Monday, 7 September 2015

Roald Dahl Day Sunday 13th at Preston Library- Film 'The BFG' plus activities

Philip Grant's deputation on Brent Council standards of conduct will NOT be heard tonight

Philip Grant received the following message a few minutes ago:
Dear Mr Grant

This being my first day at work in Brent I am afraid that have only just got round to answering your email of yesterday.

The Council’s Monitoring Officer has ruled on this matter and her word is final.

I am sorry that this is not the response you wished to receive.

Yours sincerely

Carolyn Down
Full marks to Philip for trying and for his polite persistence on this issue.

Philip has sent the following reply:
Dear Ms Downs,
Thank you for the courtesy of a reply. I realise that as this is your first day at Brent, it will have been a very busy one.

I can confirm that this is not the response I wished to receive. I had hoped to receive a response from Ms Alderman, after I asked her last Wednesday to reconsider her original decision. 

I accept that under Standing Order 39 'her word is final', but that should not mean she cannot change her mind, when it has been explained to her why her original decision was based on a misunderstanding of the true position, and there is plenty of time for her to put that error right. 

I will still attend this evening's Full Council meeting, and will bring my Deputation with me, so that I will be ready to present it, if allowed by Ms Alderman to do so. Best wishes,

Philip Grant

Brent Council willing to take in at least 50 Syrian families 'if necessary'

Leader of Brent Council Muhammed Butt has told the Kilburn Times that the Council is willing to take at least 50 Syrian families into the borough LINK

However his comments were short on detail of how this would be done.

He told the Times:
It’s incumbent upon us to make sure that we do help the people who are in need.
I’m looking to take in 50 families if necessary, I have no problem with that and if we need to increase it we’ll wait for the announcement from the government about the resources open to us.
He said it was too early to say how the refugees would be settled in and housed.
What we need to do first is make a plan, we need to get our partners on board and that the council and the departments are working together so that we can identify the areas of need.

I‘ve had conversations with officers about starting to take the appropriate measures to support people coming in.
He went on to say that there was some time as “people will not be coming in tomorrow.”

At the time of writing 351 residents had signed an on-line petition calling for Brent to admit 50 families LINK

The petition was publicised on Wembley Matters and social media over the weekend. LINK

Brent Council should take the opportunity tonight to open a new chapter in transparency and accountability

Regular readers of this blog will know that there have been numerous occasions when attempts to address Brent Council on controversial issues, ranging from the Veolia Public Realm Contract to the Cara Davani case, have been disallowed as well as motions from both Liberal Democrats (pre 2014 local elections) and Conservatives being ruled out of order.

Muhammed Butt's promise on taking over the leadership of the council of a new era of transparency and accountability, a commitment to listen to the views of residents and opening the council up to their scrutiny, has not been fulfilled.

Tonight's Full Council meeting, will be attended by the new Chief Executive Carolyn Downs. The old senior management  regime of Christine Gilbert, Cara Davani, Fiona Ledden and Andy Potts has gone.

A fresh start would be indicated if Philip Grant is allowed to make his presentation on the important of high standards of conduct in carrying out the functions of Brent Council without interruption and there is proper debate on the Brent Conservative motion calling for an independent inquiry into the Rosemarie Clarke employment tribunal case.

Over the weekend I wrote the following to my ward councillors:

I am writing to urge you to support Philip Grant's request to make a deputation to Full Council on Monday September 7th.

I know Philip personally and he is a man committed to the highest standards in public life. He does not belong to any political party. His contributions to debate are always measured and well researched. The title of his deputation is one that Brent Council should welcome and support: “The importance of high standards of conduct in carrying out the functions of Brent Council

The reasons given for refusing the Deputation by the Council's Chief Legal Officer are spurious (it is a part of a 'campaign' and is continuation of a 'complaint or grievance') and her decision to treat it as an FoI request high-handed if not a misuse of her powers under the Constitution.

Allowing a dignified deputation by a man of principle who is a respected local resident would provide an opportunity for the Council, after a particularly difficult period, to indicate its commitment to the highest standards of conduct by the Council as it moves forward under a new Chief Executive.
Martin Francis
The public can attend tonight's meeting to support Philip Grant, who has appealed against the refusal of his deputation, and to see if Brent Council can live up to its professed ideals. The meeting is in the Conference Hall at the Civic Centre at 7pm.

It can be watched on the live stream HERE and you can follow and comment via Twitter using #BrentLive

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Kilburn Labour Party Party steps into Duffy dispute

Reliable sources inform me that Kilburn (Brent) branch of the Labour Party agreed at its meeting on Thursday to write to to the Leader, Muhammed Butt, and the Chief Whip of the Brent Council Labour Group,  condemning the way proceedings are being taken against Cllr John Duffy.

