Monday 2 July 2012

U-turn if you want to - this gent is not for turning!

"I will not bend"
The Newsletter of Brent Council's Chief Executive always makes fascinating reading - particularly between the lines:

The June 21st Newsletter exalts in the close relationship between officers and councillors and gives this insight into Gareth Daniel's view of decision making. It sounds as if he has formed his own version of the 'No Turning Back' group which was formed to prevent any change of mind on Margaret Thatcher's 'reforms'.:
Gareth Daniel in 1982
Once any necessary consultation has taken place, we should always move confidently into action mode and when we make a decision we need to stick to it.  Nobody respects an organisation that bends to the demands of every pressure group or the inevitable special pleading of sectional interest groups.
Presumably this is what he is saying to Muhammed Butt, the recently elected  'official' leader of Brent Council.

I guess people who believe in the importance of libraries are a 'sectional interest' group, as are those who believe in the importance of early childhood provision, or even those who think it is quite nice if people have a roof over their head...

Plans to close Central Middlesex Accident and Emergency confirmed - now organise!

The Brent and Kilburn Times website reports today that Central Middlesex A&E is 'certain to close' as part of the 'Shaping a Healthier Future (sic)' proposals which were launched today LINK:
Speaking at the launch, Dr Mark Spencer, medical director for the programme, said:
We looked at all the options but it is not possible to keep the A&E department open and running as it is now.
Unfortunately when the hospital was built, it was far too big and with too many departments for the people it served so it is not viable to keep it open.
The hospital still has an Urgent Care Centre which is open 24 hours a day and can treat patients within 4 hours of arrival and that will remain open.
The certainty of closure will be challenged by local residents and campaigners who are meeting tomorrow evening at The Trades Hall/Apollo Club 375 High Road, NW10 2JR (close to Willesden Bus Garage) to mobilise opposition.. The meeting will begin at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Early years experts launch campaign to 'save childhood'

From Katy Morrison Nursery World, June 28th 2012

   A new website has been launched  LINK to promote a campaign by early years experts to save childhood. The Save Childhood Movement expands upon Open Eye’s Saving Childhood Network, which was set up last October following the publication of ‘Too much, too soon?’ by Dr Richard House. It has been launched in response to concerns of an ‘erosion of childhood’ in modern culture, and aims to bring together a team of experts to consolidate relevant research and protect and promote children’s natural development and learning.

    Behind the movement is Wendy Ellyatt, founder of the Unique Child Network, Child psychologist Dr Richard House, from the University of Roehampton, and Kim Simpson, co-founder of the Early Childhood Action Group.

   Members of the Save Childhood Movement’s advisory group include Professors Lillian Katz and Janet Moyles, early years consultants Wendy Scott and Margaret Edgington and Catherine Prisk - director of Play England. It is hoped the new website will help to gain sponsorship for the movement ahead of its official launch next spring at the first of a series of annual seminar series.

The next six months will be spent consolidating the advisory board and gaining support to grow the movement.

   Ms Ellyatt, the group’s development director, said, ‘The movement has been set up in recognition of the rapidly growing evidence about child health and well-being in the UK. According to the Children’s Society 2012 Good Childhood Report at any one time more than half a million children are unhappy with their lives and, with increasingly sedentary lifestyles. One in ten children are suffering from mental health problems, and there is what is being called an "alienation of experience".'

   ‘We have some of the most academically pressurised children in the world, with an increasing focus on targets and measurable outcomes rather than the more holistic nurturing of positive learning dispositions. We think such evidence calls for urgent action and we are now bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of experts who agree with us.’

Sunday 1 July 2012

Brent Labour desperately seeking council candidates for 2014

Brent Labour Party is looking for people to stand as Labour councillors in 2014. They are possibly a little desperate so I thought I would give them a hand by publicising the invite. Note you do not have to be a member of the Labour Party to attend:
The Brent Labour Party will soon be starting its selection process for Brent Council elections in 2014. With this is mind, the Brent Labour Party is holding an event on the 4th of July for people interested in becoming a Labour Councillor.
If you are interested in putting yourself forward, this is a fantastic opportunity to come along, and learn a bit more about what being a councillor really entails, and how to go about applying.
The meeting starts at 7pm with presentations by current councillors talking about their experiences of getting started and what it’s like to be a councillor.
There will then be a chance to ask questions. This will last approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour. After the presentations you will be able to talk to the councillors informally.
If you know someone that might be interested in coming along but isn’t on this email list please pass this information on – everyone is welcome to attend, even if they’re not a Labour Party Member
The information for the evening is the following::
Wednesday the 4th of July 2012 – 7pm
The Stonebridge Hub, Hillside, NW10 8BN (10 minute walk from either Harlesden or Stonebridge stations)
Let us know if you would like to attend by emailing
I will be happy to publish any suggestions from readers about questions that could be asked after the presentation.

HS2 doesn't stack up - Caroline Lucas

Find out about Green Party candidates for leader and deputy

With nominations now closed we can look forward to an interesting election campaign for Leader and Deputy Leader of the Green Party.  It is a strong list of candidates and I hope we will have  wide-ranging debate about the party's political direction and its strategy for increasing the party's membership and activist base.

All the candidates have set up websites which you can find below:

Candidates for Leader of the Green Party (Alphabetical order)

Pippa Bartolotti

Natalie Bennett

Peter Cranie

Romayne Phoenix

Candidates for Deputy Leader of the Green Party (Alphabetical order)

Caroline Allen

Will Duckworth

Richard Mallender

Alexandra Phillips

Election Timetable
·  late July/early August - ballot papers issued with Green World
·  31 August 2012 - voting closes
·  11am, Monday 3 September 2012 - declaration of results

Saturday 30 June 2012

Wembley Consultative Forum on July 4th

The next Wembley Area Consultative Forum will be held on Wednesday 4th July at Patidar House, London Road, off Wembley High Road. The meeting starts at 7pm. Get there a little earlier to fill in a form if you wish to speak at a Soapbox.

  • Parking Charges - an update
  • Tackling illegal waste dumping
  • Shaping a Healthier Future
  • Localisation of Council Tax Benefit
  • Wembley Area Action Plan
  • Draft Cemeteries Strategy

We are being denied 'rightful access' to funding for day-to-day living - Disabled People Against Cuts

Report from Kate

I Went down to the Royal Courts of Justice this morning, where an application had been made by members of the Mental Health Resistance Network for permission for a judicial review of the work capability assessment process. A judge was deciding whether or not people with mental health issues should be able to apply for a judicial review of the WCA process. 

Adam Lotun, press spokesperson for Disabled People Against The Cuts, said that Employment and Support Allowance work capability assessments had developed “into a vehicle that is being used to deny people [with disabilities] their rightful access to funding and resources to assist them in their day-to-day living.” 

He said that the other reason for seeking the review was to stop the same damaging process being used to assess people on disability living allowance as DLA is phased out and replaced with the personal independence payment – “we want to stop the killing of the disability living allowance.” 

“These (benefits) were brought in to ensure that people of all different levels would be able to get access to funding, or resources, to enable them to cope and exist with the rest of society. Well, now that’s being taken away from us.”

 Claimants argue that the work capability assessment process discriminates against people with mental health issues.

 Result from the end of the day: Adam Lotun texted to say that: “The judge will give a decision early next week. In closing remarks, the judge said that this is something that involves hundreds and thousands of people,” and that there was concern that people would ultimately fill the court system with individual claims.