Friday 30 August 2024

Extra Event Days petition to be presented to Brent Cabinet on September 9th


Summer 2025


The Liberal Democrat petition on additional Wembley Event Days will be presented to the next Brent Council Cabinet on Monday September 9th. This means that the petition will be heard before Wembley Stadium's planning application for extra events goes to Planning Committee.

The aim is to persuade the Council that this matter is so important  that they should hold consultation meetings with local residents and businesses so that they are fully aware of the impact of events now and the potential disruption of extra days. This was done when Tottenham Hotspur applied to use the stadium. A Planning Committee with limited time for residents to speak is not sufficient.

If residents wish make their own representations about the impact extra event days would have on them personally they could write to Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council, at:

 THE PETITION (Now closed):

We the undersigned petition the council to Consult and to Listen to concerns of local residents and businesses about the impact of increasing the number of "Large" Events at Wembley Stadium

Plans for the new Wembley Stadium were approved in 1999 with a limit of 37 Large Events per year. A few years later Brent Council allowed an increase to 46 Large Events per year. The Stadium owners have now applied for planning permission to increase this by another 8 to 54 Large Events per year.


Large Events at the Stadium have a major impact on the lives of local people and business - especially when as many as three events are held on 3 successive days.


We call on Brent Council (jointly with representatives of the FA) to carry out an extensive public consultation with Brent residents and local businesses on the social and economic impacts of Wembley Stadium Large scale events before the Planning Application is considered by the Brent Council's Planning Committee.


We believe that local people and businesses have the right to be properly consulted and informed about these possible changes and for their views to be assessed and documented before any decision is made.

The petition will also be referred to the relevant Director and Lead Members as well as the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Vale Farm Swimming Pool re-opens after chlorine leak

Nine children and two adults were taken to hospital as a precaution today after a chlorine leak at Vale Farm baths.

The London Fire Brigade and  London Ambulance Serrvice  were called at 1.40pm after reports of the chlorine leak in the learner pool. The Sports Centre was evacuated as a precaution and road closures put in place.

 The pool re-opened at 4pm when readings returned to normal.

Chris Williams, area contract manager of Everyone Active who manage the Vale Farm Sports Centre, said:

The centre was evacuated at 1.40pm today after excess chlorine was released into the pool.

Some customers were taken to hospital as a precaution, and no colleagues were injured. The incident was isolated to the pool area, but we closed the whole building as a precautionary measure.

Safety is our top priority and we are taking this incident very seriously. We are conducting a full investigation into the cause and will implement necessary measures to prevent similar occurrences in future.

The centre reopened at 4pm today and the pool will reopen at 6.30am tomorrow, after thorough safety checks. We sincerely apologise to all affected customers and will provide an update as soon as we can.


Woodcock Hill community rise up against plans for a 20 metre phone mast in a wildlife corridor.


The group of trees affected by the mast planning application

The mast and cabinet. The mast is twice the height of the tallest trees


The planning application for the erection of a 20 metre telecommunication mast in Woodcock Hill has encountered tough local opposition. The location is a rare green space that locals, working with St Gregory's School, had hoped to turn into a community garden. There are 31 objections on the Brent Planning Portal including from St Gregory's School, the CPRE, Friends of Woodcock Park and Northwick Park Residents' Association.

There are concerns about the stability of the bank next to the Wealdstone Brook if tree roots are damaged by escavation and the bank is an Environment Agency flood asset.  The area is known to suffer from subsidence and sink holes. Beneath the land there is believed to be a trunk sewer, gas lines, a water main and telecommunication lines. 

The group of trees is part of a wildlife corridor and the area around Wealdstone Brook is designated a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.The mast is proposed to be situated in a woodland of 5 trees, including 4 oaks 10 metres tall in front of a mix of Prunus, False Acacia, Ash and Maples. They are 40 metres from the facing houses on Kenton Road

Many residents in the streets surrounding the site say that they did not receive a consultation letter, despite Brent Council claims that they were sent, and the site notice was not posted until the school holidays had started.


Location Street Record, Woodcock Hill, Harrow Proposal Prior approval for installation of a 20m monopole supporting 6 no. antennas, 2 no. transmission dishes, 2 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto on land at Wealdstone Brook rear of 75-79 Woodgrange Avenue, Harrow, HA3 0XG


CPRE London is a membership-based charity with 2500 members across London, concerned with the preservation and enhancement of London's vital green spaces, as well as the improvement of London's environment for the health and wellbeing of all Londoners.

