Brent Fightback protest in 2011 |
This interview with a street cleaner predicted a worsening service from Nicola Newswizz
Now, with 5 months to go before the election Brent Council has announced a blitz on street cleaning:
A major new blitz against the worst litter and flytipping spots in the borough will be launched in every ward in the new year as part of a new campaign to clean up Brent.It is not clear whether the 28 street sweepers are new employees or current employees on overtime and what the budgetary implications are for the move.
Brent Council’s campaign will focus on the spots most blighted by dumped waste, litter and dirt. For the first time street cleansing on Saturday and Sunday afternoons in town centres and residential streets will take place and all 21 wards will get their own dedicated street sweeper to focus on cleaning up the dirtiest spots in their area.
In total an extra 28 street sweepers in addition to the existing crews will be sent in to clean up the borough’s streets from 6 January. So far 147 of the dirtiest spots across the borough have been identified for immediate action as part of the campaign.
Brent Council is committed to delivering clean streets and high standards of cleansing for all areas, including removing any flytipping as quickly as possible.
The fly tipping 'Hot Spots' identified by the council for action can be found on the table below: