Saturday, 24 August 2024

Not so 'simplistic' after all! Cllr Butt takes up Lib Dem suggestion on CIL with the Labour Government



From the Brent Infrastructure Funding Statement that went to Brent Cabinet in December 2023

Despite having dismissed Liberal Democrat Leader Anton Georgiou's suggestion that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) could be used to bridge the funding gap ahead of a new local government finance settlement as 'simplistic', Cllr Butt Labour Leader has written to the Government asking for the flexibility to do just that.

Butt had told Cllr Georgiou, 'To make a simplistic statement that we can use CIL is counter-productive to the conversation.'

He has had been asked straightforwardly, 'Would you support asking the Government  to change the way CIL can be spent?'

There was no direct answer but just over a month later Cllr Butt and Cllr Tatler have written to the Labour Government stating that diminishing budgets meant that councils were looking for innovate ways to raise income:

I am therefore writing today to put forward an additional case for flexibility to ease restrictions around the usage of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds, devolving the decision making to local councils to decide how to invest in their local aras, as they see fit. It’s our responsibility, as a dual Labour administration, to get these funds to where they need to go.


Infrastructure projects alone cannot address the challenges which local areas and residents face. Greater flexibility in the use of CIL funds would mean that councils can address urgent non-infrastructure needs, allowing this council to pilot and pay for new projects that would meaningfully make a difference. Today, CIL funding cannot be utilised for investing in a new waste enforcement team, or community safety officers, for example. We therefore ought to expand the criteria if what we mean by infrastructure and impact mitigations, allowing for the recruitment and retention of additional staff to keep our borough safe and clean.


Easing restrictions does not mean abandoning fiscal responsibility, rather adapting to current realities and the challenges councils are facing. Councils can still practice sound financial management while using CIL more flexibly. Establishing clear guidelines and accountability for the use of CIL funds would ensure that the funds are used effectively and responsibly.


I urge the Government to implement these reasoned flexibilities and help us to unlock funding that is sorely needed today
This is not so very different to what Anton Georgiou had written earlier to Angela Rayner, Secretary of State for Housing, Councils and Local Government:


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has the potential to deliver improved infrastructure within local areas but there is a long wait for this. The stringent criteria imposed on the use of CIL makes it far too difficult to use.


As a result in the case of the London Borough of Brent the Council in its 2024/25 budget estimates that it will have a staggering £250 million of unused CIL in its reserves at the end of its financial year on 31 March 2025.


For years Councils have been pleading with the Conservative Government to set longer term Local Government financial settlements to provide some element of certainty and the ability for Councils to plan ahead. This has fallen on deaf ears.


There will inevitably be appeals to the new Labour Government to address this and more importantly to provide more money for local Government. Judging from the statement from the Chancellor this week the financial outlook is tough and the chances of more money for local Government are very slim.


There is however something very simple and quick that you could do for Local Government without extra money from the Treasury at this time:


Give local councils greater freedom and greater flexibility on how to use CIL for essential services (Revenue and Capital) in their area.


Currently the use of main CIL is extremely restrictive and expenditure which is normal in the course of everyday Council business cannot be funded. Brent for example has a massive backlog of road and pavement repairs due to decades of past underspending. Why cannot part of the large CIL pot not be used to tackle this backlog? Who benefits with the money being unspent and simply accumulating and ever growing reserves? It makes no sense at all.


At present 15% of CIL is allocated to a Neighbourhood Pot for local residents to allocate. Why not change the rules so that say 42.5% of the remainder is allocated to the expected infrastructure projects and the other 42.5% freed up to be used on essential Revenue and Capital spending to meet the Council’s own priorities.


Brent is not the only borough with large amount of unspent CIL. I am convinced that across Local Government the unused CIL pot will amount to many £Billions.


So why not do something positive and quick to help Local Government from its current funding crises and at no cost to the Treasury.


My colleague Councillor Paul Lorber wrote on this same issue to Michael Gove a few months ago. You won’t be surprised to learn that he received a negative answer which failed to address the issue – which Mr Gove probably failed to grasp.


I am hopeful that you not only understand the point I am making but that you are more sympathetic to the plight of Local Government and therefore more determined to free up some of the CIL money and thus help local Council’s to start tackling the backlog of accumulating neglect in their areas.

Hopefully, this is a sign of new maturity on Cllr Butt's part. After some reflection and perhaps discussion with colleagues and officers he has recognised that there was merit in the Opposition's suggestion of 'reasoned flexibilities' in the use of CIL. 
Perhaps it is not too late for a bi-partisan approach to the challenges facing Brent Council and its residents.


Paul Lorber said...

How refreshing. Where the Liberal Democrats on Brent Council lead - Labour (eventually) follow.

A change of policy on use of CIL would make a very bid difference and enable Brent Council to carryout much needed improvements across Brent and also tackle much more effectively the many ongoing service failures that local people have to put up with.

Cllr Butt could not answer the question from Anton Georgiou, the Liberal Democrat Leader, but the Labour Budget which Cllr Butt proposed just a few months earlier estimated the CIL balance as at 31 March 2025 at a very useful £250 million.

We are still waiting for a reply to the Lib Dem proposal from the Labour Deputy Leader in Parliament and will of course update you when we get it.

Anonymous said...

Let's not be under the illusion that this money will actually be used towards what actually matters to residents.

Anonymous said...

When else has this happened?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the last Conservative Government gave local councils a huge pot of money to be put towards forthcoming adult social care policy changes which were not implemented and have now been scrapped - what has Brent Council done with that money?

Anonymous said...

Appalling decision in Scotland ...

"Nature funding to be used to settle council pay deals"

Paul Lorber said...

What "huge pot of money" has the Conservative Government given to local Councils? As far as I am aware the Conservative Government shifted the burden of paying for adult social care onto local Council's. If you look at your Council Tax Bill over a number of years you will see a 2% extra increase in your Council Tax every year for many years. As the 2% last year was on top if the 2% in previous year, and the year before etc etc the cumulative amount means that Brent Council tax is anywhere between 10% and 20% higher than it would have been otherwise. What the Tories did is the usual trick that Central Governments of what ever colour do. A prime example is the responsibility to house homeless people. Central Government passes legislation that homeless people with children must be housed. The Government does NOT do this - they pass the burden to local Councils and guess what? - the cost which runs into many millions each year is mostly paid by local people through their Council Tax.

Anonymous said...

"In July 2023, the Government additionally announced that £570 million originally committed for wider system reform would instead be provided to local authorities through a new ring-fenced grant for adult social care (£365 million in 2023/24 and £205 million in 2024/25). It added that a further £30 million of funding originally committed for system reform (later increased to £40 million) would be provided to local authorities in the “most challenged” areas to improve social care capacity and hospital discharge rates.

Following its consultation on the provisional local government finance settlement, in January 2024 the Government announced it would provide an additional £500 million for the Social Care Grant in 2024/25.

While the additional funding has been welcomed, concerns have been raised that it will not be sufficient to address all the issues in adult social care. It has also been suggested that by re-purposing funding originally committed for reform to “keep afloat the existing system, the government is acknowledging the end of its broader ambitions for social care.”