The Brent Planning Committee on October 19th (7pm at the Civic Centre) will be given a Presentation by Quintain on one of the biggest sites in the Wembley Masterplan. This is a pre-planning application so most of the information will only be divulged that evening. No plans are published in advance.
Given the controversy over recent developments at the stadium and elsewhere in Wembley this is an opportunity for residents to get a glimpse of what is in store. This is a large housing development with blocks of flats up to 26 storeys.
This is what is published on the Committee Agenda:
Green Car Park, First Way, Wembley
The Reserved Matters for the development of Plot E03
pursuant to outline planning application reference 15/5550 (the Quintain
Proposed construction of 1 to 26 storey building to provide 743 flats (397
private rent and 346 discount market rent), 490 square metres of communtiy
or employment floorspace Use Class D1 / B1), 91 coach
parking spaces for Wembley Stadium events, energy centre for outline consent
area and associated external amenity space, cycle storage, hard and soft
landscaping and accesses to the highway
part of the agenda is for the committee to receive presentations on proposed
developments, particularly when they are at the pre-application stage.
the reports are set out in a particular order on the agenda, the Chair may
reorder the agenda on the night. Therefore, if you wish to be present for a
particular application, you need to be at the meeting from the beginning.
following information and advice only applies to reports in this part of the
Advice to Members
proposed developments are being reported to committee to enable Members of the
committee to view them at an early stage and to comment upon them. They do not
constitute applications for planning permission at this stage (unless otherwise
stated in the individual report) and any comments made are provisional and
subject to full consideration of any subsequent application and the comments received
as a result of consultation, publicity and notification.
of the committee will need to pay careful attention to the probity rules around
predisposition, predetermination and bias (set out in the Council’s
Constitution). Failure to do so may mean that the Councillor will not be able
to participate in the meeting when any subsequent application is considered.
Further information
6. Members are informed that any relevant material received since the publication of this part of the agenda, concerning items on it, will be reported to the Committee in the Supplementary Report.
Public speaking
7. The Council’s Constitution only provides for public speaking rights for those applications being reported to Committee in the “Applications for Decision” part of the agenda. Therefore reports on this part of the agenda do not attract public speaking rights.