Showing posts with label Wembley Stadium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wembley Stadium. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wembley Events Ticket Ballot introduced for residents within the Event Day Parking Zone


From Brent Council


Wembley Stadium Residents' Ticket Ballot 


Brent Council and Wembley Stadium recognise that some residents that live close to Wembley Stadium may be directly impacted by event days.

That's why we are offering local residents the chance to apply for free tickets to upcoming Wembley Stadium events through our residents' ticket ballot.  We also want to ensure that people living in the area have a fair chance to attend these events.


There is a separate ballot for each Stadium event day, and if eligible you can enter as many different ballots as you want. However, you can submit only one entry per event day ballot. If you are successful in a ballot, you will win two tickets to that event.


To enter a ballot, you must be over 18 and live at a property within the Wembley Event Day parking zone.


Each Ballot will typically open two months before the date of the event and close two weeks before the date of the event.* 


Enter the Wembley Stadium Residents' Ballot

* This is subject to change, depending on the nature of the event and ticket availability.






Monday, 16 September 2024

Wembley road closures of up to 11 hours on Saturday for Joshua vs Dubois fight


In reponse to comments below I Tweeted TfL but not hopeful:

Krupesh Hirani is the GLA Assembly Member for Brent and Harrow.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

UPDATE, WEMBLEY EXTRA EVENTS APPLICATION APPROVED Quintain's comments on extra major stadium events application and officers' conclusion on the application to be decided tonight



The application by Wembley National Stadium Ltd (WNSL) for additional major events at the stadium will be heard at 6pm tonight. The officer's report to the Planning Committee can be read HERE. The public can attend the meeting in person at the Civic Centre or watch online HERE.

While the full report can be read on the link above I print below two significant extracts. Quintain Ltd is the owner of  some land within the planning application area and their developments around the stadium now has a large number of residents, many of whom have become restive over the impact of Wembley events on their lives:




The proposal is supported subject to the following conditions:


From reviewing the representations submitted by local residents, it is clear that event day management, and in particular stewarding and post-event cleaning, are areas of significant concern. Therefore, WNSL should commit to paying all the operational and management costs associated with the additional events and/or any event that exceeds the existing caps of 22 sporting events and 24 non -sporting events in a calendar year.


WNSL have highlighted the success of the triparty ‘Best in Class’ initiative between WNSL, Quintain and Brent, which currently manages the impacts of event days upon the local area and state this will be implemented for the additional events. Whilst we agree that the ‘Best in Class’ principles covering stewarding, parking enforcement, traffic management, toilets and street cleaning should apply to the additional events, the increased costs associated with delivering these should be borne wholly by WNSL.


To ensure residents’ amenity is adequately protected, WNSL should commit to the following restrictions on events: a cap on the maximum number of consecutive non -sporting events; a cap on the maximum number of non-sporting events per week; and a cap on the maximum number of weeks in any calendar year where the maximum number of consecutive non -sporting events or maximum number of non-sporting events in a week can be held.


The above conditions should be included in the s.106 Agreement (Deed of Variation).


Should they not be secured, Quintain reserve the right to make further representations. As a participant in the Best in Class initiative, and owner of land within the planning application boundary where many of these measures will take place, Quintain would expect to be consulted on the Deed of Variation before it is completed


We would also request that WNSL, TfL and Brent work closely on mitigating the impact Stadium events have upon existing bus routes and services to ensure residents are able to carry on their daily lives and move around the area on event days with the minimum of disruption.



THE OFFICER REPORT CONCLUSIONS (original report paragraph numbers)



144. The objections received indicate that there is a level of impact currently experienced by local residents as a result of events at the Stadium, with concerns predominantly focussed on anti-social behaviour, transport issues, air quality and noise. Some impacts are to be expected, given the size of the Stadium and its siting in a location surrounded by residential properties and businesses, within a dense urban area, although it must be remembered that a Stadium has been in situ for over 100 years.


145. The original cap on events was imposed to manage the impacts until such time as specific transport improvements had been made. Whilst most of these have taken place, not all of them have been realised. Circumstances have changed since the original planning permission in 2002, which suggest that the final piece of transport infrastructure (i.e., the Stadium Access Corridor) will not be provided in its originally envisaged form, but other changes to the road network have now taken place. Therefore, the Council considers that the cap remains relevant.


