Tuesday 10 September 2024

Brent Cabinet rejects residents' petition calling for wider discussion of the impact of additional Wembley Stadium events. Planning Committee decision tomorrow.


The petition calling on Brent Council to hold a wider consultation on Wembley Stadium's application to hold more large events was presented to the Cabinet yesterday. Presenting the petition Cllr Paul Lorber first declared an interest in having received tickets for events at the stadium that he had then passed on to residents. At the beginning of the meeting Cllr Muhammed Butt asked his Cabinet colleagues if they had any interests to declare and they remained silent - as did he.

 The petition has been added to the end of this post. It points out the impact of events on residents and asks for a public meeting where residents can express their views and the Council respond accordingly. Cllr Lorber pointed out that two representations at tomorrow's decision making Planning Committee, of only a few minutes each, was not sufficient to represent the widespread concerns.

There was no direct response to that request from the Cabinet.

Cllr Shama Tatler, lead member for Planning and Regeneration was  circumspect in her answer, acknowledging the potential for a contribution to be seen as predetermination of the application. She spoke of the need to balance the interests of residents with the economic drive that the stadium gives to Wembley. She said she did not want to comment any further as the planning application is live.

Brent Council leader Muhammed Butt showed no such inhibitions:

The stadium has been here longer than all of us have been born and makes a significant contribution, not just to Wembley but to the UK. The various events adds to the value of what we plan to do with working with the stadium, for it to be the great stadium it is, and also to make sure we keep our commitment and support for our residents as well.

The applications goes to Planning Committee tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6pm. Apart from the 274 signature petition there are 166 objections and just six in support. However, planning officers recommend that the Committee approve the application alongside various mitigations LINK:

The proposal is considered to accord with the development plan, having regard to material planning considerations. While there will inevitably be some additional impacts associated withan increase in the number of higher capacity non-sporting events, a range of mitigation measures are proposed and some benefits are also anticipated. The proposal is, on balance, recommended for approval


We the undersigned petition the council to Consult and to Listen to concerns of local residents and businesses about the impact of increasing the number of "Large" Events at Wembley Stadium


Plans for the new Wembley Stadium were approved in 1999 with a limit of 37 Large Events per year. A few years later Brent Council allowed an increase to 46 Large Events per year. The Stadium owners have now applied for planning permission to increase this by another 8 to 54 Large Events per year.


Large Events at the Stadium have a major impact on the lives of local people and business - especially when as many as three events are held on 3 successive days.


We call on Brent Council (jointly with representatives of the FA) to carry out an extensive public consultation with Brent residents and local businesses on the social and economic impacts of Wembley Stadium Large scale events before the Planning Application is considered by the Brent Council's Planning Committee.


We believe that local people and businesses have the right to be properly consulted and informed about these possible changes and for their views to be assessed and documented before any decision is made.



Anonymous said...

Tatler out

Jaine Lunn said...

What does need a consultation on is with TFL re Trains and Bus Services that are constantly disrupted or non existent on Event Days. Parking in general needs a complete overhaul, with special attention being paid to Event Day Permits, Visitor/Trade permits, and the timings of Road Closures, and access to Trading Premises located in and around Wembley Park, along with Residents who have Disabilities, Mobility issues, and Care needs.

Anonymous said...

Why would Cllr Mo Butt ever be against the increase in stadium events when he personally has received many, many thousands of pounds worth of free tickets for various different types of events at Wembley Stadium - see full details here: https://democracy.brent.gov.uk/mgDeclarationSubmission.aspx?UID=128&HID=3729&FID=0&HPID=0

He should have declared all of this information at the meeting!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for someone to summarise the gifts cllrs have received since say Covid restrictions eased, when events returned to normal?

Anonymous said...

I originally posted on here saying that although I wanted to oppose this I wouldn't because it was a waste of time & the decision was already made, I was told by some on here that I should still oppose this as we need to hold Brent & Butt to account & scrutiny, well I took the advice on here & signed the petition to oppose the scheme! I don't want to say "I told you so" but...... ?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Depends what thry have actually declared!!!

Philip Grant said...

Cllr. Muhammed Butt enjoys putting down people who stand up to him, because he has the power to do so. It happened to Paul Lorber here, and it happened to me at the Cabinet meeting last May.

Does that mean we should not waste our time speaking up for what we believe is right? NO!

If you allow yourself to be bullied, without protest, the bully has got away with it, and it gives the impression that their actions are acceptable.

Anonymous said...

So you just give in??? That's exactly what Cllr Mo Butt wants you to do! Instead you should be encouraging more people to object to Brent Council proposals.

Anonymous said...

Suggest a Freedom of Information request into bullying at Brent Council - if this is how Cllr Mo Butt behaves in public what's he like behind the 'closed doors' of the Council offices?