Friday, 9 August 2024

Ealing Road blocks replacing bank and public house approved by Brent Planning Committee


Brent Planning Committee approved the plans for  245-249 and 253 Ealing Road at Wednesday's meeting. Two members voted against approval. There were representations  against the development from nearby residents and from ward councillor Anton Georgiou. The sound quality of the Coucil recording was very poor so Cllr Geogiou has let me have a copy of his representation:

I am here, once again, to be a voice for the residents in Alperton who are fed up with the intense development in this particular part of the ward. An area that has already had to endure years of construction works, that are still ongoing causing misery to the lives of local people. If any of you have visited recently – you will understand why.


As a ward Councillor, I often come to these meetings to voice opposition to the wrong type of development and am often attacked by the Chair and others for not understanding the pressures we face as a local authority with regards to our housing needs – these attacks are totally unwarranted.


It is important to recognise that the bulk of the development that has occurred to date has not and will not address the genuine and growing housing need in our community. It has though compounded existing issues in my ward whether that is a lack of infrastructure to deal with the increasing population, or the problems that present for existing residents and even our newer residents who are living in some of the new blocks that have been thrown up.


Firstly, I think that it is important to read the letter from my resident Alexandra, who is unable to be here today, which outlines her and her neighbours, objections to this development. The issues she highlights are all genuine planning considerations, loss of light, privacy and overlooking issues, the cumulative effect that ongoing development has had and will have on this area. I do believe that before you make a decision tonight you should read her letter and listen to the comments Mathew, another resident at 243 Ealing Road will make, who will also be speaking in opposition.


If I could get into the final details of this application, I think it’s important to recognise that whilst some affordable housing is provided, not all of it is the genuinely affordable provision we need. I continue to take issue with the Council’s view that shared ownership is an affordable housing tenure. It is not. 


Shared Ownership is a scam, and you only have to speak to the 1000’s of residents in Brent who have been trapped by the false pretence that Shared Ownership is affordable to see this. In the application it is proposed that there will be 10 Shared Ownership units. In my view that is enough of a reason to reject this version of the application entirely. 


Whilst I recognise the scheme proposes a 35% affordable housing offer, as an authority we should be pushing for much more from developers if we are serious about addressing our growing housing need. We do not need 56 more private units at market value, who are they for, who can afford them? It is time this Committee stopped saturating the local housing market with what we do not need.


Moving to existing issues in some of the new blocks in Alperton, I would like to ask this Committee if they follow up on the developments that have already been approved. If you had you would realise that most new residents are having to already contend with difficulties in new buildings, such as broken lifts, anti-social behaviour in communal spaces, lack of access to communal areas due to safety issues, significant construction issues, including with cladding, the list goes on.


My point is that this Committee is approving new developments without recognising that most of these developments from the offset have major, inherent issues with them. You are effectively allowing residents to move into the ward and into Brent who are then forced to cope with a myriad of problems in their new homes from day one. 


Is the Council holding the developers, housing associations and construction/ building companies to account – when they make commitments to us at this stage of the process? I am personally having to intervene when issues present in new blocks and it seems unbelievable, frankly a dereliction of the Council’s duty towards residents, that new developments keep being approved despite there being such flaws in new builds. Enough is enough.


I would finally like to turn to the financial contributions offered alongside this development.


The papers indicate a £45,00 towards a CPZ close to the site, I would like the Committee to tell me if they know where the existing CPZ is, and whether the mentioned extension will simply be imposed on residents. Before accepting more money for CPZ’s I would suggest the Council gets its act together in progressing schemes – they take too long to implement and in the meantime parking havoc ensues on local roads.


£7,000 for off street tree planting is welcome but are the Council committing maintenance and upkeep, rather than letting new trees die?


£10,000 for improvements to open spaces within the borough but not solely for the ward so again money generated in Alperton being spent elsewhere. This is not fair.


Another £150,000 for step free access at Alperton tube. Welcomed. But will it actually happen. TfL are good at sending out press releases on this, but how long will it take? Issues at the station are present now, local people cannot wait any longer.