We are writing to object to the above application on the following basis:

 - The height and bulk of the proposed mast is out of character with the local area.

- We are also concerned that the development could damage trees and disturb the nearby wildlife corridor, home to a variety of wildlife including bats and more than twenty species of birds.

The Friends of Woodock Park have objected as follows: 

The Friends of Woodcock Park are objecting to the planning application for the installation of a mobile phone mast.

The mast is not in keeping with the local environment. It is on the edge of Woodcock Park and in a residential street.

We are very concerned about the installation of a phone mast in such close proximity to St Gregory's High School and also to Bright Start Nursery School located in the Methodist Church opposite the proposed location. As you are aware St Gregory's School is within 100m of the proposed site, however the School is currently using the car park in Woodcock Park for temporary classrooms whilst the RAAC problem is dealt with in the main school. Pupils in these temporary classrooms will be in closer proximity to the mast. Students will have to walk past the proposed mast twice a day to enter the School, increasing their exposure to high intensity EMF radiation from the 5G masts. This exposure will impact their health and well-being.

Brent should adopt the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE and not have 5G Masts near schools. Brent would be liable for any potential legal actions taken in the future. in her letter of 27 February 2020, to the minister at the Dept of Digital Culture Media and Sport (DDCMS), Wera Hobhouse MP quotes DLA Piper - solicitors to Public Health England (PHE) now UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), who themselves rely in ICNIRP guidelines - as saying:

"A public body must determine how much weight to put on the PHE guidance. Equally that body must determine what other evidence from your client or other members of the public or interested parties to consider in making any decision. If it be alleged that a public body now or in the future acted unlawfully in placing reliance on the guidance, that cannot retrospectively taint the guidance with illegality." This underlines the fact that, if you rely on ICNIRP, it is the council - not the ICNIRP guidance or its issuer - are liable. And, do you as a council know that the ICNIRP 1998 guidelines state that the prevention of harm and advice about interference is beyond the scope of ICNIRP?

The proposed location is on valuable green space, managed by Brent Parks, not on the Highway. The masts should not be installed on park land. Have they permissions to install here? Brent Parks have already agreed a project for a community flower garden in this same area. It will be more difficult to maintain the grass area around the mast, thereby increasing costs to Brent Council.

The cabinets will attract graffiti and fly-tipping both already a problem in this area, at more cost to the Council.

We are also concerned about the effect of this mast on the wildlife, especially the birds and the bats which forage along the Wealdstone Brook. and on the trees nearby. The Bat Conservation Trust recommend that "the erection of masts should be carefully considered, locating the mast on a part of the building as far from known roosting locations and flight paths as possible." The area around the Wealdstone Brook is designated a SINC site.

The higher frequencies used in 5G technology are known to be particularly damaging to insect and bird populations. A 2018 study showed how the shorter wavelengths in higher frequencies are absorbed more easily by insects' bodies, creating a heating effect. There were increases in absorbed power up to 370% when the insects, including honeybees, were exposed to these frequencies, with detrimental effects on their behaviour and health.

The installation of a mast on the opposite side of the park has resulted in at least 2 silver birch trees dying. These had to be removed this year at a cost to the council. The loss of trees at the proposed site would be very serious, as the roots hold the banks of the Wealdstone Brook together. No cabinets or masts should interfere with tree roots.

The area of Woodcock Hill itself is known to flood and this will add to the flood risk.

We believe the area is located over a trunk sewer. Confirmation should be sought from Thames Water prior to any approval, as they do not permit development over a trunk sewer.

This installation will not enhance biodiversity and may even have a negative effect, contrary to Brent Councils promotion and enhancement and use of the Blue Ribbon network: a. Proposals for development adjacent to river and canal edges are required to improve access to the waterways and provide an appropriate landscaped set-back which may include public open space. b. Developments adjacent to the Blue Ribbon network and other tributaries, or waterways with potential to negatively impact on its water quality will be required to contribute towards restoration and naturalisation of waterways, and seek to enhance water quality and biodiversity in accordance with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and Thames River Basin Management Plan.

 Northwick Park Residents' Association object:

On behalf of the Northwick Park Residents' Association, we wish to formally object to the above-referenced planning application for the installation of a telecommunications mast on Wealdstone Brook, opposite 12 Woodcock Hill.

