Streets around Byron Court Primary School (click on image to enlatrge) |
Cllr Keith Perrin claimed at the Planning Committee on Wednesday evening that the officer's report to the Planning Committee showed that currently the school experiences 'outrageous and dangerouus tarffic movements.' He said that the school had 'patently been unable to enforcde their Travel Plans' mainly because they have no enforcement tools. He claimed that only last week someone was convicted of assaulting a resident.
Perrin went on to say that police and parking enforcement had been ineffective, even with camera cars. The situation was exacerbated by lack of parking spaces and public transport and pressure on parking space from the increasing number of staff at nearby Northwick Park Hospital.
The result is that local roads are choked during the day and the Northwick Park Car Park had to apply restrictions to allow park users to park there.
Cllr Perrin said that the travel plans had failed and that the revised plan was deficient because it relied on 'Park and Stride'. (parents dropping children in Northwick Park Car Park and the pupils walking to school from there). He had analysed the current pupil role by postcode (
see LINK - I had the postcodes but deleted them to safeguard the identity of the children). His analysis showed that of 697 pupils only 319 are under 20 minutes adult walk to the the school, 100 come by tube, 11 travel for almost an hour on the 245 bus - in all at least 200 currently travel by cars that 'create absolute mayhem.'
That was the current situation but the report says that with expansion 299 extra pupils will travel by car. Using Northwick Park Car Park for 'Stop and Stride' would mean 162 cars needed to enter and exit via a single carriagewat - 324 car movements in 30 minutes, or a car movement every 5.5 seconds.
Perrin raised a number of issues regarding the proposal to use Northwick Park Car Park for 'Park and Stride':
- the logistics of staff collecting and controlling 160 children and marching them to the school through 'rain or shine'
- the chances of cars arriving within the same 10 minutes - one every 2 seconds
- where wouldl children wait in the park
- will there be sufficient staff to manage them
- would there be any shelter or holding area?
- a zebra crossing would be required at Norval Road - would this be a dangerous?
- what were the chances of parent ignoring Park and Stride in the event of bad weather and attempting to drop their children off at school?
- how would staff know which children to expect to be dropped off and what action woudl be expected if they don't turn up?
- clear safeguarding issues
- condition of the children if they have to wait in the rain for 10 minustes and walk 0.4 of a mile for 15 minutes in the rain to get to school
Cllr Perrin called for the Park and Stride idea to be abandoned and said he felt that the Highways Department did not really support the scheme despite their report: 'I know these officers to be some of the best and they are definitely not stupid.'
To help inform readers here is an extract from the memo sent to the Brent Head of Planning from Transportation on November 23rd 2015:
standard PS12 of the UDP-2004 will allow 1 car parking space to be provided per
5 staff, with visitor parking to be provided at 20% of the staff parking, but a
minimum provision of a single car space. This standard also urges close
attention to pick-up and set-down facilities at school sites, and the impact of
on-street car parking on local residents.
school currently employs 75 staff; 41 teachers, 29 support staff and 5 admin
staff. This will increase to 105 staff members as a result of the proposal.
school currently has 23 unmarked parking spaces, 22 cycle parking spaces and 15
scooter spaces and the proposal will provide 26 parking spaces including 2
disabled and 60 cycle spaces. This is sufficient to satisfy standards.
Cycle parking
cycle parking spaces will be provided and the cycle sheds appear to be located
by both accesses; Spencer Road and Nathans Road. The cycle spaces should be in
a secure and covered shed to protect against theft and weather in compliance
with PS16 of the UDP-2004.
Site observations
main issue observed was the number of vehicles parking in obstructive manners
at the junctions on double yellow lines, blocking resident’s driveways and in
some cases actually parking in the residents drive and overhanging the footway.
This obstructive parking as well as parents wanting to park directly outside
the school, or as close to the school as possible, was resulting in a tail back
of traffic up to the junction of Norval Road. This in turn was leading to
dangerous crossing behaviours by parents and pupils. Due to the nature of the
road, it only took one or two vehicles to park in this manner or travel against
the informal flow, for severe congestion to occur.
appeared that on the days that teachers were outside the entrance encouraging
traffic to move on and signs were placed out on the highway, vehicles were less
disruptive as the teachers and signs were a deterrent to stop them parking so
close to the school. However, this deterrent does not stop vehicles carrying
out obstructive parking at the junction with Norval Road or vehicles trying to
mount the footway and still did not stop vehicles blocking driveways, parking
in the resident’s driveways and parking on the single yellow lines outside the
school. On the days teachers were not always outside the entrance, parents appeared
to revert back into bad habits of parking.
illegal and inconsiderate parking by parents is a major concern for pupil and
pedestrian safety and for access into and out of residential properties in the
was disappointing to see that Northwick Car Park was not used at all. Two
parents were observed driving up to the entrance of the park looking for on
street parking on The Fairway and then turning around when they did not find
discussed this with out School Road Safety Team, they have advised that they do
encourage the school to make use of Northwick Car Park and name and shame
parents who park dangerously. However, our observation on site shows that
illegal parking and inconsiderate parking still occurs and in many instances it
was the same vehicles parking in this manner. The traffic congestion is still
an issue and the school should be more active to reduce this problem and
address pupils safety concerns.
