Showing posts with label Aplha House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aplha House. Show all posts

Friday 30 August 2024

LETTER: Cllr Butt, this is no laughing matter. South Kilburn residents held in contempt


Alpha House, South Kilburn

Dear Editor,

The Brent and Kilburn Times recently splashed an article about conditions at Alpha House in South Kilburn LINK. I wrote a letter to them about the way Brent Council treats its residents but unfortunately it was not published.

This is what I wrote:

Thank you for highlighting the scandal of how Brent Council treats residents of our flats. The fact that Council leader Mohammed Butt can say that grass and bushes have now been - badly - cut does not alter the fact that residents were given several different dates when it would happen and it didn't. On other occasions we got no response at all to queries, as was the case when we asked about the scaffolding on Alpha House. Numerous enquiries by TRA officers and residents simply went unanswered. 


Councillor Butt's comment that we should make a complaint is ridiculous when we have already made known our concern to numerous council officers, councillors and our new MP with no substantive response. Indeed, when I saw Cllr Butt recently and raised the issue with him, he just laughed.


Such is the contempt with which Brent Council holds residents of its properties.


Pete Firmin, chair, Alpha, Gorefield and Canterbury Tenants and Residents Association.