Tuesday 29 August 2023

Brent Council seek to commercialise historic old buildings in Barham Park at expense of community groups


The Harrow Road frontage

The community library space

The attractive cluster of buildings - including artists' studios

The Veterans' Club

Nepalese Community Centre

The Children's Centre

When the planning application for the building of four 3 storey houses in Barham Park was approved there were warnings about setting a precedent that could be a threat to other parks and gave rise to a 1,000 plus petition calling on Brent Council to protect our parks. The news that the Barham Park Trustees were seeking to revise the covenant preventing building on the park reinforced fears and these seem to be borne out by a new threat.

Brent Council (not the  Cabinet members under the leadership of Muhammed Butt but who call tell the difference?)  have commissioned a feasibility study to refurbish the site to allow commercial development in order to maximise income by charging market rents. 

In the process it would  the whole feel and purpose of the buildings which once housed the Brent Council Parks Department and a Brent Council public library, closed by a previous Labour administration. The volunteer community library set up by a 'Save Our Libraries' campaign group, and offering many more community activities than just a library, would not be able to afford a commercial rent and its future would be threatened if the plans went ahead. A similar fate would await the other community groups that use the various buildings.

The brief is set out below with a key factor highlighted.

The key items considered within this report are:

  •   Location of additional parking (including EV charging)

  •   Partial demolition & rebuild of certain elements of the building (eg. the flat-roofed areas towards the rear) have insufficient potential to add value to the project as a whole and has been excluded from the project scope.

  •   No full demolition & rebuild - design to relate to & incorporate existing building.

  •   Not to consider existing tenancies and to consider the building as vacant.

  •   Tracking and tracing of all underground drainage / pipe routes.

  •   Topography survey and levelling to ensure sufficient drainage.

  •   Structural constraints of the Barham Park Trust building

  •   EPC C to be targeted.

  •   Trees located within a conservation area that are not protected require written notice to the local planning authority.

When I visited this morning it was clear that few of the user groups had any knowledge of the plans that will be discussed by the Barham Park Trustees Committee at its meeting on Tuesday September 5th at 10am in Brent Civic Centre  The public can attend in person or on zoom LINK and everyone who cares about the future of Brent parks is urged to attend.
The Feasibility Study suggests that the construction costs would be £3,161,537.50 but many key items are left out and it is likely to be more that £4m.
The suggested occupants of the site, rather bizarrely, include an Air B&B, when many councils are discouraging them as they take away permanent local housing provision. Four retail outlets including a supermarket are  proposed when this section of the Harrow Road has little footfall other than park users, and a restaurant (there is a large restaurant opposite that has recently been converted from a pub.  
The only non-commercial uses mentioned are a community hub with local information and a library. Whether the latter would be at an affordable rent and affordable service charges will be vital for the continuation of the Barham Park Community Library.  Considerable financial investment and volunteer hours have been invested in the current library as can be seen in the photograph above, taken just after a morning yoga session, one of many activities that take place there.
Like many Brent Council properties the buildings have been allowed to run down and fall into disrepair, although users have done their best to rectify the defects spending their own funds. This run down strategy can sometimes be used to justify demolition and rebuild as happened with the previous Willesden Green library, and on a smaller but widespread scale with garages on council estates.
There are buildings in many Brent parks with development planned in King Edward VII   Wembley pavilion and the Bowls Court in Roundwood Park being offered to potential users. Watch this space!

Boarded up windows

To enable the users I met today and other members of the public to see the full study I have embedded it  below.



Anonymous said...

Gotham City, but where is Batman?

Martin Francis said...

Surely you're thinking of Buttman?

Paul Lorber said...

Labour Councillors closed Barham Park Library over 10 years ago.

We will NOT allow them to close Barham Community Library that local volunteers have worked for over 10 years to create and develop as an active hub for our local Community.


The attack is not just on us - Barham Veterans Club and the Gurkhas are under threat too - as are all the other local Community Groups which use our space at affordable rates:

Muslim Prayer Group attend by over 60 every week
Tamil School Classes
Our Knitting & Crochet Sewcial Group
The Dementia group attended by 40 people every week
Our Yoga, Pilates and Exercise Dance Groups
Our Book Club
Our Art Club
Our Rhyme & Story telling under 5s group
Our Chess Club

and all the other local organisations & groups who use our space for their social meetings and activities.

If the Council gets away with building their Hotel & Supermarket in Barham Park then it will open the door to building on other Brent Parks too.

Over 1000 local people signed the Petition to Protect Barham Park from over development recently. Are you listening Brent Council?

Come and support us by attending the Barham Park Trust Meeting at the Civic Centre on Tuesday 5 September at 10a.m. (bus No.92 stop outside and other buses nearby) and help us send a message to the Leadership of Brent Council that our Parks are our enjoyment and our recreations and NOT for Rbnb or a "Boutique" Hotel, Shops and Supermarkets that local people have not asked for and do not need.

Thank You for your support.

Philip Grant said...

