Sunday 15 April 2012

Barham Pop Up Library to open on Saturday

Friends of Barham Library will be opening a Volunteer POP UP Library on Saturday 21 April 2012 in a former nursery building next to Barham Primary School in Danethorpe Road Wembley.

Barham Library situated in the popular Barham Park is one of the 6 libraries closed by Brent Council last October. The friends of Barham Library have been campaigning ever since to get the Library reopened and have offered to run it with the help of volunteers and through fund raising effort. Brent Council have kept the former library building empty for over 6 months and have so far refused access to local volunteers.

According to Francis Henry, from Friends of Barham Library as over half of Barham Library's active users were young people under 19 years of age it is the local youngsters who have been hurt most by the closure.

Although the Volunteer Library will serve the whole community irrespective of age and background it the loss of a library for young people in particular that is the driving force behind Friends of Barham Library determination to get their library back. It is planned to operate the Saturday Library from Saturday 21 April 2012 until the end of July 2012.

"Barham Library was originally opened on 31 May 1952 and just like the Queen the Library is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee this year. Opening a Volunteer run Saturday Library next to a local school of helping to provide a much needed library service for local people" says Francis Henry who lives in Sudbury with his family.

Local people are being urged to show their support by coming to the opening of the Barham Volunteer Library on Saturday 21 April based in the old Nursery Building next to Barham Primary School accessed through the school entrance in Danethorpe Road Wembley. The library will be open between 10:30am and 2:30pm. on its opening day.

Friends of Barham Library are also urging local people to help by becoming volunteers, donating books, DVDs and CDs and by helping to fund raise.
Meanwhile the Independent has a story on pop up libraries elsewhere LINK

Saturday 14 April 2012

Getting Brent Youth Parliament involved in climate change issue

BCACC supporters - I am in disguise!
 In my role as Chair of Brent Campaign Against Climate Change I went with Jeff Bartley of Brent Council to talk to the Youth Parliament.

Along with the College of North West London we are planning a Conference on Climate Change for 6th formers and college students. The Conference will take place in March 2013 and we  want to get young people involved in the planning.  It is essential that we have their ideas at an early stage so that the Conference is participative and involving and based on young peoples' concerns.

I introduced the idea and Jeff gave a PowerPoint presentation on the plans so far. BYP members expressed support for a debate to be included in the day and like the idea of  hands on experience with green technologies. Younger members aged 11 and 12 had plenty of comments and contributions as well as their older colleagues and some fundamental questions were asked including 'Is the aim to prevent climate change or deal with its impact?' and 'What has careers advice got to do with climate change?' 

We hope to work on a separate event for primary schools to take place in Autumn this year.

Years ago I was involved in the group which set up the Youth Parliament and so it was good to see it in action. The Parliament reflected Brent's diversity but girls predominated today - perhaps because of the football match happening just down the road at the same time!

Wembley drinking ban unenforceable

The ban on public drinking of alcohol for this weekend's semi-finals proved difficult to enforce today in Bridge Road, Wembley.

At 11.30am fans were openly drinking on the street and I asked several police officers what was happening with the ban.

One officer said that they could not possibly enforce it but could try and limit it to certain areas, so drinking was going ahead on the shops side of Bridge Road, where the crowds were, but the ban was being enforced on the Ark Academy side where mainly locals were walking to avoid the fans.

Bridge Road, railway bridge
On the railway bridge officers stood by while drinking carried on but further down the road two officers were making fans pour the contents of their cans onto the pavement.

An officer told me that the Council could pass all the laws they like but it was 'impossible' to enforce with so many fans drinking.  A more senior officer said that it was crazy that drinking was banned on the pavements which belonged to Brent Council but allowed on Olympic Way which was privately owned. He said that it risked confrontation to make someone empty a drink on the bridge pavement, while below fans were openly drinking on the approach to the stadium.

When I remarked that it seemed quiet and peaceful at present, he said the real test would be after the match. Meanwhile fans were leaving the area to claim their seats in the stadium and left their public drinking evidence behind.

Another perspective was provided by a shopkeeper who said that his business had been affected by the ban. He relied on pre-match drinks sales for revenue to keep his business afloat and said because of the ban and the parking restrictions he was thinking of closing. Shops were told to close their off-licences one hour before the match.

The shopkeeper was particularly incensed that ASDA around the corner was able to continue selling alcohol. He felt that the street drinking ban was introduced by Brent Council at the behest of Wembley Stadium where drinks are sold at exorbitant prices.

