Residents manned the Preston Road car park gates until 2am in the morning at the weekend when they saw industrial level flytipping taking place. They took prompt action to prevent further rubbish being dumped.
I understand that around 10 vans were involved. One van was captured by police after residents phoned 999 with the number plate details. A resident said that participants pay one person and then others pile in. It is hoped that police have gained enough information to enable Brent Enforcement to follow up.
Selfish industrial scale fly-tippers desecrated Preston Road Car Park on 10pm Wed, 18 Dec We are investigating with the police & have identified a vehicle of interest Those responsible will face the full force of the lawπ§⚖️ Please contact us with any info, especially any vehicle details π© Reference SR19618
Brent Council and Cllrs should be ashamed of themselves. Sadiq Khan is also to blame. Litter and fly-tipping have become a real problem under his mayorship. London is now being described as s***-hole by many.
There must be cctv in the area including ulez cameras to track the culprits???
Unfortunately no CCTV in the car park or John Billham Park, this is in my Kenton Ward and I visited yesterday and at least £20,000 worth of flytipped waste dumped. Thanks to Suzanne from Brent Parks a volunteer highlighted this incident as she lives a stone thiw away. I have requested CCTV a number of times but the Labour Administration think this is not necessary.
Wouldn't it be better for Brent Council to spend more money collecting our waste for free from our homes???
How much are Brent Council spending on highly salaried council officers (who get paid despite poor results), council enforcement officers and Veolia employees working to catch offenders and clear all this dumped waste from our streets which does not them get recycled???
Veolia employees is useless I see them sitting in the park regularly just passing time looking at their phones and not picking any litter!
Loads of times we've seen Veolia remove fly tips we've reported but they leave the debris behind which means we then have to further report that the area needs cleaning - guess Veolia get paid for two visits to the same location???
We've been requesting cctv for over 7 years at a location near us where there is daily flytipping right next to peoples houses but just get every excuse under the sun from Brent Council for why they won't install it.
That's the problem when you have highly paid Council Executives who live in lovely places like Oxford and just don't care about us here.
London’s been exactly that for a long time.
Unless they’re doing the flytipping how’s it their fault?
How often does dumping happen?
It's their fault because...
- they stopped weekly bin collections encouraging people to dump their additional rubbish;
- they stopped free bulky waste collections encouraging people to dump their rubbish;
- they limited what people could take to the tip encouraging people to dump their rubbish or to employ cheap waste contractors who take the waste away and then dump it;
- they allowed thousands of HMOs to open unchecked with landlords telling tenants to dump their rubbish rather than ordering more bins for all their tenants;
- they ignore residents' pleas for cctv at daily fly tipping hot spot areas;
- they negotiated contracts with Veolia which do NOT require Veolia to search all fly tipped rubbish for any evidence of who dumped it before removal, how many people have got away with dumping because of this poor decision???
- they have put in 'timed collection points' on our streets for flats which do already have purpose built refuse/bin areas which Veolia could drive into to pick up waste from and no-one at Brent Council checks who's leaving waste at these timed collection points nor do they enforce the times when waste should be left there and collected - the result is bags of unsightly waste dumped at these timed collection points all day leaving our streets looking like a tip;
- they have removed all litter bins on residential streets encouraging littering;
- they have given out alcohol licences to virtually every new local retail premises encouraging street drinking and littering;
- they have then allowed those street drinkers to gather in the same places everyday unchallenged making our public spaces feel unsafe and filthy from their littering.
Need we say more???
And NO don't say all of this is due to government cuts! It's not, it's due to poor management by Brent Council Executives and Officers on high salaries and who get paid despite poor results.
No cctv in the station car park? That's very surprising to hear public safety wise.
A bit ignorant to say it’s not down to government cuts over the last well over a decade. You’ve made a lot of assumptions. People like you hate all landlords π
Do you realise how much of a lesser calibre of execs we’d have if we didn’t pay such salaries? There’s a systemic problem not just a Brent one. Brent’s not special when it comes to flytipping.
"Anonymous27 December 2024 at 12:03 says
Do you realise how much of a lesser calibre of execs we’d have if we didn’t pay such salaries? There’s a systemic problem not just a Brent one. Brent’s not special when it comes to flytipping." - BUT do they not read the news? Brent is indeed special when it comes to fly tipping, our highly paid high calibre executives managed to get us to the top of the fly tipping league in England...
"Brent recorded the highest number of incidents of any England borough with 35,000 incidents in 2022-23."
BBC News - London boroughs see increase in fly-tipping
There are council league tables Brent comes out bottom for which tells you the salary has made no difference
I agree with anon of the list. If you want to hark back - cuts were terms and conditions of EU membership and labour bankrupted the country last time they were in power.
A good third of labour councillors are landlords
Surely a higher number of recorded fly tips means something’s actually being done and therefore recorded
What exacty is being done???
How many people are bring caught and fined???
How much time and money is being spent on endless reporting, logging and cleaning up fly tips??? And paying 'high calibre' executives at Brent Council to not solve the problem???
the point is reporting means they're cleared at the very least?
But the more dumped rubbish they just clear without any fines, or other repercussions like naming and shaming, the more people will dump!!!
We'd rather have cleaner streets through more waste being collected more regularly from people's homes than streets full of dumped rubbish and Veolia trucks on a constant loop picking up dumped rubbish that ends up in landfill and not recycled.
But perhaps we have more civic pride than you?
Newham Council now empty recycling bins weekly and brought their waste collection service back in house...
"The largest proportion of discarded waste in Newham was household waste, making up 69% of all incidents, with 80 per cent dumped on the street.
Cllr Asser added: “We have recently launched weekly recycling collections, in place of the previous fortnightly collections, and this makes it much easier for residents to keep on top of their domestic rubbish, as well as supporting a more environmentally friendly way of disposing of it."
"In August 2021 street cleansing services were bought back in-house under the Council’s direct control and work began work of re-designing street cleansing services across the borough. The changes introduced have not only had a positive impact on the Council’s response to fly-tipping, they have also resulted in a cleaner borough."
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