Showing posts with label gambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gambling. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Willesden Green Lloyds Bank replacement by Bingo Hall opposed by residents but supported by Brent Planning Officers - decision at Planning Committee on Wednesday February 12th

1 Walm Lane, Willesden Green

 Despite opposition from the Willesden Green Town Team, a local ward councillor and 124 residents Brent Planning Officers are recommending approval of a change of use of the Lloyds Bank building at 1 Walm Lane to a Bingo Hall:

 The proposed change of use to a bingo hall accords with the Council's adopted policies as it falls within a main town centre use. Minor external changes are proposed to the shopfront of the site, for which there are no impacts with regards to the character and appearance of the conservation area. Subject to conditions to limit opening hours to protect the neighbouring occupiers, the use will sufficiently protect neighbouring amenity. Furthermore, subject to transport related conditions, the use will provide the required servicing needs and cycle storage facilities for the users of the premises.

The 'limited hours' are 8am-11pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 11pm on Saturday Sunday, Bank Holidays and Public Holidays.

The applicants are warned that installation of adult gaming machines could result in a change of use requiring planning planning permission. 

Here are a selection of objections from the Brent Council Planning Portal I  could see no submissions supporting the application.


I object because there are already too many gambling shops. There is one across the road and a new one has opened opposite the existing Bingo Hall in Cricklewood. There are multiple deprivation issues already such as increased homelessness and people overtly taking drugs involving needles during the daytime in Willesden Green. It is becoming increasingly unsafe to walk around and a gambling shop serves to increase issues linked to deprivation. Furthermore this is a prime location next to Marsh and Parsons, near the Butchers and opposite the lovely independent shops on the parade. It is completely out of keeping.. The area will suffer suffer economic decline with a gambling hall and attempts to improve the area will be negatively impacted. This is such an irresponsible planning application I am staggered it is even being humoured. It is utterly depressing to witness the lack of consideration for the social and economic uplift of the area.


As a resident, I have seen first hand the levels of deprivation on our high street, made worse after the pandemic. The area has a number of properties that house vulnerable individuals suffering from addiction, mental health and other issues.

Willesden Green is also densely populated with large numbers of families and young children who commute along the high street to school, afterschool clubs and via the bus and underground stations. Not far from the proposed Bingo Hall, is Willesden Green Library another hub for residents, children and young adults.

This proposed site for a Bingo Hall is located only a few doors down from another six gambling and gaming shops.

A Bingo Hall gambling venue is not what Willesden Green high street needs. The area is crying out for other services and businesses, and this would do nothing to serve the community, it is not family-friendly, it will not attract investment or otherwise benefit the area. It would simply take advantage of already vulnerable people, to put money into the pockets of Star Commerical Property Ltd.

Please ensure that our high street doesn't turn into a casino filled dive that attracts more crime, antisocial behaviour and drives people further into poverty. Please reject this and any future applications by this and other gambling companies.









As one of the local ward Councillors, I am writing to object to this application. I do so on the following grounds:

1) High density of existing gambling establishments

The site is in close proximity to existing adult gaming centres and gambling establishments (Royal Casino Slots at 9 Walm Lane, and Merkur slots at 51 High Road). Both of these establishments are within less than a minute's walk from the site.

In addition, Labbrokes and Paddy Power betting shops are within a similar walking distance.

Policy BE5 calls for "no more than 1 unit or 10% of the neighbourhood parade frontage, whichever is the greater, consisting of betting shops, adult gaming centres or pawnbrokers/payday loan shops;". The committee should consider whether this has been met before considering approval.

2) Risk of crime and antisocial behaviour

Walm Lane and Willesden High Road currently show as one of the areas in Brent with the highest incidence of street crime and antisocial behaviour, and recent statistic collected by the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team indicate that this is escalating faster than elsewhere in the borough. In the recent past, particular issues such as street drinking have been clearly identified with local gambling establishments. In addition, the obscured windows of domination by bright signage which is typical to adult gaming centres would create an unwelcoming building on the street scene, lacking in transparency and creating a general feeling of economic deprivation which lends itself to further crime and ASB.

3) Signage and lights

I believe that bright signage and lights on the shop front would be disruptive to residents in the accommodation opposite.

We are writing to vehemently object to the proposed development of a "Bingo Hall" at 1 Walm Lane.

