Showing posts with label tree works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tree works. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Brent Council explains tree work in Northwick Park


 Two sections of the line of trees that have been worked on


Following publicity about the felled oak tree on Barn Hill, a Wembley Matters reader drew my attention to the cutting back of trees in Northwick Park along the border with the Bakerloo line. They were a good distance from any houses that might have been threatened by roots. The trees provided screening and reduction of noise from the tube trains.

Brent Council promised to investigate and today offered an explanation:

Brent Council Parks service had commissioned a tree survey to identify trees that may have risks, particularly if near to the railway line, paths and desire lines. A contractor has been commissioned to conduct the tree works. 


Following a site visit on 27th August 2024, we can confirm that the trees in the photographs are included in the ‘Urgent’ list for works. Many of these trees are White Willows that had wounds, cavities, or other damage at height. White Willow also tends to have relatively brittle wood.


However, the good news is that most of these trees are being pollarded at around 2 metres in height. In some cases the trees are being coppiced, which is practically the same treatment, but at a lower height. The live wood below the cut is retained, as are the roots. These trees should re-grow and the new shoots should be visible by the spring of next year.


Only a small proportion of the trees are being felled to the base.


Unfortunately, there are a number of other trees that also require works in Northwick Park, so this is work in progress and continuing.


Readers may remember a controversy years ago when residents in Harlesden came out to defend trees in the January cold that they thought were being felled without notice or reason A public meeting with councillors and council officers stressed the important of communication LINK.

The reader remarked:

Thank you for finding out and sharing Martin. I wish Brent would use the community notice boards in the park to show information like this, it would improve residents understanding of what the Council is doing a lot more.

I agree. Fairly recent works on restoration of acid grass areas on Barn Hill were accompanied by useful explanatory notices.