th September 2015 stated the following:


“Regarding the River Brent and Wealdstone Brook, I am not aware that surface water has topped the banks (of the Brook). I am aware of flooding in your catchment and majority is related to inadequate capacity in the public sewer network” (my emphasis)


Thames Water knows it has to divert the damaged, broken and dysfunctional Victorian sewer pipe that runs from Woodgrange Close, through Woodcock Park, across the green field sites at the end of Lidding Road, through the back gardens of numbers 9 to 14 Brookfield Crescent and onto the manhole junction in Brookfield Crescent, before any works can take place on the site of the old Legion Hall and the grass area at the end of Lidding Road. This would be a very expensive piece of restructuring work. Best not to let them pass the buck to Brent Council.


It is wrong to consider housing developments in a flood plain zone 3 area and it is wrong to build over foul water sewers and surface water sewers. The Environment Agency and Thames Water are wrong to approve to the proposed housing development at the end of Lidding Road (Planning Application 21/3248). They are, in my opinion, acting irresponsibly.


Brent Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 ( and their pamphlet ‘Nature, green space and the climate and ecological emergency’ should surely be the foundation and driving force in the local Planning agenda. ‘Protect the remaining green spaces, support biodiversity, stop flooding or reduce their severity by preventing surface run off’ – all good intentions which need to be put into practice.


An Independent London Flood Review has been announced (Wednesday 22nd December 2021) into the flooding events of July 2021. The review seeks ‘to better understand the extent and causes of these floods, to assess how the drainage systems performed, and to recommend how the increasing risks of future flooding events can be managed.’


‘The review, which has been commissioned by Thames Water, will play an integral part in ensuring that the company future proofs its infrastructure to protect its customers, their communities and the environment as such severe weather events look set to become the norm across the UK.’


‘The review will also play an important role in improving the collaborative working between all parties responsible for managing future flooding risks. As part of its focus, the review will provide insights on London’s wider drainage infrastructure and broader recommendations that could be adopted by all organisations with surface water responsibilities. It is anticipated that the review will take no more than 6 months with interim reports published as it progresses.’


It would be prudent of Brent Council Planning Committee to await the findings of this review in areas where flooding has occurred and is occurring not just in severe weather events but under normal rainfall conditions. This should be particularly applied to areas designated as Flood Zones 3a and 3b by the Environment Agency such as in the Lidding Road garages Planning Application 21/3248.


‘This Independent Review will also assist with Thames Water’s role (as a Risk Management Authority) in supporting Local Authorities in undertaking their flooding investigations as required by Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010).’


‘As part of its Independent Review this inquiry will examine the flooding mechanisms and consider the performance of drainage systems against design standards.’


This will hopefully set a standard whereby Brent Council Planning Officers and Brent Council Planning Committee members can assess whether a housing development such as that proposed at the end of Lidding Road meets the necessary flood risk assessment standards or is too risky to consider until major changes have been undertaken to the surface water and foul sewage water drainage infrastructure in the area of the proposed development.


Finally, I would like to conclude on the assumed role of the Environment Agency (EA) with regards to the Wealdstone Brook and its maintenance including its banks. The EA claim in an email letter to John Poole dated 28th April 2021 that they do not own the Brook and are not responsible for its maintenance including the banks of the Brook. The EA claim the maintenance is the responsibility of the riparian owner where the banks are owned by the landowner which in the case of my garden would be me. There is just one problem with this approach to the responsibility for maintenance and repair and that is that the EA does not allow me to enter the Brook to carry out any necessary maintenance or repair. The other issue to do with this denial of responsibility from the EA and delegation of responsibility to riparian owners is that Brent Council would have to take over stretches of the Wealdstone Brook and its banks where Brent Council owned land joins the Brook or where the Council owned properties with gardens end at the Brook since they would be designated the riparian owner. This is particularly relevant in the case of the Planning Application 21/3248 since Brent Council would be deemed to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Brook and its banks from the footbridge near the Woodcock Park Mural, through Woodcock Park, past the end of Lidding Road, past the site of the ex-Legion Hall grounds and down to the Falcon Way bridge at least on the Uxendon Manor School side of the Brook. Needless to say, if this was proven to be correct this would have very serious financial implications for Brent Council.