First, according to the Statement of Principles for Gambling 2025-2028 posted on Brent's website, Brent Council claims that its vision and priorities are, "Prosperity and Stability in Brent...Thriving Communities...[and] A Healthier Brent." The Council also claims it is committed to "working hard to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour."

The addition of yet another gambling centre on Walm Lane actively works against every single one of these published goals and commitments.

Beyond the fact that the addition of a bingo hall on this site violates Brent's visions and priorities - its promises to the community - we further object for the following reasons:

No Need for More Gambling: Prioritize Community Growth Instead: There are already at least four gambling establishments on Walm Lane. Adding yet another does not add to the prosperity of the community; there are already more than needed. This space could be used to bring in a business that would add to the economic and social growth of the community, as opposed to detracting from it. By allowing another gambling hall to open, Walm Lane risks losing its potential for sustainable, long-term growth, as the area becomes less attractive to the kinds of businesses and residents that contribute to a "prosperous, stable" community.

Negative Impact of Gambling on Local Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour:
Current research clearly shows that neighbourhoods with a higher concentration of betting shops and bingo halls tend to experience higher crime rates. Over the past two years, our neighbourhood has already seen a rise in anti-social behaviour, to the point where it feels unsafe to walk to and from the tube station outside daylight hours. If Brent Council is genuinely committed to reducing crime and promoting community safety, it should prevent the addition of another gaming establishment and instead encourage businesses that would have a positive impact on the area.

Preservation of Neighbourhood Character:

Adding another gambling site diminishes the community's character and neighbourhood feel, making it less inviting and safe.

Consideration of Local Population (including children):

Willesden Green is home to a growing number of families with children, and there is a school around the corner from the proposed bingo hall, as well as a community library just a block away. The Gambling Licensing Policy Consultation 2025-2028 states that gaming establishments should avoid areas where children are present, like schools, and highlights the need to protect vulnerable populations from harm. Adding another gambling centre to Walm Lane would undermine these goals. If Brent Council truly wants its communities to thrive, it would support using this space in ways that benefit families and align with the area's changing demographics. There are far more positive and productive uses for this location.
In addition, gambling establishments are linked to rising public health concerns, including gambling addiction, which can strain local support services and create long-term challenges for the community. These risks extend to vulnerable populations, including families, youth, and those facing financial hardship."

Impact on Local Economy and Businesses:

The addition of this gambling hall would have a negative ripple effect on local businesses and restaurants. Unlike businesses that encourage community engagement and attract a wide range of customers, gambling halls tend to draw a limited, repeat clientele who do not spend their money in other local businesses. Also, areas with multiple gambling establishments often see an uptick in vacant storefronts, as increased crime rates and anti-social behaviour stop new business owners from investing in the area. Over time, this shift makes the area feel less family-friendly and appealing, impacting property values and the overall economic health of the neighbourhood. Brent would be better served occupying the space with a store or service the community wants and needs.

Objecting to this proposal is in alignment with the abovementioned goals of Brent Council, and we hope the Council seriously considers this objection.


Subject: Objection to the Proposed Conversion of Lloyds Bank, 1 Walm Lane, NW2, to a Bingo Hall

I am writing to formally object to the proposed plan submitted by Star Commercial Property Limited to convert the former Lloyds Bank building at 1 Walm Lane, NW2, into a bingo hall. This proposal raises significant concerns for the community and does not align with the area's essential needs and character. Below are key reasons for my objection:

1. Loss of Essential Banking Services

With the recent closures of Lloyds and NatWest branches in Willesden Green and the impending closure of Barclays, the local community will be left entirely without a banking institution. For many residents-particularly seniors, those with limited internet access, and small business owners-access to in-person banking services is vital. The conversion of the last remaining bank building into a bingo hall does not serve these residents' needs, who will now have to travel farther for essential financial services, potentially leading to financial exclusion.

2. Mismatch with Community Needs and Character

Willesden Green is a vibrant area that would greatly benefit from developments that meet practical and daily needs, such as community spaces, affordable retail, or wellness services. A bingo hall does not serve the local demographic as effectively as a mixed-use community facility or a more versatile commercial space. Given its central location, this building has the potential to offer services that foster community engagement and improve the quality of life for local residents, aligning with the area's long-standing character.

3. Potential for Increased Noise and Traffic Disruption

A bingo hall is likely to generate increased noise and foot traffic, especially during evening hours. This could disrupt the residential nature of nearby areas and lead to parking and congestion issues. By contrast, a community center or similar facility would likely result in less disturbance and would better support the area's long-term social fabric and residential appeal.