146. Clearly, to increase the number of higher capacity events to accommodate up to 8 additional major non-sporting events per calendar year would imply an increase in the impact. However, a wide range of mitigation measures have previously been secured and would continue to do so to help mitigate these impacts. There are ongoing efforts to reduce the number of vehicles on an event day, including additional parking enforcement capacity and an updated Spectator Travel Plan to promote sustainable travel patterns. WNSL and public transport operators work closely to promote sustainable transport solutions and maximise the efficiency of the network. This in turn contributes to reducing noise and air quality issues.


147. Infrastructure works including two-way working in the area to the east of the Stadium and the opening of a link between the western end of North End Road and Bridge Road to provide an east-west route past the Stadium that is capable of being kept open at all times before and after Stadium events has improved traffic flow in the area and assist residents’ movements on event days.


148. The Trusted Parking Scheme aims to ensure authorised car parks are responsibly run in a way that would limit their impact on neighbouring residents and reduce local congestion, whilst the Private Hire Management Scheme would reduce the number of vehicles in the area around the Stadium after events have finished.


149. Employment and Training benefits for Brent residents would also be secured by the proposed scheme.


150. With regard to antisocial behaviour, a financial contribution would be paid by the Stadium to Brent Council per additional major non-sporting event. This would go towards mitigation measures as agreed between WNSL and the Council which may cover measures to address anti-social behaviour.


151. Whilst it is appreciated that local residents face challenges on event days, the direct economic benefits for the local Brent economy of Stadium events are also recognised, including spending on accommodation, food, drink and other ancillary items within the Wembley area. The uplift in the event cap would also create additional event day steward and catering positions. Whilst some types of business would suffer on event days, many would benefit from the influx of people to the area.


152. In summary, it is recognised that there is a level of impact associated with major events now, and that this would increase with an increase in the number of high capacity major events. However, the measures proposed would ensure that this is moderated as much as is reasonably achievable. All are considered necessary to mitigate the increased number of major events which this application proposes.


153. A further consideration is that the Stadium can already be used for events up to 51,000 without restriction. Existing mitigation measures would be extended to cover this increase. Measures including the training and employment opportunities would apply more broadly to Stadium events, not just the additional major non-sporting events for which permission is sought under this application and would therefore provide wider benefits to local people and the local economy more generally.


154. The proposal is considered to accord with the development plan, having regard to material planning considerations. While there will inevitably be some additional impacts associated with an increase in the number of higher capacity non-sporting events, a range of mitigation measures are proposed and some benefits are also anticipated. The proposal is, on balance, recommended for approval.


Reading the report, although TfL mention the rail and tube routes they pay little attention to bus routes and their diversion and curtailment that impacts on residents.

Despite several protests over the curtailment of the 206 bus at Brent Park, affecting workers travelling to the industrial estates south of the stadium and school pupils when events are held on weekdays, no proposals are contained enabling the route to use the North End Road link.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Brent Cabinet rejects residents' petition calling for wider discussion of the impact of additional Wembley Stadium events. Planning Committee decision tomorrow.


The petition calling on Brent Council to hold a wider consultation on Wembley Stadium's application to hold more large events was presented to the Cabinet yesterday. Presenting the petition Cllr Paul Lorber first declared an interest in having received tickets for events at the stadium that he had then passed on to residents. At the beginning of the meeting Cllr Muhammed Butt asked his Cabinet colleagues if they had any interests to declare and they remained silent - as did he.

 The petition has been added to the end of this post. It points out the impact of events on residents and asks for a public meeting where residents can express their views and the Council respond accordingly. Cllr Lorber pointed out that two representations at tomorrow's decision making Planning Committee, of only a few minutes each, was not sufficient to represent the widespread concerns.

There was no direct response to that request from the Cabinet.

Cllr Shama Tatler, lead member for Planning and Regeneration was  circumspect in her answer, acknowledging the potential for a contribution to be seen as predetermination of the application. She spoke of the need to balance the interests of residents with the economic drive that the stadium gives to Wembley. She said she did not want to comment any further as the planning application is live.