Our association represents the views of numerous residents, many of whom live within proximity to the proposed site. Our objections are based on the following key concerns:

1. Preservation of Valued Green Space and Wildlife 

The proposed installation site is located on a cherished green space that supports a diverse range of wildlife. Over the years, residents have actively collaborated with Brent Council to enhance this area by expanding flower beds and promoting biodiversity at this end of Kenton/Woodcock Hill. The installation of a 5G telecommunications mast on this land threatens to disrupt the delicate ecosystem, negatively impacting the flora and fauna that the community has worked hard to nurture and protect.

2. Environmental and Health Risks 

There is growing evidence that continuous exposure to non-ionising microwave radiation, such as that emitted by 5G equipment, has a detrimental impact on living organisms, including animals, birds, insects, and plants. For example, birds may abandon their nests, suffer from deteriorating health, and face increased mortality rates. Similarly, the bee population, crucial for pollination and agriculture, could experience colony collapse and navigational disruptions. The long-term effects on soil-based micro-organisms, plants, and trees are also of significant concern.

In addition to environmental risks, we are deeply concerned about the potential health impacts on residents. The EU report EPRS_ST and other scientific studies provide substantial evidence of the carcinogenicity of RF-EMF radiation in humans. We have linked these documents below (Sub517) that has been acknowledged by the Australian Government, highlighting the need for caution. We urge Brent Council to carefully review this evidence and to refrain from approving this application.

3. Proximity to St Gregory's School 
The proposed site is less than 100 meters from St Gregory's School, which is one of the top 50 schools in England, educating around 1,700 students aged 11 to 17. These students pass by the proposed installation, exposing them to potentially harmful levels of EMF radiation. The potential health risks to these young people, whose well-being should be a priority, cannot be ignored. The evidence attached to this objection further supports our concerns.

In conclusion, the Northwick Park Residents' Association strongly opposes this planning application due to the significant risks it poses to the local environment, wildlife, and the health of residents, particularly the students at St Gregory's School. We strongly urge Brent Council to reject this application and to take into consideration the long-term implications for our community.
Should the Council proceed with approval, please be advised that Northwick Park Residents' Association, alongside the residents and parents of students at St Gregory's School and the wider community, will hold the Council fully responsible for any adverse health outcomes resulting from this decision.

We trust that you will give due consideration to our concerns and make a decision that prioritises the safety and well-being of our community.


EU Health impact of 5G


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Brent Council explains tree work in Northwick Park


 Two sections of the line of trees that have been worked on


Following publicity about the felled oak tree on Barn Hill, a Wembley Matters reader drew my attention to the cutting back of trees in Northwick Park along the border with the Bakerloo line. They were a good distance from any houses that might have been threatened by roots. The trees provided screening and reduction of noise from the tube trains.

Brent Council promised to investigate and today offered an explanation:

Brent Council Parks service had commissioned a tree survey to identify trees that may have risks, particularly if near to the railway line, paths and desire lines. A contractor has been commissioned to conduct the tree works. 


Following a site visit on 27th August 2024, we can confirm that the trees in the photographs are included in the ‘Urgent’ list for works. Many of these trees are White Willows that had wounds, cavities, or other damage at height. White Willow also tends to have relatively brittle wood.


However, the good news is that most of these trees are being pollarded at around 2 metres in height. In some cases the trees are being coppiced, which is practically the same treatment, but at a lower height. The live wood below the cut is retained, as are the roots. These trees should re-grow and the new shoots should be visible by the spring of next year.


Only a small proportion of the trees are being felled to the base.


Unfortunately, there are a number of other trees that also require works in Northwick Park, so this is work in progress and continuing.


Readers may remember a controversy years ago when residents in Harlesden came out to defend trees in the January cold that they thought were being felled without notice or reason A public meeting with councillors and council officers stressed the important of communication LINK.

The reader remarked:

Thank you for finding out and sharing Martin. I wish Brent would use the community notice boards in the park to show information like this, it would improve residents understanding of what the Council is doing a lot more.

I agree. Fairly recent works on restoration of acid grass areas on Barn Hill were accompanied by useful explanatory notices.

Despite a difficult first year Brent Council concludes that Continental Landscapes are up to the job. Will Scrutiny Commitee agree?

My article on Monday LINK asked if Continental Landscapes were up to the job of looking after Brent's parks, open spaces, estates and grass verges. The officers' report to be discussed at the Scrutiny Meeting on September 4th concludes that despite a difficult first year that they are up to the job:

The challenges of the first year have been recognised and acknowledged by the Council and the contractor. These were mainly related to the adverse weather, challenges with electric equipment and the usual (and expected) challenges in implementing a new contract and a new contractor. Nevertheless, Continental have been quick to work with us and resolve issues and to identify positive solutions. The work that is being undertaken by the teams is of high quality and a good standard and is meeting the requirements of the contract.


