Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Previous election results in Alperton ward and the changing ward population profile

An area undergoing rapid development

 Alperton ward had, until Cllr Georgiou's resignation yesterday, two Liberal Democrat councillors and one Labour so a by-election will be highly marginal.


It was a winter by-election on January 23rd 2020 that gave the  Liberal Democrats their breakthrough:

Labour was hit when their candidate became embroiled in controversy over his alleged support for Bob Blackman, a right-wing Conservative MP LINK

A major issue in the ward is recent  and rapid high-rise developments and an issue that Cllr Georgiou was vocal on in the Council speaking at Planning Committee meetings on the problem of densification and lack of infrastructure.

The new developments have grown the population from 11,009 at the 2011 census to 15,056 in 2021. The population will have grown further since then.

The ward has a high Asian population and the majority religion is Hinduism. Those statistics may change when new comers move into the high rises.

Source: https://www.citypopulation.de/en/uk/london/wards/brent/E05013496__alperton/



Philip Grant said...

No announcement on the Brent Council website yet about Anton Georgiou stepping down, or of the by-election that will have to be held, although Anton's details have been removed from the list of Alperton Ward councillors, with the "third councillor" space marked as 'vacant'.

I wonder whether the Labour Party will decline to put up a candidate when there is a by-election, out of respect for Anton's work for Alperton Ward and the reason he has felt forced to resign from his public responsibilities?

I hope that Brent's Conservatives and Greens will not stand, but ask their supporters to vote for the Lib Dem candidate instead, so that the already small number of opposition councillors is not diminished.

Anonymous said...

You say "I wonder whether the Labour Party will decline to put up a candidate when there is a by-election, out of respect for Anton's work for Alperton Ward and the reason he has felt forced to resign from his public responsibilities?" Sadly having witnessed the vitriol the Labour candidates and Labour campaigners threw at the Lib Dems and Tories at the polling stations at the last local elections we very much doubt they have any compassion or understanding of the issues anyone else faces. Their behaviour was appauling! 😞

Anonymous said...

What are the drivers for middle east and asian countries of birth migration to those numbers? Is it refugees?

Anonymous said...

Labour will not stand down as they are too tribal. They will be announcing another Council Tax Rise, Cuts in Brent Services, Increases in charges (including 40% rise in the Too Big for the Bin Service) and redundancies just at the time that Alperton residents go to vote.

The Tories will also put up a candidate although as recent results highlighted by Martin show theirs is a wasted vote. The Tories were defending a seat in Hanger Hill Ward in Ealing (on the border with Alperton) just before Christmas. Guess what - the Lib Dems thumped them and took the seat off them with a majority of over 800.

The contest is clearly between the Liberal Democrats and Labour and voters will need to decided if they want a Lib Dem Councillor who will challenge Labour's poor decisions making or another Councillor Butt loyalist.

No doubt the Labour pro and anti Butt factions are already jockeying for position in the Labour selection process.

Anonymous said...

When Labour’s own anti corruption tsar, brent mp tulip saddiq is embroiled in a corruption scandal then what hope is there https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14251043/Treasury-Minister-lied-700-000-flat-gift-TWO-YEARS-ago.html

Martin Francis said...

Tulip Siddiq is no longer a Brent MP since new constituencies came into being at the General Election.

Anonymous said...

The constituent for MP Tulip Siddiq is H&K - Hampstead and Kilburn. The Kilburn part is in Brent Borough.

Martin Francis said...

No. Boundaries were changed at the last General Election. Tulip is MP for Hampstead and Highgate - no Brent wards. Kilburn and two other wards are now in the Queens Park and Maida Vale Constituency - Georgia Gould is the MP.