Brent Council leader Muhammed Butt showed no such inhibitions:

The stadium has been here longer than all of us have been born and makes a significant contribution, not just to Wembley but to the UK. The various events adds to the value of what we plan to do with working with the stadium, for it to be the great stadium it is, and also to make sure we keep our commitment and support for our residents as well.

The applications goes to Planning Committee tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6pm. Apart from the 274 signature petition there are 166 objections and just six in support. However, planning officers recommend that the Committee approve the application alongside various mitigations LINK:

The proposal is considered to accord with the development plan, having regard to material planning considerations. While there will inevitably be some additional impacts associated withan increase in the number of higher capacity non-sporting events, a range of mitigation measures are proposed and some benefits are also anticipated. The proposal is, on balance, recommended for approval


We the undersigned petition the council to Consult and to Listen to concerns of local residents and businesses about the impact of increasing the number of "Large" Events at Wembley Stadium


Plans for the new Wembley Stadium were approved in 1999 with a limit of 37 Large Events per year. A few years later Brent Council allowed an increase to 46 Large Events per year. The Stadium owners have now applied for planning permission to increase this by another 8 to 54 Large Events per year.


Large Events at the Stadium have a major impact on the lives of local people and business - especially when as many as three events are held on 3 successive days.


We call on Brent Council (jointly with representatives of the FA) to carry out an extensive public consultation with Brent residents and local businesses on the social and economic impacts of Wembley Stadium Large scale events before the Planning Application is considered by the Brent Council's Planning Committee.


We believe that local people and businesses have the right to be properly consulted and informed about these possible changes and for their views to be assessed and documented before any decision is made.


Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Wembley Stadium's 9 extra non-sporting events application to be heard on September 11th. Brent Chief Planner recommends 'GRANT CONSENT'

 From Brent Council


Re: Wembley National Stadium, Olympic Way, Wembley, HA9 0WS

I refer to the planning application for the above site which proposes:-

Variation of conditions 1 (Event Cap) and 2 (Temporary Traffic Management) of Variation of Conditions reference 20/4197 dated 21 June, 2021, for Proposed variation of Condition 1 (event cap) of planning permission reference 18/4307 (varied permission for the construction of the stadium, dated 07/03/2019), to allow up to 9 additional major non-sporting events per event calendar year.

The current application includes the submission of an Environmental Statement.

The application will be formally considered at the meeting of the Planning Committee on 11 September, 2024 starting at 6pm.

This meeting of the Committee has been arranged to take place in the Conference Hall, at the Civic Centre.

Those who wish to observe proceedings may either do so in person or via the live webstream which we will make available on the Council’s website:

It is possible to speak at the Committee Meeting, which can be undertaken online (or via the telephone) or in person at the meeting, subject to the restrictions set out in the Council's Standing Order. These provide for one objector and/or one supporter of the application to speak. The Chair has the discretion to increase this to two people from each side. In doing this, the Chair will give priority to occupiers nearest to the application site or representing a group of people.

To address the committee you must notify Executive and Member Services by 5 pm on the working day before the committee meeting. Please email or telephone the Executive and Member Services Officer, Mrs Dev Bhanji, on 07786 681276 during office hours. Please indicate if you intend to speak at physical meeting or online.

The Chief Planner's recommendation for this application is to Grant Consent subject to Legal agreement

Yours sincerely

Sean Newton
Neighbourhoods & Regeneration

Friday, 30 August 2024

Extra Event Days petition to be presented to Brent Cabinet on September 9th


Summer 2025


The Liberal Democrat petition on additional Wembley Event Days will be presented to the next Brent Council Cabinet on Monday September 9th. This means that the petition will be heard before Wembley Stadium's planning application for extra events goes to Planning Committee.

The aim is to persuade the Council that this matter is so important  that they should hold consultation meetings with local residents and businesses so that they are fully aware of the impact of events now and the potential disruption of extra days. This was done when Tottenham Hotspur applied to use the stadium. A Planning Committee with limited time for residents to speak is not sufficient.

If residents wish make their own representations about the impact extra event days would have on them personally they could write to Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council, at:

 THE PETITION (Now closed):

We the undersigned petition the council to Consult and to Listen to concerns of local residents and businesses about the impact of increasing the number of "Large" Events at Wembley Stadium

Plans for the new Wembley Stadium were approved in 1999 with a limit of 37 Large Events per year. A few years later Brent Council allowed an increase to 46 Large Events per year. The Stadium owners have now applied for planning permission to increase this by another 8 to 54 Large Events per year.


