Showing posts with label Affinity Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affinity Water. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Now Watford Road joins the Brent Festival of Roadworks February 25th - July 1st 2025


Affinity Water have warned residents that they will be replacing the water mains along the A404 Watford Road between Northwick Park Roundabout and John Lyon Roundabout.

They say they have been in contact with the Highway Authority and local transport teams at London Borough of Harrow and London Borough of Brent to minimise the
impact of these works:

We’re doing this work to improve our infrastructure to help us continue supplying you and the local community with high-quality drinking water to you and your local community long into the future.

 • Working dates: Tuesday 25th February 2025 – Tuesday 1st July 2025.
• Working hours: 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday & various timings on

These works are part of a larger Scheme, which will be taking place in phases and are due to be completed by December 2025.

How will this affect you?

• Traffic management: There will be rolling multi-way traffic lights in place to manage the traffic flow to avoid any major disruptions in the area.

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Water supply restored after repair of burst water main


From Affinity Water

Your water will be back on 

We’re really sorry for the problems with your water recently. We’ve fixed the burst water main and you’ll see your water flowing back to normal soon.

What we're doing

Our technican is recharging the water main. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Thank you for your patience. 

Appearance of your water

If your water is discoloured or cloudy, don’t worry this is normal. We know it doesn’t look nice, but it’s not harmful and you can help by running your cold tap until it’s clear. To find out more, please click here.


Saturday, 24 August 2024

BURST WATER MAIN IN HARROW: Interruption to your water supply - HA0, HA3, HA7, HA9, NW8, NW9


Interruption to your water supply - HA0, HA3, HA7, HA9, NW8, NW9

Saturday 24th August 2024

UPDATE 16.00

What we’re doing

Our technician has assessed the burst and a repair team are on their way to help.


FROM AFFINITY WATERtimeline image assessing the issue

No water

We’re really sorry you haven’t got any water. We’ve been made aware of a burst water main in Harrow which may be causing this.

What we’re doing

Our technician is on their way to your area to investigate and get your water flowing again soon.

What you can do

Until we’ve sorted this, please avoid using your:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Electrical appliances that use water

If you still have water, we recommend you put some in your kettle or fridge for drinking in case your water needs switching off for the repair.

We’re really sorry about this, we’re working to get your water back to normal as soon as possible.

We added this message at 14:35 and we'll update it again after 16:35. 



Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Road and lane closures etc Chalkhill Road, Bridge Road, Barn Hill in Wembley Park January-February for new water main installation

Information from Brent Council

Affinity Water have to install a new water main along Chalkhill Road and Bridge Road, Wembley, to increase water supply in the area. Unfortunately, to safely undertake these works road closures, lane closures and banned left turn will be required.


  • 2nd January – 23rd February – Chalkhill Road will be closed to through traffic at the junction of Bridge Road, access for residents and businesses will be maintained with local agreement for the duration of the works. 


  • 22nd January – 28th January – Two way temporary traffic lights will be installed on Bridge Road at the junction of Chalkhill Road to enable Affinity Water to cross Bridge Road and install around thirty metres of water main in the bus lane north towards Forty Avenue. 


  • 29th January – 23rd February – A lane closure (Bus Lane) will be installed from outside Ark Academy to the junction of Forty Avenue, vehicles will be prohibited from turning left from Bridge Road into Forty Avenue and Barn Hill will also be closed at the junction of Forty Lane in both directions. This will enable the junction of Bridge Road, Forty Avenue and Forty Lane to be controlled with three way temporary traffic lights. Advanced warning signs will be placed at strategic locations advising motorists that there is no access to Forty Avenue and Barn Hill from Bridge Road for the duration of the works.

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Interruption to water supply - NW7, NW9 and HA8

 From Affinity Water

Interruption to your water supply - NW7, NW9 and HA8

Thursday 27th July 2023

The gang is assessing the issue

Your water will be back on.

We’re really sorry for the problems with your water today. So we can get your water flowing again, we’re redirecting water across our network from other areas whilst we continue working on the burst water main. 

What we’re doing

Our technician and repair teams have stayed on site. Traffic management is now being set up and a road closure has been put in place. As soon as we know more, we'll let you know. 

What you can do

Until we’ve sorted this, please avoid using your:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Electrical appliances that use water

If you still have water, we recommend you put some in your kettle or fridge for drinking in case your water needs switching off for the repair.