4. Limited Economic and Social Value to the Community

The proposed bingo hall may not offer substantial economic or social benefits compared to alternative uses. Many residents would likely prefer a development that offers better employment opportunities, educational or training services, or local business spaces, which could add greater long-term value to Willesden Green. Additionally, the presence of a bingo hall may not attract diverse foot traffic, which local businesses need to thrive.

5. Negative Impact on Nearby Businesses

The conversion could impact the character and perception of the area, potentially deterring higher-quality investments that would better align with Willesden Green's evolving needs. Establishing a bingo hall as a focal business risks changing the area's reputation, which may dissuade other valuable businesses from opening or remaining nearby, resulting in an overall decline in the area's economic appeal.

6. Alternative Community-Driven Uses

Given the bank's historical and architectural value, repurposing the building to serve as a community or multi-functional space (e.g., a community hub or co-working space) could honor its heritage while better serving the community's needs. A space dedicated to various local activities could provide a vital resource for residents of all ages and could be a meaningful way to sustain the building's legacy and utility.

In summary, the proposal to convert this essential bank building into a bingo hall does not align with the long-term needs and values of Willesden Green residents. I strongly urge the Brent Planning Authority to consider alternative proposals that would provide essential services, maintain the area's character, and support the community's overall well-being.




Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Brent Council calls on the Government to give councils the power to crack down on proliferation of gambling premises


The present tense is perhaps over-claiming, Brent Council would like the power to crack down on gamblng harms.


Following the recent granting of a plannning application for an Adult Gaming Centre in Park Parade, Harlesden, by Brent Planning Committee, Cllr Muhammed Butt has written to the Government calling for a change in the law.

Writing as Brent Council Leader, rather than Brent Labour,  he cites the unanimous motion, supported by all parties on the Council, about the gambling harms in the Brent borough:

This is a growing issues for our communities due to the increase in the clustering of gambling premises within Brent generally, and Harlesden in particular. All councillors in Brent are united in our desire to reform the Gambling Act 2005, to ensure it is fit for purpose  in protecting our most vulnerable residents.

He claims that despite the shared opposition local authorities have found themselves powerless to intervene due to the statutory 'Aim to Permit' policy that severely limits the power to intervene:

The policy has left local authorities and communities grappling with outdated and inadequate legislation that fails to protect vulnerable residents from the harms associated with gambling.

The letter to Lisa Nandy, Secretary of State, calls for the Government to support the following reforms:

1. Reform the 'Aims to Permit' Policy: Grant local authorities the power to reject premise license applications that threaten the community's welfare and safety. 

2. Categorisation of Gambling Premises: Ensure that the incoming NPPF stipulates that Bingo Halls and Adult Gaming Centres be placed in the same planning category as bookmakers, so they cannot bypass the 3% cap by splitting premises.

3. Planning Applications: Allows councils to consider local household debt levels when evaluating planning applications for high street casinos and prevent the proliferation of gambling dens in close proximity to school[s], in the same way councils can limit junk food establishments in those areas.

4. Statutory Levy for Gambling Harm Prevention: Introduce a statutory levy on gambling operators for research, education and treatment, initially set at 1% of gross revenue, to be administered by an independent public body.

5. Ban on Gambling Advertising: Prohibit gambling advertising, promotion and sponsorship to prevent exposure, especially to children and young people.

6. Stop Progress on Proposals to Liberalise Adult Gaming Centres: Following the Gambling Survey for Great Britain which underlines the need for a review of spin speed and excess staking levels on harmful B3 machines.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Brent Council consultations on alcohol and gambling licensing

 As Brent Council consultations have a low profile and a poor response rate I am publicising two more that are in progress. Both affect the daily lives of residents.


Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation -Alcohol

Every 5 years the Council is required to review, consult on and re-publish its Statement of Licensing Policy. The current Statement of Licensing Policy is due to be re-published in January 2025.


The Statement of Licensing Policy is a document that sets out the Council’s approach to issuing licences for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment, the management of those licences and the expectations the Council has of licensees.


The Statement of Licensing Policy has been reviewed and refreshed to ensure that it is up to date and relevant to Brent’s current circumstances and how they affect the licensed economy.


We do encourage you to read the draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2025-2030, however, we have also outlined the key changes below:


Key changes and additions for the Licensing Policy


1.   The Licensing Policy has been updated for changes in laws and the Section 182 guidance. Including changes in pavement licences, a link to immigration status documentation and the inclusion of a policy to prepare for ‘Martyn’s Law’.


