End drug-related crime - Public
Meeting Drugs affect us and our community
7pm-9pm Tuesday 21 May 2019 Brent
Civic Centre Grand Hall Tea and coffee from 6.45pm
How can we stop the violence and
exploitation caused by drugs? Have your say – make a difference:
Find out:
• whose lives are affected by drugs
• how drugs fuel exploitation,
crime and violence
• what the police are
• how mentors with first-hand
experience can help
What can we all do now and in the
longer term?
How can parents help?
How can young people help?
How can schools help?
How can policy and legislation help?
Hear what the panel say. Ask
them questions. Make suggestions.
- Louis Smith, Police Superintendent, North West London
- Tom Sackville and Mary Payne, Brent substance misuse service
- Danny Coyle, Headteacher of Newman Catholic College
- David MacKintosh, drugs policy adviser
- Brent Youth Parliament member
- St Giles Trust mentor for schools
Organised by Brent Safer
Neighbourhood Board