Wednesday, 22 January 2025

A long march for K-Pop fans if Festival goes ahead. Harrow-on-the-Hill to become main station for the event?


I understand that Harrow-on-the-Hill station on the Metropolitan and Chiltern line has been put forward as the main station for the proposed K-Pop Festival in Northwick Park.

There had been serious concern that the nearer stations at Northwick Park (Met line) and South Kenton (Bakerloo and overground) would not be able to cope with up to 15,000 fans due to accessibility issues. Northwick Park is the main public transport link for Northwick Park hospital and Westminster University's Brent campus.

Fans would face a long walk if the plans go ahead, along a busy road and large roundabout system. 

Stewards would be required along the route, presumably adding to event costs. It is unclear how fans would be stopped from using the alternative stations.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone with any influence seriously checked the new egress route to Harrow on the Hill Station? It requires walking one and a half miles through the University and Hospital grounds, then crossing the dangerous Watford Road which carries in excess of 30,000 vehicles a day. The crossing will be either via a narrow, inhabited and litter strewn underpass, or alternately via a traffic light controlled crossing at a T junction, and then onto a very narrow pavement (circa 1.3mtrs wide the same as Northwick Park Stations tunnel), surely the numbers crossing cannot be controlled enough to avoid too many pedestrians across at once and overflowing the pavement capacity? Also, if the lights only provide pedestrian crossing for 30 seconds every 5 minutes, how long will it take to get 15,000 across Watford Road safely. That would be (15,000/60)/10 = that's less than 50 every 5 minutes. as in 5 hours

Anonymous said...

The KPop Festival is due to run on 7th and 8th June with around 20K attending.

There is a major event at Wembley Stadium on 7th June (3 rugby matches in one day) with at least 60K attending but maybe up to 90K.

How will the hospital, police and Brent Council Enforcement Officers cope with both events on the same day with both events also heavily relying in the Met Line???

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. This would cause echos traffic, and guarantee that people block the hospital access,emergency will not get through to hospital. This festival is ridiculous idea and should be at another location. Harrow council and brent council need think about the residents and people that pay the council bills and have a say! I cant see residential agreeing to this.

Anonymous said...

Don 't agree with this at all,an absolutey ridiculous idea,.....same after all the work from NWPk roundabout,the left lane leading to the Hosp.most of the time is blocked by Buses stopping,cars have to pull out on the right then back into Hosp.lane ,very wide pavement,could have made a pull in for buses,no Brainer really,!!!!

Anonymous said...

All caused by Harow School's new personal right turn lane which in the original plans was supposed to keep the 30k plus traffic flowing, but was stolen by Harrow School's Covenant on the designated healthcare site that was supposed to stop uses such as housing.

Anonymous said...

Korea town.

Anonymous said...

This makes no sense whatsoever, and when did a festival encourage everyone to turn up at the same time, and stay the whole day? Let alone do mile hike to get to the venue. I suspect that teenage fans of this genre of music are very much like ones that attend Capital Summertime Ball held at Wembley Stadium which mean the majority will be accompanied by their parents or at least driven there by them, and picked up later on when finished, so Tube stations will not be heavily impacted.

Anonymous said...

re Anon 15:44 - What a great thought you've had. I'm so glad that you think that's its OK for parents to pick up their kid by car. So what you are suggesting is that at 10pm some 2,000-4,000 cars turn up to pick the 15,000 attendees? Wow, that's a very clever and sustainable idea, on a heavily parked residential estate with only enough room on the roads for single lane traffic. Perhaps they could use the hospital parking or maybe park on Watford Road? Please explain your idea further, I'm sure the organisers will listen.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 15:44 Sorry, you were obviously being sarcastic

Anonymous said...

Of course tube stations will be heavily impacted!