From Black Training and Enterprise Group
Summer Festival (Nooon-4pm) is being organised by a team of young people from the
Welsh Harp ward in the London of Brent. It is a ‘social action project’
encouraged by three local Councillors and facilitated by BTEG. It will have a range of activities including:
- Football tournament – for both boys and girls and different age groups
- ‘Cake Off’ competition
- Treasure Hunt in conjunction with local bird watching organization
- Races – including egg and spoon, three legged, bean bad throwing etc. for children and parents
- Open Mic – chance for people to show-off their skills/singing
- Music in conjunction with BANG Radio
- Stalls including information about the Welsh Harp and boating,
- Make-up masterclasses
- Face painting, henna
- Yoga, pilates, gentle exercise
- Bouncy Castle
festival is about supporting young people to develop team and
leadership skills, event management and confidence, promoting the beauty
of the Welsh Harp and promoting community cohesion.
The Festival takes place in Neasden Recreation Ground
Editor's comment: Watch out for McDonald's marketing as a local franchise owner is funding the stage, balloons and face painting.