Sunday 9 June 2024

Staples Corner-Dollis Hill will see major changes under the Growth Area Masterplan currently in consultation


Brent Council is currently consulting on the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan which would see major changes in the Strategic Industrial Land  (SIL) areas in Dollis Hill, new housing, a designated high rise area and better  connections  with green spaces.

The Council claims:

Staples Corner will be transformed into a higher quality and intensified industrial area sitting adjacent to a new urban community. Regeneration and growth will support a rich ecology of industrial and co-located residential uses to create an exemplary 15-minute neighbourhood where people live, work and interact. Intensification will deliver a new and varied supply of modern industrial premises for London’s strategic and local business needs, as well as commercial space, social infrastructure and an improved public realm to support a mixed use residential community.


Staples Corner will be enhanced as an attractive, prosperous and sustainable place,

supporting new industrial business and employment growth, as well as welcoming new residents to the neighbourhood.



Protecting and intensifying the majority of the industrial land solely for industrial

purposes, but allowing some either for a mix of uses incorporating some industrial or for

residential led development, will deliver:


• Modern, fit for purpose industrial spaces for local businesses including logistics,

light industrial units and affordable workspace;


• Opportunities for employment, skills and training for local people;


• A minimum of 2,200 new high quality homes, including affordable homes and

family sized-dwellings;


• A range of new local services and community spaces that support interaction and community cohesion;


• New open spaces, incorporating play for a range of ages, and public realm

improvements particularly along the North Circular Road and Edgware Road;


• A high quality environment that is safe and accessible to everyone;


• An industrial movement network that keeps HGV and large vehicles to the

strategic road network, with other streets encouraging walking and

cycling over private motor vehicles, and better connect Staples Corner to the

surrounding area;


• A place that achieves the highest standards of sustainability to support a

low carbon circular economy.

The plans include a tall building zone off the Edgware Road with some taller 'marker buildings':


The West Hendon redevelopment in neighbouring Barnet with its 'marker' tall building was opposed by Brent  Council because of its impact on the Welsh Harp but it was argued at the time that it would set a precedent that could lead to development close to the banks of the Welsh Harp encouraged by the Council.  The comment included in  the above image 'building masses should consider the setting of the locally listed Welsh Harp reservoir, and also respond sensitively to suburban streets to the south' will be key for many local people and will the impact of tall buildings on the flight paths of breeding and migrating birds.

I can only include a basic outline of these massive detailed documents that can be found on the Council website HERE.

One adopted the Masterplan will used as the framework for future planning decisions in the designated Growth Area area and so it is important to comment now.




June 12th 12-3pm Bellissima Ristorante


June 18th 10am-2pm Stables Cafe, Gladstone Park


June 27th 12-3pm Bellissima Ristorante


July 3rd 5.30-7.30pm Millennium Business Centre


July 10th 6pm-7pm online

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