Large Events at the Stadium have a major impact on the lives of local people and business - especially when as many as three events are held on 3 successive days.


We call on Brent Council (jointly with representatives of the FA) to carry out an extensive public consultation with Brent residents and local businesses on the social and economic impacts of Wembley Stadium Large scale events before the Planning Application is considered by the Brent Council's Planning Committee.


We believe that local people and businesses have the right to be properly consulted and informed about these possible changes and for their views to be assessed and documented before any decision is made.

The petition will also be referred to the relevant Director and Lead Members as well as the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Taylor Swift road closures, bus diversion etc August 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th and 20th


Security has been tightened for the Wembley Stadium Taylot Swift concerts. Swifties without tickets will not be allowed to gather outside the stadium:


Taylor Swift Concert details:

Thursday 15 August
Early Entry doors: 15:30 
General Admission and Hospitality: 16:00 
Show Start: 16:55

Friday 16 August
Early Entry doors: 15:45
General Admission & Hospitality: 16:15
Show Start: 17:10

Saturday 17 August
Early Entry doors: 15:45 
General Admission & Hospitality: 16:15 
Show Start: 17:10

Monday 19 August 
Early Entry doors: 15:30 
General Admission & Hospitality: 16:00 
Show Start: 16:55

Tuesday 20 August
Early Entry doors: 15:30
General Admission & Hospitality: 16:00
Show Start: 16:55




The usual Event Day parking restrictions will apply. 


Unfortunately, as usual TfL has failed to publish timings for bus diversions and suspensions ahead of the event.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

The Empire Pool / Wembley Arena Story – Part 2

 Guest post by local historian Philip Grant. Part 2 of a series.


1.     The newly finished Empire Pool, with the Stadium beyond, 1934. (Source: Britain from Above)


Welcome back for this second part of this story about Wembley Stadium’s “little brother”, the indoor sports arena originally known as the Empire Pool. As we saw in Part 1, it opened just in time to host the swimming and diving events for the 1934 British Empire Games. Its main entrance was at the western end of the building, accessed from the road which had been Raglan Gardens, but which was renamed Empire Way.


Although the swimming pool in summer and ice hockey/skating rink in winter were the main sporting facilities that the building was designed for, the floored-over pool soon found plenty of other uses. Before the end of 1934, it had already staged boxing and basketball matches, and a professional tennis tournament which became an annual feature. The big tennis attraction was British star, Dan Maskell, taking on top American players in the men’s singles.


2.     A women’s doubles match at the Empire Pool, 1930s. (Image from the internet)


Spectators at the Empire Pool could also enjoy a meal in its restaurant, overlooking the action from the second tier. Another attraction, on the same level, was a dance floor area, where people who had paid for public swimming or skating could relax for free after these activities, with a dance band playing each afternoon and evening. Arthur Elvin saw his new venture as a year-round centre for entertainment!


New sports were added to the programme in 1935, when the Empire Pool became the annual venue for the English Open Table Tennis Championships. This event drew in thousands of spectators, making a good profit. That year also saw the Amateur Athletic Association use the arena for its first indoor athletics championships, although the flat track with its tight bends was not to the satisfaction of some runners.


Elvin saw the chance to stage, for the first time in Britain, a new sporting event. Six-day cycle racing was proving very popular on the continent, but that would need a special banked track. He got Wembley’s team of craftsmen to build one for him! They did this in the stadium car park, designed in sections that could be carried into the building and fitted together for the event. The complete track was 178 yards (163 metres) in circumference, and cost £5,000 to construct.


3.     The cycle track under construction, 1936. (From an old book)


4.     A six-day cycle race in progress at Wembley, 1930s. (From an old book)


The race involved fifteen teams, each with two riders (with Dutch and Belgian professionals at the forefront), at least one of whom had to be on the track whenever the race was in progress, day and night for 143 hours. As well as the total distance covered, there were extra points to be gained during five-lap sprints every hour, as well as prize competitions for money, including for the fastest mile (ten laps of the track). The German pairing of Kilian and Vopel won the 1936 race, having ridden 1,939 miles!