2.   In particular new policies have been included to outline expectations in the following areas:

a.   Addressing risks and harms to women and vulnerable people in the night time economy;

b.   Responding to the proposed Martyn’s Law by outlining event and large venue safety and risk assessment;

c.    Highlighting expectations for ‘dark kitchens’ an their premises to improve the operation and oversight of alcohol sales from these premises;

d.   Ensuring licenses are aware of their responsibilities in relation to drink spiking.

e.   Policies outlining expectations on delivery services and the dispersal of patrons from premises.


3.   We have also removed the policy on a voluntary Minimum Unit Price, this policy has not been used and other approaches have had a positive impact in the 


area of low cost, high strength alcohol sales.


The policy must now be fully reviewed, and re-published.


We have prepared a revised a draft policy for consultation purposes. The consultation began on August 8th and ends on September 29th. LINK


Draft Statement of Licensing policy 2025-30.pdf

(1.8 MB)


 Gambling Licensing Policy Consultation 2025 - 2028 - Gambling

Under the terms of the Gambling Act 2005, we must review the licensing policy statement every three years.


We base this policy on the three licensing objectives, which are:

  • a) Preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder, being associated with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime.
  • b) Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair an open way
  • c) Protecting children and other vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gaming.


The purpose of the policy is to share:

  • the guiding principles that direct us in making licensing decisions
  • issues that applicants will need to consider when making an application.
  • the ways we will issue licenses
  • the role and influence of representations
  • how we will communicate with others and undertake our enforcement role in relation to gambling


This information is for residents and businesses and those who wish to run gambling establishments.


This policy was comprehensively reviewed last year and only minor amendments have been made.

The policy must now be fully reviewed, and re-published.


We have prepared a revised a draft policy for consultation purposes. Consultation began on August 5th and ends on September 29th.


Please fill out the consultation questions via our survey. LINK


Draft Statement of Principles for Gambling 2025.28.pdf

(1.3 MB)

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

UPDATE: MEETING POSTPONED Another Harlesden gambling licence application goes to Brent Council Licensing Committee next week



 The Brent Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee, unlike other Brent committees, is busy meeting this month with two alcohol licence applications and another for a gambling licence. LINK

The latter, on Tuesday August 27th,  is interesting because the applicant, Merkul Slots, applying for a licence for 67 High Street, NW10 4NS, has been able to persuade the Brent Licensing Inspector and Brent Police to withdraw their initial opposition to the application. This has been done by their acceptance of a number of conditions. The conditions are listed here: Licensing Inspector LINK and Police LINK.

However, the Committee will also be considering objections from local councillors led by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr Mili Patel, and residents:

Councillors' Objections

On behalf of the Harlesden and Kensal Green ward councillors, and also the Roundwood ward councillors, I am writing to lodge a joint objection to the application by Merkur Slots for a Bingo Club Premises Licence.


We object to this application because we believe it contravenes the Council’s four licencing objections:


1) Preventing crime and disorder


Harlesden is a location that is already saturated with betting shops, bingo halls and adult gaming centres. On a six-hundred-metre stretch from Craven Park Road to Harlesden High Street there is currently a total of six gambling premises, with potential for more to come. An additional adult gaming centre is not needed and would further cluster the high street.


Evidence has demonstrated that the public health and community safety impacts of gambling are often exacerbated in areas in which clusters of betting shops are located. This means that vulnerable residents are often targeted, anti-social behaviour is increased, and the high street is further impacted.


Increasing the density of Harlesden’s gambling cluster will only divert further resources from stretched policing budgets. This is why our dedicated Harlesden Police Force have objected to further gambling premises being opened whenever applications have come up.


2) Public Health


A stones-throw away from 67 High Street is a homeless shelter. The homeless charity, Crisis, have submitted objections against these types of applications. The negative social, economic, and public health impacts of gambling are well documented.


In the Council’s Statement of Principles for Gambling, section 4.5 outlines the importance of protecting vulnerable adults. Within the guidance a persons ‘situation’ is highlighted as needing to be considered, this includes if the individual ‘is experiencing financial difficulties, is homeless, is suffering from domestic or financial abuse, has caring responsibilities, experiences a life change or sudden change in circumstances.’


An additional adult gaming centre would, in our view as local representatives, put already vulnerable people at further risk. Moreover, in addition to the homeless shelter, Harlesden is an area with high levels of poverty and deprivation as identified by the Brent Poverty Commission. Granting this application would therefore undermine the Council’s efforts to safeguard vulnerable adults.


