Wednesday 6 May 2020

Sudbury Town RA's statement re Sudbury Town Station Planning Application currently under discussion at Brent Planning Committee

Sudbury Town Residents Association has sent the following information on the Sudbury Town Station plannin g application currently being considered by Brent Planning Committee:

The planning application is on the Agenda for the Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday 6 May 2020 at 6pm.We have tried our best to liaison with Brent Council and arrange a meeting in situ so that residents and businesses can share their concerns in the context of the area and reach mutually beneficial solutions. 

Unfortunately, we have received no response to our request for this meeting.

We have also written to Carolyn Downs, requesting her to defer the Planning Application 19/1241 to satisfy Statutory Requirements.This has not happened.

The Local Authorities Executive Arrangements, Meetings and Access to Information, England, 2012 No. 208 9 PART 2 Regulation 7.1 (a) and (b) states that Local Authorities are required to provide all necessary documentation to the public  prior to any decision-making meeting being held.

Please find a summary of the Statutory Requirements that have not been met through this Planning Application process.

  1. Documents unavailable from Brent Website
For the Public Consultation in April 2019, 58 documents were uploaded to the Brent Website and were available for the public to review.

There are now only 37 documents remaining as of 4 May 2020.

All documents should remain available for the public to view and should not be removed from Brent’s website.

  1. Statutory Consultee Comments not available
The Statutory Consultee comments are not available on Brent’s website.

  1. Statutory Consultee Comments DATES not available
There are no DATES provided on Brent Council’s Website of any of the Statutory Consultee Comments. 

  1. Planning Officer’s Reports
STRA is a Neighbourhood Forum and a Statutory Consultee since 2012.

The Planning Officer’s report of 27 April 2020 concludes that the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan 2015 does NOT contain any relevant policies that require consideration by the Planning Committee. 

STRA disagrees with the Planning Officer’s conclusions.

The Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan (STNP) 2015 contains policies that are relevant and require consideration by the Planning Committee. 

STRA requests the opportunity to respond in detail.This 21-day period should commence from the date that we receive the last document, as set out in the Development Management Procedure 2016, Part 22. 

STRA requests this document be presented to the Planning Committee and be added to the file for Planning Application 19/1241


Philip Grant said...

I've just watched the live streaming of the Sudbury Town Station car park planning application, which the Council refused to defer hearing of. It went on for two hours, with poor sound quality from some of the speakers, including the Chair at times.

At the end of it all, only three members voted in favour of the Officer's recommendation to approve the application, and four voted against, for very good planning reasons.

Was that the end of the matter? No! A Planning Officer asked to have the decision deferred, so that they could come back and try for a second time to get their recommendation approved. Committee members voted in favour of that by 5 to 2!

Philip Grant said...


I agree that Consultee Comments should be available for the public to see on the Council's website for each planning application. There is, after all, a "tab" which invites us to "View Consultee Comments", but these are not shown when you open it!

I am campaigning to get these comments on public view on another application. I have already told the Case Officer that his reason for them not being shown is unacceptable, and am waiting for a response to my latest email from a Senior Planning Officer (who was busy at yesterday evening's meeting).

If STRA would like to get in touch with me by email, I would be happy to share information, so that we can jointly apply pressure to get this non-disclosure by Brent's Planners, of potentially important information for applicants and objectors, corrected.

If you don't have my Gmail address, I'm sure that an email to Martin could be forwarded to me.