Spectators could pay to come and watch the six-day race at any time, and many did, so that it became an annual event. But what did they do with the huge track, which filled the arena, for the other 359 days of the year? Just across the road from the Empire Pool was the former Palace of Arts building, and Elvin’s Stadium company now owned it, and used it for storage.


5.     European Swimming Championships programme cover, 1938. (Courtesy of Geoff Lane)


By 1937, Wembley’s ice rink was welcoming the British Figure-skating Championships. The pool was being used less of the time, because events at the sports arena proved more profitable, but it was uncovered and refilled for the European Swimming Championships in August 1938. Germany, whose flag was then red, with a black swastika in a white circle, topped the medal table with 14 in total (including five gold and seven silver). 


The following month, Adolf Hitler’s Munich Agreement with Britain, France and Italy (but not Czechoslovakia, whose territory it gave to Germany) would pave the way for events that led to the Second World War. The bright lights that shone through the windows of the Empire Pool would have to be blacked out, and a new phase of its story began.


6.     The Empire Pool at night, 1930s. (From an old book)


When war was declared in September 1939, the Government ordered entertainment venues, such as the stadium and Empire Pool, to close, for fear of bombing raids that could kill thousands of spectators. Arthur Elvin wanted to keep his facilities going, both to generate income for his business and pay the wages of his staff, and because he could see the benefit of continuing his events for the morale of the public. He managed to buy 300 gallons of black paint, and got his workmen to paint over all 56,000 square feet of the Pool’s glass roof! Within a month, he was allowed to hold events again, although with a reduced number of spectators.


Regular greyhound racing meetings resumed at the stadium, but indoor events were less frequent, and often involved teams from the services, raising money for charities. In May 1940, both Wembley venues became temporary dispersal camps for British soldiers evacuated from Dunkirk, then for refugees from Belgium, Holland and France, fleeing from the German occupation of their countries, before they too could be found accommodation elsewhere.


7.     Civilians being evacuated from Gibraltar in 1940. (Image from the internet)


The Empire Pool had now been requisitioned by the Government, and stayed that way until October 1944. In July 1940 they decided that all civilians, apart from those already doing essential work for the British armed services, should be evacuated from Gibraltar, which would become a vital strategic military base at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. Around 10,000 people were shipped to London, and for many their home for the next few months would be a room made of wooden partitions in the Empire Pool, with meals provided by its restaurant.


Elvin continued to manage the building, and allowed anyone in uniform to skate on the ice rink for free. He also worked with the Central Physical Training Council, so that they could use the arena to hold several mass PT sessions there each week, to help keep Wembley residents fit during the war.


8.     Programme for a Victory Gala at the Empire Pool in 1946. (Courtesy of Geoff Lane)


In 1946, events at the Empire Pool gradually returned to normal, including a Victory Gala (again in aid of a charity) and a Victory Day circus for children to mark the first anniversary of the end of the war. The ice rink also welcomed back its regular ice hockey matches, with some new recruits for Wembley’s teams.


9.     A Wembley Monarchs programme and photo of three new players. (Images from the internet)


By 1947, Arthur Elvin had offered Wembley’s facilities so that London could stage the 1948 Olympic Games. In order promote public interest in the forthcoming multi-sports competitions, the British Olympic Association staged an international competition at the Empire Pool in July 1947.



 10.  Programme for the July 1947 International Sports Contest. (Image from the internet)


A year later, it was time for “the real thing”, with the opening ceremony of the XIVth Olympiad, London 1948, taking place on 29 July 1948. The swimming pool at the Empire Pool was brought back into use, first for the swimming and diving events, and the finals of the water polo competition. Then the Wembley team erected a bridge across the pool, with a boxing ring at the centre of it, for the Olympics boxing matches. Every day saw the Pool’s seats packed with spectators, and the BBC’s new cameras used to broadcast the events (to those in reach of its transmitters, and who were wealthy enough to afford a television set).


11.  Olympic swimming at the Empire Pool, August 1948. (Source: Brent Archives)



12.  Olympic boxing at the Empire Pool, August 1948. (Source: Brent Archives)


The 1948 Olympic Games were the last time that the swimming pool here was ever used. From then onwards the Empire Pool would become just an indoor arena – but not just for sports! I look forward to sharing the next part of its story with you, in words and pictures, next weekend.


Philip Grant.