3) Public Safety


The saturation of betting shops and gambling premises also increases the likelihood of crime within the area. Harlesden High Street already has high levels of anti-social behaviour, and an additional adult gaming centre could increase this level and attract further illicit and anti-social activities.


A study from nearby Ealing Council explored crime and disorder in relation to gambling premises and found that: ‘as well as reported crime in betting premises being much higher than the controls, there was a clear and statistically significant increase in crime in the vicinity of betting shops, with the greatest correlations at the closest distances from the premises.’


We are clear that public safety in our two wards would be undermined if this application were to go through.


4) Protecting Children from Harm


Harlesden High Steet is a known area for young people to congregate, particularly after school. Whilst Merkur Slots outline that they operate a strict over-18 policy, the proliferation of gambling premises and the consistent visible exposure to them on the high street is likely to increase interest in them and potentially encourage young people to explore gambling opportunities either illegally or when they are of age.


We have a duty to ensure that young people are aware of the impacts of gambling. We should follow the principles of Brent’s groundbreaking policy which prevents new fast food outlets opening in close proximity to schools and also prevent gambling sites clustering in these areas.


We believe that, for all these reasons the application is in contravention of Brent’s licencing objectives and should be rejected by the committee.


Cllr Mili Patel

Deputy Leader of Brent Council

Labour Councillor for Harlesden and Kensal Green Ward


Residents' Objections  (There are 21 objections that can be read HERE. This is just one)


To whom it may concern,

I am writing to formally object to the application for a gambling licence for the premises located at 67 High Street, Harlesden on the grounds of public safety, health, and wellbeing concerns.


As a local resident, I have observed that our area already hosts several gambling

establishments. The saturation of such venues can contribute to several significant issues within our community. An increase in gambling establishments is often correlated with higher incidences of crime and anti-social behaviour. The concentration of such venues can attract criminal activities, including theft, fraud, and other related offenses. This increase in crime not only affects the immediate vicinity of the gambling establishments but can also extend to surrounding residential areas.


The presence of multiple gambling venues can compromise public safety. Frequenting these establishments, individuals might become targets of crime, or engage in behaviour that threatens the safety of others. Ensuring the well-being and security of residents should be a priority, and additional gambling venues would undermine these efforts. Moreover, gambling establishments can contribute to noise pollution, littering, and other forms of public nuisance, disrupting the peace and order of the community.


Gambling addiction is a serious public health issue that can have devastating effects on individuals and families. The proliferation of gambling venues exacerbates this problem, contributing to mental health issues, financial distress, and family breakdowns. Our community needs more support services and healthier recreational options, not additional gambling facilities.


There are several schools in our district, and the presence of a new gambling establishment poses a significant risk to young people. Exposure to gambling at a young age can lead to harmful behaviors and addiction. Ensuring that children and young persons are protected from such influences is paramount for their healthy development. With multiple schools in the vicinity, the establishment of another gambling venue is inappropriate and harmful.


Children should not be exposed to gambling-related activities or environments on their way to and from school, as this normalises gambling behaviour and poses a risk to their well- being.


In light of these points, I urge Brent Council to reject the application for a gambling licence. The potential negative impact on crime rates, public safety, health, and the welfare of young people far outweighs any benefits that such an establishment might bring.


Thank you for considering my objections. I trust that the council will act in the best interest of the community and its residents.

 Brent Council is currently consulting on revised guidelines for Gambling Licensing. This will be covered in a future article.

Monday, 30 May 2022

Gambling Harlesden's Future


5-6 Park Parade, Harlesden


Present premises near the Harlesden clock



To the consternation of residents a planning application to convert a premises last used as a betting shop has returned, despite being rejected two years ago. Silvertime want to convert 5-6 Park Parade in Harlesden into two premises - a smaller betting shop AND an gaming centre.  There is existing planning permission for a betting shop but it has not been open since August 2019.

They propose to convert to two units by splitting the premises down the middle  and providing an additional door. The frontage remains the same length but the gambling provision doubles.

Although, rather surprisingly, there was no mention of policy on gambling premises in the Brent Poverty Commission report, residents in their comments are aware of the connection between gambling and poverty.  Here are some of their comments extracted from the Brent Council Planning Portal on this application (Reference 22/1619).

