Saturday 17 June 2017

Wonderful Flying Machines - free talk and exhibition at Kingsbury Library

Did you know that Kingsbury was one of the main centres of the aircraft industry 100 years ago? 

This is a subject that local historian and former Fryent Ward councillor, Jim Moher, has been researching since he stepped down from Brent Council in 2014. He will be sharing the story of the people who made some of the best known planes of the First World War, and after, in an illustrated talk. This free "coffee morning" event is taking place at Kingsbury Library on Friday 30 June, from 11am to 12noon, and anyone who would be interested is welcome to attend.

Jim has also worked with Brent Museum on a small exhibition, also called Wonderful Flying Machines, which can be seen at Kingsbury Library from now until November 2017. Even if you cannot make it to the talk, you will find plenty of interesting pictures and information about the Airco factory, which employed 4,400 people (many of them women) by 1918, and the company set up at Stag Lane after the war by its principal designer and test pilot, Geoffrey De Havilland.

Conservation activities at Welsh Harp on Sunday

June 18  10:00 am - 2:00 pm

This group was formed last summer and every month, continues to support the activities of the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre. During this event, you will learn some practical conservation techniques to manage the habitats in the area and all activities focus on improving the natural habitat of the 15 acre woodland for biodiversity and ensuring that the outdoor teaching spaces are safe and exciting for the 3000 school children that attend the centre each year.

Previous activities have included clearing glades (open areas within a woodland) and pathways which were choked with ivy and bramble, clearing our Forest School Zone to make room for shelter building activities, moving logs and branches around the site for children’s activities and teaching spaces, pond clearance, and there are many more similar activities to come.

The chosen activities for the day will be selected and emailed out to everyone on the mailing list before the event. If you are not on the mailing list and you wish to be, please email

All welcome! Under 16’s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.  Please meet inside the Education Centre.
Hope to see you there to continue this amazing work!

Deb Frankiewicz (Education Officer)

Friday 16 June 2017

How K&C Council tried to silence Grenfell Action Group bloggers

I am sure sure most of WM readers have seen this but in case some of you haven't, here is the letter from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea seeking to silence the Grenfell Action Group's blog.

I admire the group's courage and tenacity in resisting the threat as they persisted in speaking truth to power.

Below is a list of links to blogs they published trying to warn the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, who own this property, and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation who supposedly manage all social housing in RBKC on the Council’s behalf:

Parents & Under 5s -Celebrate togetherness King Eddie's Park, Wembley noon today

Thursday 15 June 2017

UPDATE: Cllr Butt reassures Brent high-rise tenants on Fire Risk Assessments and compliance

Twitter post earlier today
 Cllr Muhammed Butt, leader of Brent Council, has made the following statement in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Following the terrible scenes from the fire at Grenfell Tower, our thoughts are with all those affected. We have been in contact with our neighbours in Kensington and Chelsea to offer any help and assistance we can at this difficult time.

Many residents living in high-rise blocks across the country will naturally be concerned and I want to reassure tenants and leaseholders that, in Brent, all of our Fire Risk Assessments (FRA) are up-to-date in all high rise properties and we are 100% compliant also.

Fire safety is the number one priority for anyone's home and we continually review our fire risk assessments, servicing and maintenance programmes in all accommodation blocks to ensure our residents are kept safe.

The council works closely with London Fire Brigade and meets regularly with them, both on an operational and fire safety level.

As a council, working with Brent Housing Partnership, we are doing all that we can to keep our residents safe from the devastating consequences of a major fire, but you can help too by following this advice:
  • Make sure you have a working smoke alarm in your home
  • Keep balconies free from clutter
  • Please don't leave rubbish or bikes in communal areas or obstruct escape routes
  • Make sure you know where your nearest fire exit is
  • If you are a smoker please do not smoke in common areas of the block
  • Always fully extinguish cigarettes smoked in your home and dispose of them carefully and safely
Given the large number of new high-rise private blocks in the Wembley Stadium  Quintain development it would be useful to know what fire precautions have been built into these developments as well as detail on the cladding used.


High rise tower blocks developed by Quintain in Wembley Park

In a response to concerned residents, Cllr Butt sent this fuller message today:
I am sure that you are shocked and horrified at the tragedy that has unfolded over the last two days in Kensington and the tragic loss of life in the fire that ravaged the Grenfell Tower.

