Thursday, 13 February 2025

BREAKING: K-Pop Festival at Northwick Park postponed until 2026

 According to a message from Magic Sound re-posted on a local Whats App group  Magic Sound have decided to postpone the  MIK K-Pop Festival in Northwick Park until 2026.

They thanked residents for their 'time and insight' and said that residents' knowledge of the park and the local area had been invaluable to them.  

Many practial concerns had been raised by residents despite the police and Brent Public Safety Officer withdrawing objections to the licensing application.

On the Next Door website  Preston ward Councillor Daniel Kennelly said:

Regardless of the suspension, I like others have serious concerns about this potential event. Therefore I will be engaging with organisers and ensuring that they are working with residents to minimise any disruption caused should these events go ahead in 2026. I have already contacted them following the publication of the licensing hearing report and will be in contact with residents and groups as this conversation progresses.


Brent NEU members balloting for strike action over worsened conditions at South Kenton primary school taken over by Harris Federation


Barry Gardiner MP at the demonstration against forced academisation of Byron Court. The placard sums up early concerns about the Harris Federation


 From Brent National Education Union


NEU members at the former Byron Court Primary School- now Harris Primary Academy South Kenton- are balloting for strike action in a fight to retain their proper working conditions.


Teachers and support staff at the school have met together regularly since the takeover of their school by  the huge Harris Federation, to discuss the worsening of their working conditions. A year ago they learned  their school had failed its Ofsted and, after a financial donation to the Labour Party by Harris bosses, it was  announced that Harris would be taking over the school. Since then there have been changes to the school  day, the school year, the curriculum and style of teaching, working hours, roles and responsibilities and  rights of trade union reps. Members have tried to resolve these but after more than a term, the Federation has not agreed to reverse the changes. 



The NEU is now balloting its members in the school, alongside a national ballot of 18 Harris secondary schools who are balloting on very similar issues.

Jenny Cooper of the NEU national executive said: 

This school cannot operate without our members- they are the frontline workforce behind a company that generates half a million a year for its CEO. The staff remain steadfast in their determination to exercise their rights despite attempted interference in our union processes by the Federation. The NEU remains willing to meet with the school to resolve this dispute in which case the ballot could be suspended; however they will need to be prepared to make some changes.

The issues began to emerge in October last year  soon after the Federation takeover. Jenny Cooper told the Education Uncovered website about the pressures exerted by 'consultants' on experienced staff to change their teaching methods LINK:

We are being told that for a large part of the week there are consultants in the room with [NEU members], either watching them, or taking over, showing them how they think a particular aspect [of learning] should be taught. So early years should be taught like this, or reading, or maths, or whatever, and expecting the person to instantly take up this new way of teaching, which the person themselves doesn’t necessarily agree with.


In some cases, that teacher has got 10 or 20 years’ experience in this area, and who knows what the consultant has got? And yet they are kind of lording it above them. I think that’s really uncomfortable. It just looks like every aspect that they are teaching is being kind of thrown out and starting again.


The NEU members at Harris Primary Academy are not alone. Educators across the Federation's schools have decided enough is enough and are taking part in the ballot for action.



 They say:

Hundreds of NEU educators, including teachers, middle leaders, support staff, and more, play a crucial role in the success of Harris Federation schools. We are committed to providing students with an exceptional education, and our dedication to educating and supporting students is unwavering. However, the current conditions are making it increasingly challenging for us to carry out this important work. It doesn't have to be this way; we are advocating for change.

The fight for fairer workloads, pay and conditions, as well as equal treatment for Caribbean and overseas-trained teachers, is crucial for the well-being of educators and the success of the students they serve. By advocating for these improvements, we can create an environment where both staff and students thrive.




It's 'BINGO!' for gambling company as Willesden Green swaps a bank for a bingo hall following Planning Committee approval


The planning application for a Bingo Hall to replace the Willesden Green branch of Lloyds Bank was approved at last night's Planning Committee despite widespread opposition from local residents and from ward councillors.

The vote was 4 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention in line with the Planning Officers; recommendation to approve.