These gaming centres only suck dry the spare cash of those on the lowest rung of society. We can do better than catering to this.


Harlesden is an area with one of the highest levels of household debt, poverty and crime. Situation is increasingly deteriorating following COVID-19 crisis and raising cost of living. Harlesden High Street has already high crime statistics. Currently it is not a place to be wandering around after the sunset. Putting more gambling spots on the map is not going to help it.

It is beyond disappointing that Silvertime are able to re-apply when we were all obviously against such a thing two years ago. The planning was refused then. Nothing has changed.

There are two other Silvertime venues within, at most, 500m of 5-6 Park Parade. To have another would contribute nothing to the area other than to dilute it further into an area without direction or care for the community.

This space could be used to create a much more meaningful addition to the neighbourhood. We need to support our youngsters and our elderly and to provide services that are nourishing and creative rather than designed to take money from your pocket.


I have lived in Harlesden for over 15 years and while other neighbourhoods have improved our local retail has changed little. Having a large gambling arcade in this prominent spot on the high street sets an incredibly bad example for the students at the three schools that are situated nearby. There is already a silver time arcade next to the Jubilee clock so there is enough supply in the area. What we do need are shops that promote healthier lifestyles not worse ones. I'd like to see the council encourage more creative businesses to help rejuvenate our community. I am also concerned about the opening hours with gamblers hitting the street late at night and encouraging anti social behaviour. I have three teenage children and this will make the streets more dangerous for them as they make their way home.


We have too many betting shops and amusement centres already - we know that they lead to addiction and to debt and to poverty. We know that the Debt Addiction is primarily run by the gambling industry and we know that the profits they make far outweigh the misery caused. In America there are no gambling ads on television - and guns are freely available. I think that suggests that even the American state, a bastion of liberalism, realises the damaged caused. Can you justify keeping this as a gambling premises? Clearly there's even more profit to be made from changing the premises to this - do you want to see more debt in Harlesden? It's not a rich area and can't afford it.

Research published in the Geography of Gambling Premises in Britain  LINK   summarises its findings:

While the relationship with deprivation is strong across all types of
gambling premises, it is less pronounced for betting shops (and to some extent, casinos) than other types. Family entertainment centres, adult gaming centres and bingo venues are especially likely to be located within the most deprived decile of areas.


In 2015, the Royal Society for Public Health introduced its ‘Health on the High Street’ campaign, which argued that high streets have an important role to play in promoting the health of residents (RSPH, 2015). It argued that certain businesses such as fast-food outlets and betting shops can
enable and support poor health behaviours. Its research showed that over half of the UK population (54%) believe that betting shops discourage healthy choices and over half (52%) believe they have a negative impact on mental wellbeing. The RSPH also developed an index for rating the health of high streets and found that unhealthy businesses cluster in areas of higher deprivation and lower life expectancy. It argued that reshaping these high streets to be more “health promoting” is an important part of “redressing this imbalance”. It recommended that Local Authorities be given greater planning powers to prevent clustering of betting shops as well as limiting each type of business on a high street to 5% to avoid oversaturation (RSPH, 2018). The same point was made by the Portas review in 2011, which noted that too many of one type of retailer “tips the balance of the location and inevitably puts off potential retailers and investors” (Portas, 2011)


Some councils have included specific gambling strategies within their local plans. For example, Newham Council received Planning Inspectorate approval for a cumulative impact approach (Newham Council, 2015). It can restrict the number of betting shops and fast-food outlets being located within typical walking distance of one another (400m radius) and aims for 67% of the leisure use in town centres being ‘quality leisure’ (excluding betting shops and takeaways). It did this by providing a strong evidence base and looking at the impact that clustering of these types of businesses has on its vulnerable residents and viability of town centres.


Silvertime's agent in his Planning, Design and Access Statement LINK argues that the frontage is below the  Council's 3% of frontage in the defined shopping area at 2.92% and claims that the premises will be an improvement to the area with a tradtional shop frontage with displays.Objections over disturbance late at night are addressed by closing the premises at 22.00 hrs. 

There is likely to be an argument whether the frontage issue is a red herring given that the amount of gambling space is doubled. 

Harrow based Silvertime has two main directors and at the last count had 65 employees. In 2020 it had an operating profit of £2.1m on a reduced turnover (due to closures during the pandemic) of £8.7m. LINK

Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum meets on June 9th mainly to discuss the Picture Palace  issue.

Comments can be made on the Silvertime Planning Application (22/1619)  HERE