Transport Assessment
2.1 illustrates that 66% of the students live in same postcode region as the
school (HA0), with 13% living nearby in HA9 and 12% living in HA1.
2.26 refers to collision data retrieved from TfL. The data shows one slight
collision at the junction of Abbots Drive/Spencer Road in 2011, involving a
child pedestrian hit by a vehicle. Transportation’s accident statistics in the
last three years showed show 2 slight accidents in 2014/2015, involving vehicle
accidents on The Fairway at junctions with Norval Road and Abbots Drive and is
unlikely to be related to pupils at the school as the children in the vehicles
were aged 13 and 15 (Please see attached documents). Please note that the accident statistics only
report data whereby injury had occurred and near misses or slight accidents
where no injuries were reported will not be included in the data. Therefore,
statistics do show that no accident has occurred in the vicinity of the school.
5.1 shows the mode split data of existing pupils taken in the summer 2014 and
winter 2015. The results show 490 pupils walking in the summer and only 249 in
the winter resulting in 50 pupils travelling by car in the summer and 96
travelling by car and 33 car sharing in the winter. Pupils’ travelling by bus
doesn’t seem to change however, those using the train’s increases in the winter
by 4.6%.
Car Park is in the vicinity of the site and the parking survey (carried out
March 2015) shows that the car park provides 96 spaces with 79% occupancy. Due
to the recent enforcement of commuter parking, within this car park,
Transportation had requested for a more recent parking survey to be carried
out. This was carried out in May 2015 and table 5.28 and 5.29 showed an average
availability of 96%.
all day parking survey (05:00 and 21:00) was carried out on Thursday 12th
March 2015, by the consultants. Roads included Abbots Drive, Nathans Road,
Norval Road, Spencer Road and The Fairway. The results showed an average of 57%
occupancy in the morning peak between 07:30 -10:00 and an average occupancy of
70% in the afternoon peak between 15:00 – 17:30. The parking survey for Spencer
Road showed an average occupancy of 64% in the morning and a high occupancy of
112%-127% in the afternoon during school pick up time.
survey was carried out again in May 2015 after the enforcement of the car park
and results in table 5.30 show that there were still spaces available on street
and that the displacement of parking from the car park had not affected on
street availability. Further to Transportation’s site observations on 23rd,
25th and 26th November, it was noted that there was no on
street parking spaces available in the vicinity of the school on either Nathans
Road or Norval Road due to the high number of commuters parking in the vicinity
before 8.30am.
note the parking survey shows two figures for Spencer Road; 49 and 26 spaces.
The 49 spaces are counted on both sides of the road as there are no legal
restrictions for parking on one side only. However, the road is too narrow to
allow parking on both sides and therefore the figure is incorrect and the
realistic figure for a total of 26 spaces should be used for assessing parking
availability. In addition to this, parking on Spencer Road should be
discouraged due the width of the road and danger to pedestrians/pupils crossing
the road near the school entrance and therefore parking availability on Spencer
Road should not be considered.
Car Park
car park is proposed to be used by parents for park and stride to school and
table 5.23 shows a break down of occupancy in the between 08:00-09:00. The car
park occupancy does gradually start increasing by 08:30 however, the average
occupancy is 39% and therefore less then half the car parking is being occupied
giving scope to use the car park for parents to park and stride.
follow up survey was carried out 12th May 2015 and showed 115%
occupancy on Spencer Road in the morning school peak and 146% occupancy in the afternoon
school peak. However, Northwick Car Park shows only 4-5% occupancy both in
morning and afternoon peak which is a significant change in results.
the enforcement of the car park, only approx. 5-10 parked cars have been
counted during our site observation and the survey carried out by the
consultants shows a low 4-5% occupancy. The car park is therefore ideal for
parents to park within to ease congestion on the surrounding residential
streets. However, the access into the car park is 200m long and does not have
segregated footway, which is a concern for pedestrians walking on the
carriageway whilst vehicles travel in and out of the car park. The grassed area
either side of the carriageway can probably be walked along in the summer
months however during the recent site observations, it was found that it was to
muddy to walk on leaving pedestrians to walk on carriageway. This is Brent
Council Parks land and Transportation would suggest that the school seriously
consider the use of this car park for parents when dropping and picking up
children and if this option is to be taken forward then discussions with Parks
Department should be made to implement a segregated footway for pedestrians,
especially the school children, to be able to use.
traffic counters on Spencer Road showed 100 vehicles travelling southbound
between 08:00 -09:00 and at speed of 11mph and 63 vehicles travelling at 10mph
between 15:00-16:00. Automatic traffic counters on Nathans Road showed 61
vehicles northbound and 34 vehicles southbound between 08:00-09:00 and 29
vehicles northbound and 23 southbound between 15:00-16:00. Traffic on Nathans
Road travelled between 17-18mph.