CIL contribution again welcomed, but how much will actually be spent on infrastructure in my ward, to mitigate the impact of this development. Will the Council not be tempted, as it has been to date, to just grow the overall pot and resist spending it on immediate needs?


These financial sweeteners are simply not reason enough to justify even more development in Alperton.


I will close by saying, the proposed site used to house a public house and bank. Both great amenities, that local people want and need. The worrying trend of pubs closing down and being redeveloped into unaffordable housing will continue if you approve this application. I am sure many of you have fought to save such amenities in your wards. Why doesn’t Alperton deserve the same fight?


This Committee is making my ward a place for people to sleep in but not live. It is a concrete jungle, with little to no community vibe. Please pause and think again before agreeing to two more tower blocks here.


Anonymous said...

A Councillor sticking up for his residents - what a hero. Meanwhile the planning committee rides roughshod over our fears and concerns. What’s more they are so smug about it.

Anonymous said...

Just going through the motions, we really don't care about what residents want, or need, we just give the developers what they want, get more CIL to add to the coffers, but we won't spend it even to get ourselves out of debt or meet the shortfalls.

Jaine Lunn said...

Nice to see one of the very few Councillors who does the job he's been voted in to do and stand up for his Residents, there are quite a few who could learn a few things by watching him.

Anonymous said...

How many Planning Officers (or senior officers of Brent Council from the Chief Executive down) who advise Councillors on Panning Policies and recommend specific planning application for approval live in Brent? If at least some of them were local Brent residents they might think twice before forcing the destruction of our area with massive Tower blocks without improvements to local services. The residents of Alperton now face even more years of disruption while these extra blocks get built on top of the massive development going on at the former Alperton Bus Garage site.
When will Labour Councillors finally start listening to local people who have had enough of these money grabbing projects.

Andrew Porri said...

The only councillor speaking ip tor a small part of brent, whereas the whole of brent has these issues particularly wembley park with saturated parking and CPZs which are a joke,but they have no voice due to labour councillors and most all ignoring their views,they have no voice due to councillors more interested in protecting their own positions than representing teal people,in my opinion sucking up to a corrupt party line to the detriment of brents residents.

Anonymous said...

There is too much building of high rise flats everywhere and the councils should consider a balance of housing.

Anonymous said...

A very different tale of two Brent Council wards …

Harlesden Cllr Matt Kelcher is Chair of the Brent Planning Committee - his wife Cllr Milli Patel who’s also a Cllr in Harlesden is Deputy Brent Council Leader and Brent Council Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.

They both no doubt pushed for Brent Council to spend £3.3million turning an old pub in Harlesden into a community centre see here:,the%20council%20back%20in%202020.

Yet in Alperton the historic The Plough pub first established in 1881 will be obliterated so that more tower blocks can be built - this pub with a 100 seat event space could have also been restored using Brent Council funds and used as a community centre in this area which is now incredibly built up and lacking vital local community space.

Why is Alperton which is generating so much NCIL money from all the over bearing and instrusive property developments being treated like a second class citizen compared to Harlesden???

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear someone asking the difficult questions when ‘powers that be’ would rather not hear. Justice may prevail if vested interest's are called into account.

Anonymous said...

The pub you refer to in Harlesden remains boarded up and no sign of it being a community centre

Anonymous said...

No matter that it is still boarded up, £3.3 million is allocated to the project there - why isn't money like this being spent in Alperton???

Anonymous said...

There will be more high rise buildings built across the road in Sainsbury’s soon.

Anonymous said...

And the old Curry's Site

Anonymous said...

I agree that local people should be fully regarded in planning decisions especially when there are more than enough tower blocks in Brent already.

Anonymous said...

We don't need anyone blocks of flats around here enough is enough.
Councils getting to greedy plus with the amount of new flats going up our sewer system ,water and electricity system will overload not including traffic and congestion to this area.
I would rather have a new sports facility here for people to enjoy weekend or evening there