Our thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with the families, friends and for all those who have lost their lives and those that have been injured in this incident. The police and fire brigade are working flat out to make sure  that they bring this incident to close soon so that the process of reflection can proceed, and once again they have demonstrated great professionalism in helping to keep us all safe, I cannot thank them enough for all their hard work and dedication.

Myself and Carolyn Downs ( Chief Exec) have made contact with the Leader and the chief exec of Kensington to offer our full support for any assistance that they may need. I have also been  in contact with the leaders of Hammersmith & Fulham, Ealing and Harrow and we have all collectively agreed to offer our assistance at any time which has been communicated to Kensington.

I have also been in contact with representatives for the Mayor of London , and we are all united in offering our help and support across London from all our respective boroughs.

As you may be aware each council has emergency procedures and systems in place in case an incident occurs, and Kensington has instigated those systems and procedures at the moment. They have setup respite centres and are they are actively working with their neighbours in Westminster council, we have offered to help with any assistance that they may need and we will immediately respond to any request when made, Carolyn has been in touch and they are able to cope with what they need to deliver.

Their  Website currently has a message that reads “ The Council would like to thank all those who have made generous donations of accommodation, food, clothing and other items. We would ask you to please hold off for now as we have been inundated with useful items. When we need donations again we will update via our website and social media.

You can find more information about the respite centres and how you can signpost people and organisations who may want to offer help and support from this link:

I have made a statement about fire safety in our buildings which you can read here:

We have 37 high-rise blocks in Brent and all 37 are Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) compliant. All new blocks like the ones in Wembley etc are built using new construction methods and rigorously inspected through building control, as part of the planning process the issues around fire safety are absolutely discussed and are paramount.

Resident safety is our number one concern and in light of this incident, a number of actions have been implemented to allay any fears that residents living in those blocks may have.

In addition, all relevant media platforms have been updated for resident awareness and reassurance of our fire management and further notifications will be sent in due course. 

We have received many queries from councillors and from residents and these briefings are being sent out to assure everyone that we are absolutely serious about the concerns and will continue to make sure that we allay those fears, which are completely understandable.

It’s been great to see the communities coming together to help and support the people affected by the fire, and that community spirit is also being shown here in Brent, Mosques and churches have come together to provide the support to those who are affected, I have also been contacted by a developer who is willing to offer his development for people who may need it and I have also been contacted by a local community organisation that is willing to help prepare food for the opening of the fast and will provide other support around shelter and accommodation if required. If a request comes through anything else to help the effort in Kensington I can assure we will not hesitate to help, whether it is for accommodation, personnel or anything else.

We are also looking at setting up a collection point for items that can be delivered to the people who are affected, as I have been asked if we can do this once we have spoken to all concerned we will send out the details for any collection points , if there is anyone who wants to help and volunteer please pass on the details as follows :. If you would like to volunteer to help with the support effort please register your interest by emailing including your name, contact number and availability. Please also let us know if you have any specialist skills.  They also had a phone number 020 7361 3008

A page has been setup where you can make a financial donation here :

The council is working to make sure that everyone who needs the help and support from us , will receive it and we will continue to liaise with Kensington & Council and its residents in their time of need.

The Kilburn Times LINK reports that Brent Council has devised a 6 point action plan in reaction to the Grenfell House fire:
In a report shown to the Brent&Kilburn Times, housing chiefs have set up a six-point action plan which includes checks that claddings applied to the outside of buildings are fire rated.

They are also liaising with the London Fire Brigade (LFB) to seek clarity and guidance around the “self evacuation” vs “stay put” briefing as many block residents are told to stay in their properties in the event of a fire.

There are 37 high rise blocks in Brent which the council said are all “Fire Risk Assessment compliant”.

Over the next 72 hours, visits will take place to all high-rise properties to enforce the removal of residents’ belongings from communal parts of the buildings where necessary.

A customer response team is to report any fire safety concerns raised by residents that “have or have not been attended to and /or completed”.

A former fire project manager who oversaw upgrade works in 2015 is to confirm all cladded properties are fire-rated and signed off by the council.

They are also liaising with Wates, the council’s preferred building contractor, to “discuss any outstanding actions to ensure fire safety defects are remedied without delay”.

On Thursday I emailed the Brent Council Press Desk with the following request.
I am receiving queries about the safety of the new towers in the Quintain development in Wembley which are of course private.