To quote from another report on the Barham Park Trust Committee agenda for 5 September:
'Barham Park was given by George Titus Barham on trust to the Council in 1938. The terms of the trust are “to preserve the same for the recreation of the public".'

What have commercial office space, Airbnb, supermarkets or food courts got to do with 'the recreation of the public'?

How will the trust, a charity, raise the finance for this proposed £3-4m redevelopment (which would be a complete breach of the Local Green Space policies in the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan anyway!)?

They may get some money from selling off the restrictive covenant on 776/778 Harrow Road to George Irvin, but that has already been partly used with the £25k fee to the architects for this pipedream scheme, which will need the commitment of tens of thousands more to other consultants before it could even get off the ground.

I could go on, but to put it bluntly, this whole idea is madness.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Butt's brother moved away from bring a Sudbury Councillor if he knew they were planning this? If you can't stand the heat...

Anonymous said...

Another case of Butts Brent, they need to be held accountable. Leave the parks alone, if its income they need, build an air bnb, cafe, restaurant near the stadium or civic centre, lots of footfall and ir will fit in with the big mess they have made there.

Anonymous said...

£4 million to carry out these works ruining the nature of the existing buildings and leaving the community without vital meeting spaces while the works are carried out - how exactly would this end up being a profitable decision?

Anonymous said...

It’s the beginning of further similar sell offs in our surrounding, I can see this coming next…….This Labour council’s behaviour is our own fault for trusting them back into power again and again! As a regular Labour supporter I am questioning others to STOP voting for them ever again. They have created tower blocks all around us in Wembley/Alperton wards. I cannot trust this Labour council and few of their executive officers.

Anonymous said...

Also no doubt £4 million costs would end up being £8 million!!!

Paul Lorber said...

Needless to say they have NOT bothered to speak to any of the tenants or brief the local Councillors.

While the Consultants Report refers to a Library - the actual drawings used to highlight the Silver option being recommended for approval have wiped the Community Library from the face of the earth. Our main Library would become a Cafe and the Children Library space (also used by our Arts Group and to give advice to carers of Dementia sufferers) would become a shop.

As Philip Grant says - it is madness - which has already cost £25,000 of public money and will cost very much more if the Barham Park Trustees do not come to their senses.

Nan. said...

The 776 Harrow Road site is surely a better suited site for community cafe, lavatory facilities, etc...............


Anonymous said...

Why are they holding the Barham Park Trust Commitee meeting at the Civic Centre - why not hold it at Barham Park Community Library? Why is it being held at 10.00am in the morning when most people are at work?

So much for engaging with the local community!

Anonymous said...

Vote for anyone except Labour at the next local elections!

You should always vote in local elections based on local issues NOT national issues.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify the boarded up windows are like that because some guy was smashing them a couple of weeks ago - they are not boarded up because the building is derelict.

Paul Lorber said...

Under the 'brilliant' Silver option proposal recommended by officers ALL the Community organisations would be kicked out to provide a completely vacant site. The Park car park will also be out of action. The Report does not say for how long but a minimum of 2 years - and with Brent Council's track record much longer.

The Barham Community Library space will be turned into a Cafe (with no alternative library space identified!.

BUT hang on have the Council not been touting a Cafe for years? Did they have any success?

Well here is an extract from a Brent Council Officers Report from 2015 in relation to Unit 1 when it was empty and before it was let to Tamu Samaj UK group.

"Unit 1-The Card Room
(i) In 2012 a Barham Park Users Consultation was undertaken which identified that there was a demand for a café within the Barham Park. Following that Report the Trust decided that officers should pursue options for a café within the site as part of the previous marketing campaign. It was considered that Unit 1 might be suitable for such a use,

but it did not attract a bid in isolation of the bids for the other Units."

Unit 1 was eventually let at a rent well below the market rent.

The whole aim of the £25,000 Consultants Report is to achieve market rents for the buildings in Barham Park. They do not say what the rents would be of course.

Does anyone in their right mind thinks that a Cafe is a viable business option in this location if a true market rent is charged?

Officers wasted their time in 2012, they wasted their time in 2015 and now they are going to be asked to waste more time in 2023.

In the meantime local groups providing a service for local people are threatened with eviction by Labour Councillors - in the name of "progress"!

Anonymous said...

This plan for Barham Park has obviously been in the cooking pot for a few years. Hence Butts have secured their positions.

Anonymous said...

Sadly the Butts community members who are in the majority in Brent Will continue voting for them out of sone kind of misguided loyalty

Anonymous said...

Independent Trustees with good legal qualifications and knowledge should be appointed. To current trustees should removed to avoid conflicts of interests to put it mildly. As they cannot be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Following the Barham Park Trust’s meeting this morning we were made aware that Brent manages the costs of the park’s maintenance etc as the trust was not left any money.

Are Brent charging the Trust to maintain the grounds, buildings etc..?

When the Brent’s Parks Service were occupying the building for their office staff were Brent paying rent at market rent to the Trust?

Would be interesting to know if this arrangement has worked according to the legal and moral code.