According to a message from Magic Sound re-posted on a local Whats App group Magic Sound have decided to postpone the MIK K-Pop Festival in Northwick Park until 2026.
They thanked residents for their 'time and insight' and said that residents' knowledge of the park and the local area had been invaluable to them.
Many practial concerns had been raised by residents despite the police and Brent Public Safety Officer withdrawing objections to the licensing application.
On the Next Door website Preston ward Councillor Daniel Kennelly said:
Regardless of the suspension, I like others have serious concerns about this potential event. Therefore I will be engaging with organisers and ensuring that they are working with residents to minimise any disruption caused should these events go ahead in 2026. I have already contacted them following the publication of the licensing hearing report and will be in contact with residents and groups as this conversation progresses.