Friday 13 April 2012

Missing Lib Dems: cock-up, cop-out or conspiracy?

Despite queries from our assiduous local newspaper reporters, we still don't know why the Lib Dems aren't standing in the Barnhill by-election on May 3rd.

Greens will be pleased though as the failure of Lib Dems to stand will mean that several forests will be saved given the usual scale of their leafleting in by-elections.

Perhaps they realise that they have contributed to a rise in Brent Council's recycling rates through their Wembley Central and Dollis Hill campaigns and no longer want to contribute to Cllr Powney's PR offensive.

If anyone out there knows more about this political mystery please drop us an e-mail or comment below.

Brent Council pension deficit per head highest in England claim Taxpayers' Alliance

The right-wing pressure group, Taxpayers' Alliance, as part of their campaign against 'too generous' local government pensions, has today listed the pension deficit for local councils.

Brent Council has one of the largest deficits per head of population according to their figures:

Top 10 deficits per head

Merthyr Tydfil, £2,268
Brent £2,267
Rhondda, Cyon, Taff £2,063
Gateshead, £2,040
Neath Port Talbot, £2,001
Hackney, £1,931
Hammersmith and Fulham, £1,899
Newham, £1,718
Blaenau Gwent, £1,708
Lambeth, £1,660


Thursday 12 April 2012

London Greens launch 2012 Manifesto

Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today unveiled the party’s manifesto for the 2012 London elections.

Joined by fellow Assembly Member Darren Johnson and other top candidates from the Party’s London-wide list, Jones set out their vision for a Green London that acts as a model for the world in addressing climate change; a city more equal, healthy and affordable for everyone.

Shahrar Ali is the Green Party's candidate for the Brent and Harrown assembly seat.

Jenny Jones said: “A Green London will be a model for the world in addressing climate change, a city more equal, healthy and affordable for everyone.

“London needs a strong Green voice. We must cut our carbon emissions and be more responsible global citizens. We must protect green spaces, create jobs and look for creative solutions to the massive shortage of affordable housing.

“By voting to elect more Green Assembly Members under the proportional system, Londoners can really make the difference this year.”

The manifesto includes five key promises:

1.   Cutting fares and reducing traffic—ensuring public transport is always cheaper than driving and        cleaning up London’s polluted air.
2.   Improving green spares and the environment—giving everyone access to nature and generating clean energy from waste.
3.   Making housing more affordable—refurbishing a million homes and stabilising rent levels.
4.   Reducing the gap between rich and poor—offering a job or apprenticeship to all young Londoners and creating a Fair Pay Mark for companies who reduce pay inequality
5.   Rebuilding trust in policing—put more officers on the beat and stopping the cuts to back office staff.

Wembley Matters passes 100,000 hits threshold

Earlier today this blog had its 100,000th page view.-  another milestone for this local news and campaigning website.

Many thanks to everyone who visits and especially those who participate by adding comments.


If Brent Council can't keep our streets clean, what can they do?

Barnhill Road, near Lidl
Out and about leafleting and canvassing in the Preston Road area of Barnhill ward and on Chalkhill this morning it is clear that after library closures and general frustration over Brent Council's poor consultation record, dirty streets is a big issue. Street sweeping was cut last year LINK and when Brent Fightback organised a petition to get the cuts reinstated we were told that residents would not notice any difference,

'If they can't keep our streets clean, what use are they?' seems to be the general view. Of course the public are to blame for dumping rubbish in the first place but the council has an enforcement and a preventative role. On 'The Avenue' I spoke to one man who was using a litter picker to pick up cans, plastic bottles, vodka bottles and crisp packets from his front garden. They had all been discarded by people sitting on his garden wall waiting at the bus stop. He said he had repeatedly asked the council to install a rubbish bin there but to no avail. A simple solution.

On Chalkhill I was struck by the contrast between the cleanliness of common areas within the 'Science blocks' and the street. Metropolitan Housing Association and Pinnacle are clearly doing a good job. Outside as the pictures show Brent Council and Veolia are not:

'Flower beds' on Wembley ASDA's perimeter

The Chalkhill Park site
Chalkhill Road
Corner of Chalkhill Road and Bridge Road
On the Town Hall doorstep at King's Drive
The contract for waste management in Brent comes up for renewal in 2014 and should go out to tender soon. Will it be possible for the bidding contractors to meet the necessary standards of street cleanliness on the reduced budget Brent Council will give them?