Showing posts with label Burma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burma. Show all posts

Saturday 14 September 2024

Some forthcoming British Empire Exhibition talks you may wish to enjoy

 Guest post by local historian Philip Grant


Some images from Burma at the British Empire Exhibition


If you have found my recent articles about the Pageant of Empire in 1924 of interest, you might like to discover more about the British Empire Exhibition from one (or more) of the three illustrated talks I will be giving over the next few weeks, as part of its centenary.


The first, “The Jewel of Wembley – Burma at the BEE”, is on Friday 20 September, from 7.30 to 9pm, in St Andrew’s Church Hall, Kingsbury. This is at regular monthly meeting of Wembley History Society, but visitors are welcome [we just invite a contribution of £3 (£1 for students) towards the cost of the hall]. All the details you should need are here:



One of the aspects of the Exhibition’s history that I am most keen on is the perspective of people who came here from the countries of the Empire, rather than just the “official” British view. The album on which much of my talk is based contains dozens of newspaper cuttings and photographs. One of the most intriguing of which is an article by a female journalist of her interview with Ma Bala Hkin, the leading actress and dancer of the Burmese theatre troupe at the Exhibition.


One of the headlines from the “Evening News” article.


If you want to know what Ma Bala thought of the English women she saw in Wembley in 1924, you should come along to my talk!


The second of my talks, “A Harlesden Photographer at the B.E.E. – the West Indies at Wembley in 1924”, is a free coffee morning event at Harlesden Library, on Tuesday 8 October from 11am to 12noon



Back in the 1990s, Wembley History Society received a donation of photographs, together with some glass plate negatives, showing images of the Exhibition in 1924, especially from inside the West Indies Pavilion. They were the work of a little-known local photographer, whose stamp was on the back of some of the prints:


Harlesden Library seemed the ideal place to present this talk, and you can find more details and reserve your free place on the Brent Libraries, Arts and Heritage Eventbrite website. This talk is part of the Becoming Brent project, re-examining the British Empire Exhibition and its legacy.


The final talk I will be giving in the Exhibition’s centenary year is “When Wembley Welcomed the World”. This is being hosted by Preston Community Library on the afternoon of Sunday 27 October (exact time and further details will follow). It will be a free event, but with donations to the work of the community library invited from those who attend.



This illustrated talk is an introduction to the various nations which took part in the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park in 1924, and their people who came here for the event, but then moves on to show how Wembley has continued to welcome people from across the world ever since the 1920s.


I hope that “Wembley Matters” readers will find something of interest in these presentations, and I look forward to welcoming you to any of these events.


Philip Grant.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Display and talk about the British Empire Exhibition - Tuesday July 9th at Kingsbury Library

 Guest post by local historian Philip Grant

The BEE Palace of Industry at night – a 1924 postcard (Source: Brent Archives)
[Standing in the same spot now, you would be looking at the front of Brent Civic Centre!]


I began the year by explaining why I think we should commemorate the centenary of the British Empire Exhibition in 2024. It is an opportunity to consider (or reconsider) our views on “Empire”, learn more about the history of the British Empire and its effect on the lives of the people in the lands it acquired (often by force), and collect the stories of families who have come from across the former “Empire”, and beyond, to live in Brent today.


It is also an opportunity to discover more about the Exhibition itself, an event which put a small, little-known Urban District in Middlesex on the world map. People came to Wembley in 1924 from across the world to take part in the Exhibition, and 17 million visitors flocked to Wembley Park to see it.


Crowds around the Burma Pavilion on the Whit Monday bank holiday, 1924.


To help you get a feel for what took place at Wembley Park a century ago, there is a small exhibition at Kingsbury Library this summer. I will also be giving an illustrated talk, in conjunction with that display, at a free Kingsbury Library coffee morning event on Tuesday 9 July, 11am to 12noon. Details are on the poster below (which includes a “link” to the Eventbrite site where you can reserve your seat for the talk). I hope you enjoy these events!


Philip Grant