5.34, 5.35 and 5.26 shows a pupil and staff modal split for the existing and
proposed as balanced however transportation would like to see an improvement to
these figures via the Travel Plan targets and initiatives.
of the initiatives the school proposes is to increase the ‘soft start’ from 10
minutes to 20 minutes between 08:30-08:50 to allow a staggered drop to reduce
number of vehicles in the vicinity at any one time. Based on this and the
assumption of extra school activities, table 5.49 proposes 20% of pupils to
arrive 07:00-08:00, 25% between 08:00-08:30 and 54.7% between 08:30-09:00. The
departure figures proposed 39.6% to leave between 15:00-15:30, 24.7% to leave
between 15:30 -16:00 and 30% to leave between 16:00-17:00.
5.58 anticipates an additional 83 - 299 during the morning and afternoon peak
of summer/winter. These vehicles will be staggered between 7am – 9am and 3pm-
6pm and these vehicles can be accommodated within the Northwick Car Park, which
can accommodate 50 or more spaces, alleviating on street parking concerns.
Travel Plan
After assessing
the travel plan (dated October 2015) using the attrubte tool, it has failed for
the following reasons:
submitted travel plan will be effective from the proposed development 2016 and
this is not acceptable. A revised travel plan should be submitted with
initiatives already in place in order to address and reduce existing
travel plan coordinator should already be appointed and working towards
implementing measures
should also be set out for 3-5 years after occupation
adhere to a standardised approach.
The travel
plan shows a target in Autumn (2016) when the proposed site is due to open and
the vehicle target is 16%, which is as existing. By 2020 the target for vehicle
travel is 12% (winter) when the proposed site should be in full occupancy. The
staff targets show a reduction in vehicle travel by only 8% in 2020 with
targets for walking to remain the same and the cycle travel increased by only
2% by 2020. These targets should be increased to encourage more sustainable
modes of travel.
travel plan does not mention use of Northwick Car Park, which was initially
discussed as part of the pre-app and our School Road Safety Team have also
discussed this option with the school as well. Transportation have suggested
the car park to be used for parents to park and then walk to pick up or drop of
their children particularly since enforcement of the car park has meant only
5-10 vehicles park in their with over 50 parking spaces available for parents
to use. However it has been very disappointing to see that the school are
currently not encouraging this option and that this is not mentioned as one of
the travel plan measures.
school currently uses a voluntary one way system in the morning from northbound
on The Fairway and southbound on Spencer Road. The streets are too narrow to
accommodate a two way flow and therefore the voluntary one way system in the
morning attempts to alleviate traffic. The afternoon pick up attempts to keep
to a one way system however, parents park to pick up their children so the one
way system can provide difficult. However, this is simply a case of dealing with
the symptoms of the travel problems and not addressing the underlying cause of
too many car-borne pupils being brought to the school gates by car along a road
that is unsuitable for the level of traffic generated.
conclusion, the school has an existing parking and traffic congestion problem
and they have failed to be proactive in addressing these existing problems by
implementing sufficient measures in order to mitigate these issues before
proposals of expansions were put forward. The travel plan should address
measures to start mitigating these issues and should be enforced. Only then
could any comfort be provided that the school would be able to expand without
significantly worsening existing traffic problems in the area
Servicing Management Plan
construction, the school proposes to continue using the access of Spencer Road
for their deliveries and refuse, as is the current situation.
construction, the school proposes to use the access on Nathans Road for their
deliveries and refuse.
number SP21A proposes a 5.3m wide access leading to a 21m long and 20m wide
hard standing area. The drawing shows the vehicle tracking for a refuse
vehicle, which is 8.3m long. The drawing shows that a refuse vehicle can turn
around within the site and leave in forward gear, which is acceptable. Refuse
storage is proposed near the rear access for straightforward collection.
path analysis has also been provided for ‘transit’ sized vans, which can also
turn around and leave in forward gear. The van deliveries will be made for
groceries/food deliveries and drawing number 941N200J does propose the kitchen
near the rear access, allowing straightforward unloading into the kitchen.
There is also an office by the rear access which will presumably allow deliveries
such as post to be collected.
hard standing area reserved for unloading/loading and turning area, will not be
marked out with bays or ‘keep clear’ signage and therefore could potentially
lead to off street parking by the school. This is not acceptable as it would
lead to obstruction of large vehicles being able to turn around or park. Clear
signage should be implemented or the school should strictly enforce no vehicle
parking in the area other than deliveries.
applicant also states that the area will be used for coaches and a swept path
analysis should be submitted for this.
school currently restricts deliveries between 08:00 – 09:00 and 15:00 – 16:00.
As the access from Nathans Road will be used by pupils during the start and end
of school and the expansion is likely to result in pupils using the after
school activities as stated in the TA, Transportation would request the
restriction to be placed from 15:00 – 17:00.
appears that delivery vehicles will have to wait on Nathans Road whilst trying
to access the school and this is not acceptable. The vehicle should set the
gate back 10m to allow a refuse vehicle to wait within the access whilst they
are pressing the intercom to gain access into the school.