Thursday 5 September 2024

Barham Park Trust Committee moves to revise charitable purposes to allow for income boosting activities


Barham Park Studios - ACAVA


The Barham Park Trust Committee (made up solely of Brent Labour Cabinet Members) will approach the Charity Commission to widen the Trust's purposes. A report to the Committee that meets on Tuesday September 10th LINK  states:

The Trust's charitable purposes, primarily to serve public recreation, restrict broader activities that can generate revenue, limiting potential income.

Earlier proposals for the park buildings that included a boutique hotel and a small supermarket aroused local opposition as did the building of four houses on the site inside the park, currently occupied by two park workers' houses.

The Trust has realised that it cannot get full vacant possesion of the park properties, let to voluntary groups, until 2031 so is opting for a new strategy. This involves introducing service charges for all current occupants of the buildings, revising rents and leases and adopting a tougher approach to those in debt to the council:

Discussions are ongoing to establish a repayment plan with tenants who have fallen into arrears. However, the Trust Committee should be aware that proactive measures, including forfeiture or legal action, may be necessary for tenants who fail to comply with payment plans or do not settle their arrears. The delegated officer (Director of Property and Assets) will actively enforce contractual obligations. The total debt is approximately £62,3551 as of Q2 2024/25 financial year.

Given that Trust income is insufficient to carry out the necessary maintenance of the site one wonders why the arrears have been allowed to mount to this level. One debtor owed £44,500 so Brent Council gave the Trust this sum as a cash advance to aid the Trusts' cash flow position. The council is paying the Trust interest on the advance...

Two lease renewals are due and Brent Council will issue Section 25 notices (See our recent story on Brent Property Strategy LINK)

Lease Renewals for Unit 1 (Tamu Samaj UK), Unit 2 (Veterans’ Club

(Wembley), and Unit 8 (Brent Council - Children Centre)

Tenants currently occupying these units on expired leases are to be offered the opportunity to renew their leases. Officers will commission independent valuations and issue Section 25 notices to ensure lease renewals occur within statutory time limits, with independent valuations guiding negotiations. These renewals will align with strategic objectives, ensuring leases terminate before the anticipated redevelopment in 2031. They will include appropriate breakclauses and exclusion from the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 to obtain vacant possession at the proper time.

Whether the current occupants will be able to afford the new rates remains to be seen.

 The Officers' Report states:

The recommendation is that the Trust Committee defers the investment options proposed by RLB [boutique hotel etc] until vacant possession of the whole building can be acquired in 2031 (due to existing fixed-term leases with the longest one expiring in October 2031) at the latest and seeks to implement the vision in a phased approach, starting with regularising leases, carrying out urgent repairs and, subject to Charity Commission approval, expanding the permitted uses to attract a broader range of tenants to improve cash flow. This phased and incremental investment approach addresses immediate concerns and sets the stage for sustainable long-term growth and success. It is the most responsible, pragmatic and strategic path forward for the future vision of Barham Park.

Clearly there is much that the public and current occupants of the buildings would like to question but such contributions have been barely tolerated recently.  Most importantly, do the Brent public support the moves to change the charity purpose to allow for more development, probably commercial, to boost income? 

Will they be asked their views?




Anonymous said...

Sadly there's been poor management by the Barham Park Trust over the years.

BUT Brent Council have millions and millions of pounds of NCIL/CIL money in the bank so why can't grants be applied for by the Trust to open a community cafe and fund other work in the park??? The footpaths are in a dreadful state and the funfair has damaged the grass once again.

Over £3million in Brent Council grants have been given to the old cinema in Harlesden for a community centre - if they can get funding there why can't Barham Park???

Anonymous said...

Why would Brent invest the trust's money for rental income that would take well over ten years to repay the investment. As a businessman, I think the proposals are insane, ie, terrible investments.

Anonymous said...

What are the Friends of Barham Park groups doing to push for improvements to the park???

Was hoping they'd have some events this year to show how important the buildings are for the community and get more support from residents to protect the park.

Anonymous said...

Because Cllr Butt hates a particular political group that has strong links with the Trust, but probably because the group wouldn't let him join them (cross the floor) in a lead role in their administration during 2006 and 2010.

Anonymous said...

Microcosm of how they run the council

Anonymous said...

This is Mr Butt's elaborate plan to remove the Library and thus any dissenting voices

Martin Francis said...

Edited comment: So Labour Councillors wasted over £20,000 paying consultants to produce a plan which the same Labour Councillors are now throwing in the bin. Who in their right mind would spend £20,000 in 2023 on plans for shops and hotel rooms which they should have known could not be delivered until after 2031 - 8 years later. Most of the current Trustees won't be around (good riddance) and neither will the officers who are so incompetent that they did not bother to ask the obvious question "are there any leases in place which prevent us getting the full vacant possession we need"?

Anonymous said...

We need Labour out - please vote them out at the next local elections!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t it be good if the opposition parties submitted their own proposals

Anonymous said...

Labour don't listen to ANYONE - no matter who they are!!!

Why didn't they survey any residents or park users re what they wanted to see in the park before spending £30,000 on consultants???

Anonymous said...

FYI The Barham Park Trust is comprised of ONLY Labour Councillors - no one else is allowed to sit on it - not even us Council tax paying residents who care about their local park!!!