On Next Door  Cllr Saqlain Choudry indicated that current legislation was preventing the Planning Committee from refusing such applications:

There is an urgent need for legislative reform. The leader of council has in previous months written to the relevant Minister asking for more powers and greater clarity in legislation to prevent and block these harmful practices. It is shocking that there is no limit on how many bingo halls can open and other loopholes in the legal and planning framework that allows these practices to continue.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Petition launched to save Ye Olde Swiss Cottage Pub from developers


The petition:

Ye Olde Swiss Cottage Pub, a treasured local landmark with deep historical significance, is under threat of being sold to developers and potentially demolished. This pub has been a cornerstone of our community for years, providing a unique social space and contributing to the character of the area. However, due to its unlisted status, it is at risk of being lost forever.

We are calling on Camden Council to grant Ye Olde Swiss Cottage Pub Asset of Community Value (ACV) status, ensuring its protection from redevelopment. Additionally, we urge that all future buyers of the property commit to keeping it as a pub, preserving its role as a vital community hub for generations to come.

There is no "Swiss Cottage" without Swiss Cottage. It is linked to the identity and history of the area, and its absence would be a loss to the entire community.



Wembley Events Ticket Ballot introduced for residents within the Event Day Parking Zone


From Brent Council


Wembley Stadium Residents' Ticket Ballot 


Brent Council and Wembley Stadium recognise that some residents that live close to Wembley Stadium may be directly impacted by event days.

That's why we are offering local residents the chance to apply for free tickets to upcoming Wembley Stadium events through our residents' ticket ballot.  We also want to ensure that people living in the area have a fair chance to attend these events.


There is a separate ballot for each Stadium event day, and if eligible you can enter as many different ballots as you want. However, you can submit only one entry per event day ballot. If you are successful in a ballot, you will win two tickets to that event.


To enter a ballot, you must be over 18 and live at a property within the Wembley Event Day parking zone.


Each Ballot will typically open two months before the date of the event and close two weeks before the date of the event.* 


Enter the Wembley Stadium Residents' Ballot

* This is subject to change, depending on the nature of the event and ticket availability.






Harlesden Mums Who Cycle: Family Ride Sunday 23rd February Roundwood Park to Paddington Rec


Baroness Berger of Barnhill


Following the adoption by Luciana Berger of the title Baroness Berger of Barnhill, locals have been having some fun on Facebook giving themselves titles named after local streets and landmarks.

Baroness Berger is, to put it mildly, no stranger to controversy LINK but does have Brent credentials having been brought up in Wembley.

Whether her title will have any impact on house values on Barn Hill remains to be seen.

 Meanwhile, will we see a future Baroness Fraser of Chalkhill to add a little balance?

Four days left to have your say on proposed Cycle Docking Bays in Brent - full list of sites


Brent Council is consulting on the siting of 43 Cycle Docking Bays across the borough following concern about the problems caused by poor parking of Lime Bikes.

They say:

Brent Council is working to improve cycling facilities to encourage residents to adopt active and sustainable travel. By promoting cycling, the Council aims to enhance public health, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality throughout the borough.


The cycle hire bay, which has the capacity to store eight bicycles will allow users to rent or return the bicycles at any time.

Each site has its own survey. For some reason the consultation site LINK has the sites listed in reverse alphabetical order. For readers' convenience I list them in alphabetical order below. There are only 4 days left to respond.


Cambrudge Avenue, Christchurch Avenue, Church Road, Coventry Close, Curtis Lane.


Dollis Hill Lane, Donnington Road (East), Donnighton Road (West), Doyle Gardens, Dyne Road,


Ecclestone Place, Exeter Road.


Hamilton Road, Harlesden Road, Hartland Road, Harvist Road, Hazel Road, High Street (Harlesden).


Kendal Raod, Keslake Road, Kingswood Avenue.


Lancelot Road,  Lansdown Grove, Llanover Road, London Road.


Mordaunt Road, Neasden Lan, Oakington Manor Drive, Old Norh Circular Road, Oxgate Lane.


Rucklidge Avenue.


Park Lane.


South Way, St Pauls Avenue, Station Approach, Station Terrace, Strode Road.


The Avenue, Tokyngton Avenue.


Waxlow Road, Wembley Park Drive, Wrentham Avenue.