We’re really sorry about this, we’re working to get your water back to normal as soon as possible.

We added this message at 11:50 and will update it as soon as we have more information.

Repair Timeline

(09:40) Our repair team are on site and we're waiting for traffic management before we can proceed with repairs. 

(09:00)  So we can get your water flowing again, we’re redirecting water across our network from other areas. This may be at a lower pressure although some customers may still experience temporary no water whilst our repairs are ongoing

(08:40) Our technician has assessed the burst and a repair team are on the way to help. 

(08:00) Our technician is on their way to your area to investigate a burst water main. 

Friday, 14 July 2023

Affinity Water: Stanmore water should be flowing again soon

 From Affinity Water

Your water will be back flowing again

We’re really sorry for the problems with your water today. We’ve fixed the burst water main and you’ll see your water flowing back to normal soon.

Appearance of your water

If your water is discoloured or cloudy, don’t worry this is normal. We know it doesn’t look nice, but it’s not harmful and you can help by running your cold tap until it’s clear. To find out more, please click here.

We updated this message at 19:35 and we'll remove it on Saturday 15th July at 08:00

Sunday, 25 June 2023

UPDATE: Some restoration of supply. No water in parts of Wembley HA0 and HA9 - likely cause burst water main in Preston Road

 From Affinity Water


No water in Wembley

We’re really sorry you haven’t got any water. We’ve been made aware of a burst water main on Preston Road in Wembley which may be causing this. Supply has been restored to most of the area and repairs are still underway to restore full supply

What we’re doing

Our repair team are working hard to fix the burst pipe and get your water back to normal. Once we know how long this will take, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.

We’re really sorry about this and thank you for your patience.

We updated this message at 09:45 and we'll update it again after 11:45

What's happened so far

(06:40) Technician on route to investigate.

(07:10) Our repair team are fixing the burst pipe.

(09:30) We’ve restored the supply to most of the area but some customers still may be experiencing low pressure or no water.



Interruption to your water supply - Wembley - HA0 and HA9

Sunday 25th June 2023

Assessing the issue

No water in Wembley

We’re really sorry you haven’t got any water. We’ve been made aware of a burst water main on Preston Road in Wembley which may be causing this.

What we’re doing

Our technician is on their way to your area to investigate and get your water flowing again soon.

What you can do

Until we’ve sorted this, please avoid using your:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Electrical appliances that use water

If you still have water, we recommend you put some in your kettle or fridge for drinking in case your water needs switching off for the repair.

We’re really sorry about this, we’re working to get your water back to normal as soon as possible.

We added this message at 07:02 and we'll update it again after 09:02



Thursday, 22 December 2022

Burst main in Fryent Way cuts off water supplies in parts of Kingsbury and Wembley - repair now completed



Affinity Water informed customers registered with its text service  early this morning that following a mains burst in Fryent Way, Kingsbury that water had been cut off. The repairs team is has been working at the site and had repaired by about 12.15pm when I visited the site. Seemed to be a great working relationship with the foreman fist bumping the repair gang as they completed the repair and started to fill in the hole with a mountain of London clay.

Unfortunately a secondary burst was discovered  in the same area and was still being worked on this afternoon. Water in Wembley is still lower than normal pressure.

For latest information go to LINK where you register for text updates.

This is the latest I have. Repair carried out and testing progress - supply restored soon .

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Fryent Country Park ponds still badly affected by drought despite the recent rain



Affinity Water supplies water to parts of the north of Brent. They warned a few weeks ago that to avoid a hose pipe ban there would need to be above average rainfall over the Autumn and Winter to make up for the impact of the summer drought. If rainfall continued below average, they would need to introduce a hose pipe ban in 2023.

Following the recent heavy rainfall some people have suggested reservoirs would soon be back to normal levels. Yesterday I walked through Fryent Country Park to see how the many ponds were affected by the rain. giving an indication of what might be happening to reservoir levels.

Some were still completely dry and covered in vegetation.  Barn Hill pond on top of Barn Hill had recovered somewhat but still well below normal levels. It has a different geological base from the other ponds and there's some mystery about how it fills with suggestions of springs in the area.

The other ponds have a clay lining. Clay used to be 'puddled', beaten down to remove all the air, making a waterproof surface that retained water in the pond. Tools might be used to beat down the clay but in the past cattle would be driven through to compact the clay and in modern times when ponds are constructed  in schools pupils in wellies do the job! 