There is a very strong partnership ethos between the Council and Continental and when issues have been experienced, both have worked together to develop a practical, deliverable solution. The Parks Service and Housing Service have developed a much closer working relationship throughout this first year and the shared experiences with all parties this year have made that relationship stronger and better able to deliver a comprehensive, quality service for the next seven years.


Many of the difficulties are attributed to bad weather and the failure of electrical tools to cope adequately with the resulting heavy work and IT issues affecting completion of the work schedule. There is only a brief reference to staffing difficulties  that Scrutiny members are expected to investigate further. The monitoring of the contract is seen as a success.

These are some of the key points in the report and I embed the full report at the end of this article:

Whilst the contract mobilised in August (and there were a few weeks of grass cutting across parks and housing sites by the start of October) the weather worsened and by November there was frequent heavy rain. The contractor was able to cut and collect all wildflower meadows, verges and roundabouts and continue to work on general maintenance. But by January, there were three consecutive high-pressure storms, which led to the water table being so high that the ground was completely saturated and many areas were flooded. Verge cutting was attempted in line with the intended schedule in March, but the heavy machinery was causing more damage to the verges and it was not physically possible to mow the grass. A delayed start to verge cutting was agreed with officers. As the weather got warmer and the rain continued, grass grew at a rapid speed and grass cutting across all aspects of the contract were adversely impacted by the weather and some issues with electric machinery.


The ‘perfect storm’ of conditions ensued from early 2024, which impacted service delivery in the first year. When grass cutting on verges and housing estates commenced, the electric machinery struggled to cope with longer wet grass. The actual battery run times were proving to be shorter than expected, as the much longer grass, which was also still wet, put additional strain on batteries which would last 1.5 hours compared to 4 or 5 hours. This led to less grass being cut in a day than expected. Whilst additional batteries were provided, the duration was still far short of the expected run time. This meant that verges and estates would be half completed, and the team would move onto the next location trying not to fall behind the schedule. The visual aspect of this led to complaints and teams having to return to cut areas, again delaying the cuts for other sites, which led to additional complaints. There were also some staffing issues which further compounded the issue although Continental worked quickly to seek additional staff.


Continental Landscapes advised that they were in discussion with the manufacturers of the electric equipment, to work with them to find a long-term solution to avoid a repeat of the issues in future years. They also arranged for the delivery of replacement mowers and handheld tools that would run on an environmentally friendly fuel (Aspen) which produces 99% less emissions than fossil fuels. This machinery was implemented mid-July and allowed for a faster catch up on the backlog of work.


On occasion, some litter was missed and a small number of enquiries were received about shredded litter on verges after a cut. When these reports were received, such as in Harrowdene Road, officers raised it with the contractor and an inspection carried out. The issue was not highlighted again in any successive verge cut, showing that concerns were taken seriously by the contractor and raised with the team on the ground


Parks did not fare as badly during this time as the grass in these sites can be cut by tractors; however, there were still times during June where tractors were getting stuck because the ground had not dried out sufficiently in certain locations within parks such as Roe Green and One Tree Hill.


Tuesday 27 August 2024

Wembley Mela, Sunday September 1st, King Edward VII Park 11am-9pm


Mela: an Asian cultural or religious fair or festival especially one held outdoors. 19C Hindi  from Sanskrit mēlā an assembly, from mil to meet


Fire Brigade statement on Dagenham flats fire

 Fire Brigade Union Video


I am publishing the statement below as many buildings with fire safety issues are still awaiting remediation.

From London Fire Brigade

40 fire engines and around 225 firefighters tackled a fire at a block of flats on Freshwater Road in Dagenham. 

The whole of the building was affected by the fire, including scaffolding surrounding the property and the roof.  

London Fire Commissioner Andy Roe said: “We were called to the incident at 0244 this morning.  

“The first crew arrived within five minutes and the second crew arrived within six minutes. An aerial appliance also arrived in under six minutes. To allow us to focus our resources on the incident, we declared a major incident, which has now been stood down. I am immensely grateful to the crews and officers who have operated in the most dangerous conditions to both rescue people and bring the incident under control despite being faced with a significant building failure. 

"The building has a number of fire safety issues known to London Fire Brigade. A full simultaneous evacuation of the building was immediately carried out and a significant search and rescue operation took place.  