BRENT COUNCIL – Flood Risk Management Strategy – Managing the Floods Risk in Brent - 2015

GREATER LONDON COUNCIL – Public Services and Safety Committee Report (30.09.77) – from the Director of Public Health Engineering  - Flooding on 17th August 1977.

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD – Departmental Investigation into Flood Warning Arrangements in North West London – Report – (25th April 1978)


HALCROW REPORT – The Environment Agency Thames Region – Wealdstone Brook Investigations – Scheme No 3721 – February 1999



SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS: WRITTEN STATEMENT-HCWS161 made by Eric Pickles (Secretary of State of Communities and Local Government) – 18th December 2014.


Water Industry Act 1991 – Chapter 56 – Sewerage Services – as amended.

Wealdstone Brook Water Quality meeting Thursday 22nd August 2019 which includes a map of all the misconnections of foul sewage water pipes and surfaces water pipes known at that point in time in the Harrow area.

THAMES WATER – Building over or close to a public sewer – undated but updated on a regular basis on the Thames Water website.

PINNACLE CONSULTING ENGINEERS – PROBABILITY OF FLOODING – A flood risk assessment revision 1 as part of the Planning Application for temporary classrooms on the Uxendon Manor School site – undated but probably around 2015 and includes a detailed Thames Water Drainage and Water Enquiry of the area around the school.

Flood Risk Assessment – Uxendon Manor Temporary Classrooms – April 2015 – Price and Myers – contains important information with regards to flood risk assessment in the area of the proposed Lidding Road development.

Email correspondence with Hash Patel, Principal Engineer, Transportation Services, Brent Council September 16th 2015.

London Flood Review ( December 2021

Environment Agency email from Catherine MacDougall – Asset Performance Team Leader (Colne, Brent and Crane) dated 28th April 2021 (ref: HNL 12715 HH) – to John Poole. 



Tuesday 12 April 2022

Lidding Road planning application near Wealdstone Brook, returns to Planning Committee after Thames Water commentary

 The planning application for the development of garages at Lidding Road in the north of Brent was deferred last December after councillors heard representations from the Friends of Woodcock Park on sewer capacity and flooding in the area of the development which is close to the Wealdstone Brook. LINK

 The application was for demolition of the existing garages and redevelopment to provide 3 self-contained
flats and 5 dwelling houses; with associated car parking, cycle storage, refuse
storage, amenity space and landscaping

The application is back at Planning Committee on April 20th with a detailed response from Thames Water. Officers continue to recoemmend approval of the application.

Officers' Report extracts:

Members will be aware that the application was first reported to Committee at the meeting on 15 December 2021 where the committee agreed to defer a decision on the application in order to:

1. seek further details and assurance from Thames Water in relation to the impact of the proposed development on drainage and the maintenance of the sewerage infrastructure and how these would be mitigated;
2. seek further details on the location of the flooding incidents identified within the Flood Risk Assessment; 
3. seek further details on the proposals to alleviate concerns regarding the access of construction traffic to the site via Gooseacre Lane as part of the Construction Method Statement and Logistics Plan to be secured via condition.

Impact of the proposed development on drainage and the maintenance of the sewerage infrastructure and how these would be mitigated


In the Committee members raised concerns regarding flood risk impacts on the site. Specific concerns were raised regarding the potential for the voids under the houses to be blocked by residents; the ability for Thames Water to access and service the pipes where necessary. Additionally members raised concerns over the potential impact of the development on pollution in the Wealdstone Brook and further details were requested regarding any projects to clean the Brook.

Since the application was deferred, further comments were received from Thames Water regarding impacts of the development. It should be noted that these comments relate only to flooding that may rise from foul or surface water flooding. Flooding from other sources (such as the Brook) fall outside the statutory responsibility of Thames Water.