Duffy had complained in a letter to Labour Group members about the way Cllr Kabir, the Chief Whip, had threatened him with disciplinary action without giving him details of the charges or hearing his response. LINK

Brent Council has destroyed Stonebridge Adventure Playground but not the spirit that made it unique

The remains last night
This morning
Stonebridge Adventure Playground is no more.

A place and staff that made all the difference to so many young people in Stonebridge and Harlesden has now been demolished by Brent Council in an action which is so short-sighted as to defy logic and certainly against the professed values of the Labour Party.

The destruction included the demolition of £700,000 play equiment funded by the National Lottery.

The playground Facebook site is beginning to get reactions to the demolition. Glynis Lee wrote:
STONEBRIDGE ADVENTURE the bulldozers roll in to raise it to the ground...after many years of love, play, freedom, friendship, kindness, creativity, and above all FAMILY...because everyone who came through those gates became a part of the Adventure Playground family.....even those ********* who are now demolishing it .....Time alone will tell.....
And others followed
  • Glynis Lee We are sad, but Stonebridge lives on in the lives of everyone who has used this beautiful place...the people destroying it should feel shame, but probably don't...

  • Joseph Daniel How they sleep at night springs to mind but at least Team Stonebridge Adventure Playground created a Legacy and put our youths on the right path. Manners Discipline Peace and Love.
  • Glynis Lee Spot on Mr Daniel....Stonebridge has spread all over the world now....thats a great much positivity to come from such a small place...'cos you guys came through tougher times, learned all those important things... Manners Discipline Peace an...See More

  • Karin Giles You done a great job xx

  • Ro Rosenkranz It should be the topic of a bbc documentary

  • DjTterry Bee Where is the public rage that took place for the Carlton Tavern pub in Kilburn when the developers demolished it? Where is the outcry, the multiple news bulletins on London tonight? Features in the evening standard? Why are children from urban sink estates not regarded as much to warrant a dedicated free space with decent adult supervision to be nurtured into adulthood? Why does everything have to be about commerce? Brent council, WILL eventually see the fallout from their corporate greed, you all know what they say about idle hands!

  • Dorota Staniak They even continue the job Sunday morning!!! Its looks like they want to hide what they doing
This is what Brent Council has destroyed:

Fighting for our Future: The Alternative to Austerity, Humanitarian Disaster & Market Meltdown

Book tickets HERE

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Brent Council reiterates objections to Brent Cross Cricklewood scheme ahead of Thursday's Planning Committee Meeting

Although the item on the Cricklewood Green Space will no longer be heard By Barnet Council the whole  controversion Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration scheme will be discussed on Thursday. (Planning Committee, 6.30pm, Hendon Town Hall,  The Burroughs, NW4 4BQ Items 7, 8, 9, 10 AGENDA)

On August 14th Aktar Choudhary,  Operational Director of Planning and Regeneration
 for Brent Council, wrote to Barnet reiterating Brent's objections which appear to have been ignored by Barnet. The full four page letter is posted below but here is a summary of Brent's objections:
In summary, we maintain our objection as the following still have not been addressed:
·      Lack of mitigation measure proposed for the junctions within Brent
The methodology used provided very limited opportunity for mitigation to be required. As such no reasonable mitigation is proposed for junctions within Brent. The development partners are suggesting that as junctions are already operating over capacity the traffic generated from the development will not further negatively impact performance. This is not acceptable, as existing queues will be extended through the development traffic generated.

  Lack of mitigation proposed for the A5 itself There is an assumption that everyone near to the shopping canter will walk and cycle. This is not realistic and the proposed modal shift from private car to other sustainable modes is not evidenced a achievable.

·      Parking pressure in the Dollis Hill Area

We have received a verbal agreement to address this through provision, including funding for consultation and implementation, of a CPZ. This offer is not reflected in the current study and therefore a written undertaking is required which also includes the level of funding to be provided specifically for the CPZ to remove this specific objection.

·      Measures proposed within the AWWACS will not increase walking and cycling

Two proposed cycle routes in Brent were submitted to the developers which Brent believes will provide an increase in cycling to the shopping centre. However, these proposals have not been referenced in the main text of the AWWCS study or indication as to how they have been taken into account to gain increased modal shift to cycling. In addition, the level of funding/funding mechanism to deliver one or both routes is not clarified.

I would again stress that the above objections are supported by both officers and members within Brent and have been our objections from the outset. We look forward to Barnet initiating positive actions to provide satisfactory responses to our objections and to be kept up to date regarding timescales for presenting the applications to Planning Committee. In the event that Brent’s view/requirements are not satisfactorily addressed, we will be considering appropriate recourse.