“I am pleased to confirm that everyone has been accounted for. More than 80 people were evacuated with firefighters leading residents out to safety and carrying out 20 rescues. This included using fire escape hoods, which can provide 15 minutes of clean, filtered air in smoke-filled environments, helping individuals stay safe until they can be rescued or reach safety.  Four people were treated on scene by London Ambulance Service crews, with two taken to hospital.  

“The Brigade’s Control Officers took 16 calls to the fire, including successfully giving vital fire survival guidance to a number of people using our Fire Survival Guidance App, which allows information to be exchanged between Control and the incident ground in a timely, accurate and consistent manner. They are also to be commended for their calm professionalism as the building began to fail. 

“We also used new equipment such as drones and our 64-metre and 32-metre turntable ladders to provide incident commanders with a vantage point for assessing the scene. They were also used as water towers to deliver water on to the fire from above. 

“The Brigade stood up full strategic arrangements to deal with the incident and a rest centre has been set up at Beacontree Health and Leisure Centre. London Fire Brigade officers and members of our dedicated community support team are stationed at the rest centre to support residents alongside partners. Crews will also remain on scene into tomorrow carrying out further operations. 

"We will now begin a full investigation into the fire and its cause. This was a very dynamic and challenging incident, and we know there will undoubtedly be concerns around the fire safety issues present within the building and this will form part of our report.  

“Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected and we will remain present in the local community throughout the coming days to provide support where needed.  

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our crews, Control Officers, fire safety officers and support staff who worked incredibly hard to resolve the incident and to ensure everyone was safe. I would also like to thank our partners for their support.” 

Campaigners launch petition to ask Brent Council to divest for Palestine

 Brent and Harrow Palestine Solidarity Campaign have launched a petition to ask Brent Council to divest from companies complicit in arming Israel or enabling illegal occupation.

The petition should be signed only by people who live, work or study in Brent.




We ask Brent Council to stand on the right side of history and join the growing number of councils and other public bodies and institutions divesting for Palestine.

We, the undersigned, call on Brent Council to:

  1. Divest all funds administered by the Council, including Local Government Pension Scheme funds, from companies complicit in Israel’s genocide and apartheid against Palestinians. This includes arms companies supplying Israel with weapons and military technology; companies providing infrastructure for Israel’s unlawful military occupation of Palestinian land; and companies conducting business activity in Israel’s illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land.
  2. Use its influence as part of London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV) to publicly lobby it to divest from companies enabling Israel's human rights abuses. 
  3. Commit to end procurement contracts with companies complicit in Israel’s attacks. For example, end any banking arrangements with Barclays, which provides substantial financing to companies supplying Israel with weapons used in its attacks on Palestinians.


Here's why:


Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians - almost half of them children. 90% of Gaza’s population has been displaced, many of whom multiple times. Nowhere in Gaza is safe: entire residential neighbourhoods have been levelled, UN schools sheltering the displaced, and hospitals treating the wounded, have been repeatedly targeted.  


Palestinians in Gaza are facing famine due to Israel's blockade and its targeting of life-sustaining infrastructure. In June 2024, UN experts declared that “Israel’s intentional and targeted starvation campaign against the Palestinian people is a form of genocidal violence and has resulted in famine across all of Gaza.”


We all have a responsibility to stand with Palestinians in the face of such catastrophic violence and do everything in our power to bring such suffering to an end.   

  • In January 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the world court, handed down an interim ruling affirming there is plausible evidence Israel is committing genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. As a State Party to the Genocide Convention, the UK has a binding obligation to employ all means reasonably available to prevent and deter further genocidal acts.
  • In June, UN experts issued a statement demanding that both states and companies stop all arms transfers to Israel. In issuing their call, they outlined that financial institutions, such as banks and pension funds, investing in arms companies supplying Israel must cease, writing that financial institutions “failure to prevent or mitigate their business relationships with these arms manufacturers transferring arms to Israel could move from being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes.” The council must heed this call.
  • In July, the ICJ confirmed that Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and treatment of Palestinians is illegal and amounts to systematic discrimination on racial and ethnic grounds - apartheid. It stated that countries and bodies - like UK councils - must not assist Israel in maintaining it. 


The recent defeat of the previous government’s draconian attempts to restrict the right of public bodies to take ethical investment and procurement decisions means that there is no barrier to Brent Council exercising its profound moral obligation not to contribute to Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian rights.


We are signing this petition as residents, workers and students in Brent.