Could you comment (presumably via Planning) on fire precautions demanded of the developers (2 x fire escapes, sprinklers in flats and common areas, alarm systems, material used for cladding).
I have recieved no response (time now 21.55 Friday)

Brent's inspirational primary school choirs sing their hearts out in Choir of the Year final

The Mount Stewart Choir celebrate their win
I was privileged to be able to attend the Brent Primary School Choir of the Year final at Chalkhill Primary School yesterday. 

The six schools present had been narrowed down from an initial entry of 30 schools and at the outset were told by Brent Music Service that they were all winners for having got so far in the competition.

The singing was of an extremely high standard with, as one would expect in Brent, from a diverse range of cultures and in many styles, featuring some hugely confident soloists,  3 part harmony, a capella and in one showing stopping performance a boy's improvisation against the background of his choir's performance.

The result was 3rd Place: The Bluebirds Chalkhill Primary School. 2nd Place: St Robert Southwell Primary School Choir; and the winners were Mount Stewart Junior School Choir.

The other finalists were Princess Frederica Primary, St Mary Magdalene, and Anson Primary.

Brent Music Service said:
The standard of performances was inspirational and we look forward to welcoming all these talented young singers to join the BMS choirs!

Congratulations to every single singer at today's competition - you and your school should be extremely proud of you all!
I was impressed by the  respect BMS gave the children when providing feedback on their performance. Rather than just giving them a pat on the head they provided detailed professional  feedback on both the strengths of their performance and areas which need working on to reach a higher standard.

As Brent schools face budget cuts I hope that governing bodies will continue to buy into the Brent Music Service. They provide a much needed extra creative dimension to the curriculum and with their London and nationwide links a route to a lifetime's enjoyment of musical performance and perhaps even a professional career.

Further information (including later video of perfoamnces) on the Brent Music Service Facebook page HERE

Could Peel Precinct provide temporary home for Grenfell Tower homeless?

Cllr John Duffy, (Labour Kilburn) wrote to Carolyn Downs, Brent Council CEO, yesterday proposing that Brent Council could offer short-term accommodation to those made homeless by the Grenfell Tower fire:
I am sure Brent officers are doing their best to help Kensington and Chelsea officers to deal with the dreadful situation that happened this morning in Grenfell Tower.

I am sure in the short term accommodation (over the next couple of weeks) can be found for the residents of Grenfell Tower. This will probably be a combination of  b+bs  and friends putting them up. I have already been informed from one Kilburn resident they are taking in residents from the block on a short-term arrangement.

However I believe we could and should do more for our fellow Londoners. I am suggesting we offer K+C to short-life Peel Precinct (PP). As you know PP has only just been decanted a few months ago and therefore  all the services are available. I believe short-lifing it for 9 months to K+C, while they sort out their the permanent re-housing of the Grenfell Tower residents would be a worthy offer from a neighbour. I believe that PP could be ready for short life in a reasonably amount of time.

Since this morning I have been moved by the strong support for the victims, by residents of South Kilburn and the links between both the communities.

I am sure the government will fund this short -life project and the costs in the delay in the regeneration around PP. However i believe this is important to show solidarity with those who have lost all their belongings and in some cases loved ones. I believe that offering a temporary home close to their original home will hopefully help them re-build their lives and their community.

Monday 12 June 2017

Sainsbury's unfair change to Fairtrade designation - join the campaign

From Brent Fairtrade Network

Sainsbury's has announced plans for "Fairly Traded" tea to replace their Fairtrade Red Label, Gold Label and green brands of tea: see Sainsbury’s announcement. The new system will not be independently audited and will take away from producers their right to decide democratically how to spend the Fairtrade Premium. Tea is a pilot for this new approach which could then spread to coffee, bananas and many other products.

This plan is opposed by the Fairtrade Foundation  and by Bananalink, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam GB, Traidcraft and the Women's Institute LINK

You can write to Sainsbury's Chief Executive Mr Mike Coupe at or by letter to: Mr Mike Coupe, Chief Executive, J Sainsbury’s, Sainsbury’s Store Support Centre, 33 Holborn,  London EC1N 2HT. In my letter I expressed three main concerns:

  1. This system will lack the independent auditing that is a key part of the Fairtrade system.
  2. This system will take away from producers their power to decide democratically how to invest their Fairtrade Premium.
  3. The new system will confuse consumers by adding yet another label. It would be much better to stick to the well-established, soundly based and widely recognised Fairtrade label.