Thursday, 30 January 2025

Tower Block Tatler's successor on Brent Cabinet named. Teo takes over.


Cllr Teo Benea


Cllr Muhammed Butt has appointed Cllr Teo Benea who represents Sudbury ward, alomng with Lib Dem leader Paul Lorber, to the Cabinet as lead member for Regeneration. Planning and Property. This is a slight variation on Shama Tatler's portfolio that has been held by Cllr Butt for some months. Presumably 'Property' refers to Brent Council property which is currently under review to achieve maximum market rates.

In a message to fellow Labour councillors, Cllr Benea wrote:

I just wanted to let you know that I am delighted to have been appointed Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Property and I am looking forward to working with colleagues, officers and residents to support regeneration and planning projects that benefit all residents across the borough

Brent Labour's website gives details of her background including working at a consultancy on planning and regeneration:

Teo has lived in Brent for several years, she has long been the champion for closer relations with our European neighbours. As a first-generation migrant herself, she is also particularly passionate about supporting under-represented groups to vote – including EU and Commonwealth Citizens. She currently works in a public-affairs consultancy in the planning and regeneration sector. When the war started in Ukraine, Teo coordinated the collection of donations and organised the logistics for these to be delivered at the border between Romania and Ukraine in partnership with other Romanian organisations and partners. Teo and the then Sudbury councillors managed the donations that came in at St Andrew’s Church in Sudbury over 4 days. Donations were collected from all locations across London and 5 trucks of goods were loaded and sent to Ukraine.

Teo has a strong track record in campaigning and working hard for local residents and has a background as an Organiser for the Labour Party and also previously worked for a Labour MP in Westminster. In council Teo advocates for Sudbury to get its fair share of investment – including more new roads and pavements, cleaner streets and improved green spaces in Barham Park, Vale Farm and elsewhere. Another priority is to ensure that the Eastern European communities have a voice on the council, building community cohesion among the diverse communities that live in Brent.


Watford Road water mains works due to the volume of developments around Wembley Stadium

 Affinity Water Ltd, in an email seen by Wembley Matters, has confirmed what to many seemed obvious:

This work (Watford Road) is to enable us to carry out 1.7km of mains reinforcement for the area. Breaking that down, we need to carry out 950m along Watford Road. This reinforcement job is vital due to the volume of developments in the area close to Wembley Stadium, our Modelling Team estimate circa 8,000 customers across 6 DMA’s  (District Metering Areas) may experience supply issues if this work is not carried out as soon as possible.


Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Green Party: Expanding Heathrow in the face of a climate emergency is the definition of irresponsible.


Responding to the news that Rachel Reeves is backing the expansion of Heathrow Airport, Green Party MP, Sian Berry MP said:


The Chancellor talked about the ‘costs of irresponsibility’ but expanding Heathrow in the face of a climate emergency is the definition of irresponsible.


Worst still, we’re also expecting formal planning decisions from ministers on Gatwick and Luton airport expansion, which the Chancellor pre-empted today. Giving these permissions in the month before vital new advice is expected from the Climate Change Committee, today’s speech is nothing short of reckless.

The carbon cost of expanding Heathrow, Luton, and Gatwick together will cancel out the benefits of Labour’s keystone clean energy plan, making Net Zero minister Ed Miliband’s task almost impossible.

The Chancellor’s stated goal is ‘raising living standards in every part of the UK’ but more and bigger airports will serve only the very richest aviation bosses and the most frequent flyers whose wealth doesn’t help people’s daily lives get better.

Tackling inequality and building a greener future should go hand in hand. That must mean investment in warmer homes, green energy and the local transport people use every day, not these bleak proposals.

Friends of the Earth - Tell Rachel Reeves: don’t put plane profits before planet. Sign our petition.


From Friends of the Earth

BREAKING: Chancellor Rachel Reeves has given the green light to airport expansion while we're in a climate emergency

Expanding airports like Heathrow won’t do much, if anything, for the communities that need growth the most. Instead, benefits will be enjoyed by shareholders and the wealthiest few who fly frequently.  

Airport expansions mean more subsidies for a heavily polluting industry - when we desperately need to be doing all we can to reduce emissions. Greenlighting a third runway at Heathrow alone could jeopardise the UK’s ability to meet our climate promises and put us all at risk of more extreme weather. 

Add your name now to this petition to demand no more airport expansion while we’re in a climate emergency. LINK

Rachel Reeves' statement that growth trumps everything is the short-sighted kind of thinking that has led to the climate crisis. And the growth that would come from expanding airports like Heathrow is questionable.

  • Airport expansion doesn’t make flying cheaper. According to the Treasury’s own analysis, the costs of expanding Heathrow airport could add £40 to the cost of an airline ticket.
  • More money leaves the UK from outbound flights than is spent by incoming tourists. Tourism spending is concentrated in London and a few hotspots, with little benefit elsewhere.
  • Emissions from flights are growing while the aviation industry receives at least £10 billion in subsidies annually, due to tax breaks on fuel. This costs taxpayers and allows the sector to pollute without meeting climate targets. And the burden of climate action is shifted onto other sectors.
  • Analysis by the New Economics Foundation shows that if expansions at 4 UK airports including Heathrow are allowed to go ahead, they will cancel out the carbon savings of this government’s clean power plan in just 5 years.


Rather than planning to trample over nature protection rules and binding carbon reduction targets, the government should be investing in a bold and fair climate plan. A plan that means we can all benefit from cheap energy, widespread public transport, thriving nature and well-paid green jobs.


Sadiq Khan: I remain opposed to a new runway at Heathrow airport


Now Watford Road joins the Brent Festival of Roadworks February 25th - July 1st 2025


Affinity Water have warned residents that they will be replacing the water mains along the A404 Watford Road between Northwick Park Roundabout and John Lyon Roundabout.

They say they have been in contact with the Highway Authority and local transport teams at London Borough of Harrow and London Borough of Brent to minimise the
impact of these works:

We’re doing this work to improve our infrastructure to help us continue supplying you and the local community with high-quality drinking water to you and your local community long into the future.

 • Working dates: Tuesday 25th February 2025 – Tuesday 1st July 2025.
• Working hours: 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday & various timings on

These works are part of a larger Scheme, which will be taking place in phases and are due to be completed by December 2025.

How will this affect you?

• Traffic management: There will be rolling multi-way traffic lights in place to manage the traffic flow to avoid any major disruptions in the area.

Brent Safety Officer withdraws objections to K-Pop Festival after additions to conditions

 The Brent Safety Officer has withdrawn their objections LINK to the K-Pop Festival planned to be held in Northwick Park after the organisers put forward additions to the licence conditions. 

Amagalmated conditions are HERE. Changes are in Red.

Further changes are likely after discussion with the various parties.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

K-Pop Festival licence application to be heard Tuesday February 4th 10am Brent Civic Centre

 The controversial application will be heard at the Licensing Committee on Tuesday. at 10am.  Currently it is not going to be livestreamed so interested residents will need to attend Brent Civic Centre in person.


Here are two key maps as background. Click X at bottom right corner for full view.:


Many of the documents related to the Licence Application have been restricted from public view by Brent Council. These will relate to the financial arrangements between the Applicant and Brent Council which are of obvious interest to Brent residents.