Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Brent Safety Officer withdraws objections to K-Pop Festival after additions to conditions

 The Brent Safety Officer has withdrawn their objections LINK to the K-Pop Festival planned to be held in Northwick Park after the organisers put forward additions to the licence conditions. 

Amagalmated conditions are HERE. Changes are in Red.

Further changes are likely after discussion with the various parties.


Anonymous said...

Whis driving this at Brent Council??? Seems like the applicable is clearly being lead and guided by someone high up?

Paul Lorber said...

We are told that most visitors will come by Public Transport. The 'Safety Officer' correctly identified the problem with the narrow access to Northwick Park Station on the Metropolitan Line. The extra conditions do not address this issue - so how could they withdraw their objections?

In any case if the Labour Administration wants to increase the use of Brent's Open Spaces across the whole borough to make money should this not be restricted to events of a sensible size and for Brent based organisations providing services mainly to Brent residents?