In a drought the clay is exposed to the air and the sun's heat and will crack, leading to the loss of water when the pond refills. Cracks can be seen in the dried-out pond in the photograph above. Loss of ponds in the Country Park will impact on the survival of already threatened frogs, toads and newts as well as other pond life such as dragonflies and damsel flies that give much pleasure to visitors.

Maintenance work has been done on some of the ponds and may explain the differences in water retention. Below are some of the ponds I checked yesterday, beginning with Barn Hill pond. 


Wednesday, 26 October 2022

FURTHER UPDATE - Pressure may be low. Affinity Water update on the Mall water main burst

From Affinity Water


So we can get your water flowing again, we’re redirecting water across our network from other areas. This may be at a lower pressure whilst our repairs are ongoing.

What we’re doing

Our repair team are working hard to repair the burst water main on The Mall. Once we know how long this will take, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.

We’re really sorry about this and thank you for your patience.

We updated this message at 15:00 and we'll update it again after 19:00


What we’re doing

Our repair team had to extend the excavation to continue repairs. Once we know how long this will take, we’ll let you know as soon as possible. All customers should have normal water supply. 

We’re really sorry about this and thank you for your patience.

We updated this message at 10:40 and we'll update it again after 14:40

What's happened so far

(08:25 - 26th October) Repair team are on site and are continuing to repair the burst water main.

(00:00 - 26th October) Our team have isolated the damaged section of water main, this means all customers should now have a water supply. The team will continue to repair the damaged pipe.

(22:40 - 25th October) Technician on route to investigate.

Water supply restored to HA9 and NW9

 Affinity Water was able to restore the water supply to a wide area of Kingsbury and Wembley after a burst main at The Mall.  

Use this LINK to register for updates and alerts.

This was the midnight message from Affinity:

Your water will be back on by 01:00

We’re really sorry for the problems with your water today. We’ve isolated the damaged section of water main and you’ll see your water flowing back to normal soon.

Our repair team will begin to carry out repairs overnight, however we expect no impact to customer whilst this takes place.

Appearance of your water

If your water is discoloured or cloudy, don’t worry this is normal. We know it doesn’t look nice, but it’s not harmful and you can help by running your cold tap until it’s clear. To find out more, please click here.

We added this message at 00:00 and we'll update it again after 08:00 on Wednesday 26th October 2022

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Affinity working on water supply interruption in HA and NW9 postcode after burst water main in The Mall


Interruption to you water supply - HA0, HA1, HA2, HA3, HA7, HA8, HA9, HP3, NW9

Tuesday 25th October 2022

No water in postcode areas: HA0, HA1, HA2, HA3, HA7, HA8, HA9, HP3, NW9

We’re really sorry you haven’t got any water. We’ve been made aware of a burst water main on The Mall, Harrow which may be causing this.

What we’re doing

Our technician is on their way to your area to investigate and get your water flowing again soon.

What you can do

Until we’ve sorted this, please avoid using your:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Electrical appliances that use water

If you still have water, we recommend you put some in your kettle or fridge for drinking in case your water needs switching off for the repair.

We’re really sorry about this, we’re working to get your water back to normal as soon as possible.

We added this message at 22:40 and we'll update it again after 00:40


Register for text alerts/updates HERE



Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Butt to hold Affinity Water to account over High Road disruption

Following the disruption  at Wembley High Road and Park Lane, Brent Council Leader Muhammed Butt has issued the following statement:

Following more disruption on Wembley High Road and Park Lane, I am setting up an urgent meeting with Affinity Water to understand what they will be doing to fix these problems once and for all.

Since 2019, Affinity has applied for 17 emergency permits to fix leaks on those two roads alone. These latest repairs are stopping deliveries to essential businesses and making it more difficult for residents trying to get to vaccination appointments, COVID tests and keyworker jobs. 

We’ve been here many times before, so we now need Affinity to get to the bottom of the issues with the water mains for residents and businesses along that stretch. At that meeting, I will be asking them to explain their plans and holding them to account.

I wonder if the problems have anything to do with the 'Twin Towers' high rise blocks at the junction of the High Road and Park Lane as well as Brent House on the High Road itself. Brent House was the site of major problems when concrete blocked the sewer. LINK