From Disabled People Against Cuts

Dear friends,
Protest at Parliament
10am onwards Wednesday 23 March
London SW1A 0AA
Westminster tube
Please come to this protest called by Disabled People Against Cuts to press MPs against cuts to disability benefits. We’ll be there! And we don’t want them to put the squeeze on pensioners now instead... Please let us know if you can come, email back or call us on 020 7482 2496.
From Disabled People Against Cuts:
URGENT Call Out for Wednesday March 23rd
Many apologies for the very short notice which we know will make it impossible for some people to get to this. Due to the unexpected events of the last few days and the sudden resignation of IDS and what seems to be an increasing number of Tory MPs that the attacks they’ve made against disabled people for the last 6 years are unjust means we feel it is important we have a presence in parliament before PMQs.
Please meet at visitors’ entrance to parliament at 10 am or inside the main lobby if arriving later.
If you can definitely get to this could you please drop us an email to
Later on Wednesday there is the prptest against forced academies 5pm Assemble, Westminsstre Cathedral
Dear friends,
Protest at Parliament
10am onwards Wednesday 23 March
London SW1A 0AA
Westminster tube
Please come to this protest called by Disabled People Against Cuts to press MPs against cuts to disability benefits. We’ll be there! And we don’t want them to put the squeeze on pensioners now instead... Please let us know if you can come, email back or call us on 020 7482 2496.
From Disabled People Against Cuts:
URGENT Call Out for Wednesday March 23rd
Many apologies for the very short notice which we know will make it impossible for some people to get to this. Due to the unexpected events of the last few days and the sudden resignation of IDS and what seems to be an increasing number of Tory MPs that the attacks they’ve made against disabled people for the last 6 years are unjust means we feel it is important we have a presence in parliament before PMQs.
Please meet at visitors’ entrance to parliament at 10 am or inside the main lobby if arriving later.
If you can definitely get to this could you please drop us an email to
Later on Wednesday there is the prptest against forced academies 5pm Assemble, Westminsstre Cathedral