They consider that there is sufficient capacity and that the flow expected from the development would be exceptionally small. They have specified that they have no concerns over the risk of foul water flooding as part of the development. Additionally, they consider that the development would not result in an increase to the pollution of the Wealdstone Brook.

With regard to the concerns raised by residents about the sewers, Thames Water have specified the following:

We acknowledge concerns raised by residents about the performance of the foul sewers in this area. These have not been caused by the capacity of the sewers but by sewer blockages. Sewers are only designed to take water from toilets, sinks, baths and showers along with human waste and toilet tissue. Everything else should be put in the bin.

Sewer blockages in this area are predominantly due to fats, oils and grease being inappropriately put down the sewer. This then clogs the pipes, which causes the foul water to back up and eventually flood out of the sewer.

Sewer capacity is when the pipe is too small to accommodate flow and it can eventually back up and eventually cause flooding. Increased flow to the foul sewer from new developments has the potential to increase the risk of flooding due to sewer capacity. From our knowledge of the current flow in the sewer in question and the expected increase due to this development we are confident that the receiving sewer has sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed flows. If we had concerns that capacity did not exist to serve this development, it would initiate Thames Water funded modelling investigations. Our initial assessment of this site shows this is not necessary.

They also note that with regards to surface water flooding there would be an overall reduction in flood risk due to the increased flow rates identified in the drainage strategy.

With regards to access to the sewers, Thames Water have confirmed that the applicants have engaged with them during the course of the development and a build-over agreement has been proposed. Thames Water raise no objections or concerns in regards to this and note that such matters are usually dealt with post-approval via Building Regulations.

The applicant has also advised that they already have details of the existing line, level and condition of the existing sewers within the development boundary prior to development, from undertaking drainage CCTV condition and utilities surveys in 2020. The flood risk consultant has therefore suggested that a post-construction drainage CCTV and conditions survey is undertaken of the Thames Water assets within the redline boundary to confirm that there has been no damage to the existing sewers during construction. Any damaged and/or blocked pipes could then be reported to Thames Water for repair. Such details could be conditioned to any forthcoming consent.

With regards to pollution in the Wealdstone Brook, colleagues in the Parks team have provided further information on the existing circumstances. They note that most of the pollutants in the water would have originated upstream and flowed down into Brent towards the River Brent.

Brent Parks Service are working on an early-stage scheme to improve the structural and wildlife diversity and amenity section of the Brook through woodcock Park. Additionally, the catchment area of the brook is mainly located in Harrow and Harrow Council has ongoing projects to improve the brook.

Thames Water have an on-going programme looking at addressing the issues with water quality in the Wealdstone Brook, and have specified the following:

We recognise that there is a significant issue with water quality in the Wealdstone Brook. We host a “Friends of the Wealdstone Brook” quarterly meeting where residents, the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flooding Authorities are other interested stakeholders can meet and engage on the issue. This allows us to share water quality data for the watercourse, our operational activity and longer-term investment plans with interested stakeholders. The group is attended by the NERC funded CAMELLIA project (Community Water Management for a Liveable London) consisting of many academic partners including Imperial College, British Geological Survey, and Oxford University. We completed an extensive Catchment Study on the Wealdstone Brook in 2016/17 that assessed the root cause of poor water quality and flood risk in the area. Following that study, we have a long-term list of improvements we propose to make to the sewer system. As water quality and flood risk are intrinsically linked, we have to start by creating capacity in the river system. We are in discussions with Harrow Council about a potential scheme to do that.


Once details are available, we will share them. We hope to promote a similar scheme with Brent Council in the future. Thames Water conclude their further advice by confirming that they have adequately assessed the impact  that the proposed development will have on the sewer system and that they are confident that the development will not cause a deterioration to the level of service residents receive at present.

