A resident reported: No engineer in sight but no leak either. From Wembley Hill Road the road is closed to the left if you wished to go down Harrow Road. From Harrow Road coming into Wembley there is no right turn into Wembley Hill Road.
Thames Water has reported to Brent Council that a 'big crack' opened up overnight on the road at Wembley Triangle. Sewage escaped from the main sewer about 3 metres below ground and cascaded into roadside gullies.
Thames have classified this as pollution as it leads into the Wembley Brook (of recent fame). At the time of informing Brent Council. Thames said there had been no real impact on the brook at present but further work would be done today to investigate further and survey the pipe. This will establish the reapirs need to return the sewer to normal service and prevent any further flooding or pollution.
Wembley Matters has asked the Thames Water officer responsible for an update on the situation after today's investigation.