Location of the flooding incidents identified within the Flood Risk Assessment

In the committee members noted that the flood risk assessment identified 66 flooding events at postcode ‘HA3 0’. It should be noted that this postcode zone encompasses a larger area stretching from Kingsbury to Northwick Park and including the area between Kenton Road and Preston Road.

In response to the above, the applicants have requested a Sewer Flooding History Enquiry from Thames Water. This has selected 1 Lidding Road as the centre point but encompasses a wider area around this address. The report notes that there have been no recorded flooding events in the area as a result of surcharging public sewers.

With regards to the potential for the voids to be blocked, the applicants have agreed that a planning condition can be attached requiring a verification report to confirm that the relevant measures have been implemented on site. This is intended to include a drainage maintenance schedule which can incorporate checks to the void structure.

Notwithstanding that, the voids are closed in by ‘hit-and-miss’ brickwork leaving several small gaps for water to escape. The gaps are considered small enough to avoid large objects from being inserted into the void space. Additionally, these voids would be located under all plots 1-6. As such, officers consider that the likelihood of the voids to be fully blocked and therefore resulting in undue flooding impacts is low and suitably addressed by the suggested condition



Tuesday 5 April 2022

Thames Water will continue to flush Wealdstone Brook over the summer months to prevent the build-up of smells

 Following reports on Wembley Matters about the problems in the Wealdstone Brook, Neil Levy, Thames Water field operations specialist said: 


We were made aware of suspected pollution in Wealdstone Brook and have been working hard to clean up the watercourse.

We first received reports of odour from the brook in March, however due to location of the watercourse, its steep banks and the large operational equipment and tankers we needed to use, we first had to ensure our engineers could safely carry out the work before they were able to flush and clean the river on Monday April 4th.

During the clean-up, our team found and removed waste including rotten food and bird seed and objects from the river, which we don’t believe came from the sewer system. There was also evidence of pollution from misconnected pipes, which allow household waste to get in to the surface water sewer rather than the foul network.


Over the summer months we’ll continue to flush the brook to help prevent the build-up of smells and we’ll continue to work with local councils and residents on tackling misconnected businesses and properties.


For information 


  • Over the last eight years, Thames Water has spent over £500,000 in catchment investigations, sewer maintenance and repairs to reduce the pollution to Wealdstone Brook.
  • Wastewater can unintentionally crossover from the foul to the surface through various methods, such as through defects in the sewers that can lead to wastewaster escaping through tiny holes and cracks, blockages or misconnected properties (when a residence incorrectly connects foul drains into a surface sewer).
  • All household goods should be plumbed into the wastewater sewer network, so the water can be taken away and treated. Misconnected pipes from household appliances can allow wastewater to get in to surface water sewers, which are designed to hold rainwater and drain into natural watercourses. Find out more information about misconnections and how to avoid them.

Monday 4 April 2022

Hurray! Thames Water turns up to flush sewage from the Wealdstone Brook


Sewage pouring into the Wealdstone Brook

Local residents were delighted today when Thames Water turned up to flush out the Wealdstone Brook. The action followed weeks of campaigning and complaints to both the Environment Agency and Thames Water.

Households and care homes backing on to the brook were experiencing their 6th week of continuous pollution with the pungent bad egg odour evident to all. Residents were unable to open their windows because of the potentially dangerous gases filling their rooms. Brent Council had told the Environment Agency that one gas could be hydrogen sulfide LINK . Campaigners had suggested that a criminal negligence case could be possible over the lack of action by Thames Water, despite a total of at least 7 complaints over the problem.


Thames had promised to begin work on cleansing the brook at the weekend. Both cleaning the river and testing of the gas with specialist equipment costs money which the the Forum thought Thames appeared reluctant to spend LINK.


They suggested air samples could be taken from conservatories and the rear communal lounges of care homes as well as bedrooms. With children at home for the school holiday and families celebrating various religious holidays together it was  important that any illnesses and potential gas poisoning should be reported.


Brent Parks Forum also feared that any wild life that had been in the brook at the important microbial level has probably been damaged beyond repair.


The action was long overdue and Wembley Matters hope that the flushing works and we are able to update readers with far more pleasant images of the brook.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Thames Water has not yet started cleaning of sewage in Wealdstone Brook

UPDATE FROM BHRA:  Cleaning and wash down of the Wealdstone Brook sewage pollution  did not start on 31st March nor on 1st April as had been promised.  No works have started to date. Thames Water is aware of the food packages that hopefully are picked up ahead of the rats.

Two locations causing the sewage that are most likely the cause(s) is (are) Rosslyn Crescent and Elexus garage and offices close to Rosslyn Crescent in The Hawthorne Crescent. Thames Water mentioned that no further sewage flow is apparent at the moment, but observers within Brent and Harrow Rivers Alliance (BHRA) have continued photographing the  pollution that is increasing in the very slow moving water.

We await confirmation from Thames Water that the cause has been found - nothing yet. All the the photographs are being kept on file and timed dated.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Thames Water baulks at cost of clearing worst ever sewage pollution of the Wealdstone Brook

From Brent and Harrow Rivers Alliance  BHRA -  Harrow Friends of Wealdstone Brook  Supported by Brent Parks Forum.   




 From This:  Ducks and Wagtails feeding...



 To This:  60m and growing raw sewage left untreated with no source yet found  

Since around the 6th March there has been a constant flow of sewage into the Wealdstone Brook from a still unidentified site in Harrow.

The Environment Agency were immediately advised and have not responded to repeated updates of  the incremental thick raw sewage flow that continues unabated.   Thames Water - were also advised in the correct manner direct to their office after the contact Pollution Line was in effect blocked with calls about pollution events (we assume).

Brent Officers; and the CEO of Thames Water attended an unprecedented meeting at the Brook at Woodcock Park on 28th March and took part in a morning walkabout of the site and  saw for themselves the worst, longest running pollution event since recording has begun.

We are awaiting action from Thames Water who were concerned that they would have to deploy operatives from another job to attend the site and the cost of the job itself - which involves flushing a tank of clean water into the brook to move the daily increasing 50-70 m of sewage along! 

There was no  reaction from Thames Water to the imminent threat to the wildlife all the way along past the Civic Centre, three schools and into the River Brent through the Wildlife restoration Project that Thames21 runs. The pollution will slowly increase and move along the waterway!   Unless the source is found and remedied the threat to wildlife will be compounded.   As it has been left since the 10th March - 'vacuuming' - out the pollution is now out of the question - Thames Water do not have tanks large enough to cope with the volume that is increasing steadily.   A factory misconnection is suspected......

Now over 400 food packets (we think out of date), have been thrown into the Brook at the trash screen in Kenton - which has now got thoroughly stuck in the midst of the sewage and the bags are exploding open to feed the sewage fungus in the gel - sludge.   This amount of plastic in the sewage will act as fungus and e-coli carriers as they move towards the wildlife water improvement projects further downstream.   

Volunteers cannot reach them where they are located and have come to rest!  

Thames Water could send in operatives but they are concerned about the cost!   

We await some action to stop the sewage flow into what was a duck filled brook!  

We thank the Brent Engineer - who has visited and has now written a full report of the Brook and his findings.    We also thank Brent Parks Officers who are and continue to be supportive, within their capacity.   

It is possible that that the first signs of sewage were on 17th, 23rd and 27th February when reports to the Environment Agency mentioned murky brown water and silt. The sewage outbreak was reported on February 28th.  If an early warning system was in place Thames Water might have investigated much earlier and resolved the issue.

A Thames Water officer has indicated that the cause of the sewage  flow has been located and Friends of Woodock Park have emailed to confirm the location and the need for flushing.  They assume that the sewage currently visible from Becmead Avenue may indicate an equivalent amount underground at the source.

The Wealdstone Brook, marked in blue on an extract from an 1895 Ordnance Survey map