Monday 16 September 2024

Cleaner Greener Harlesden Drop-in Wednesday 18th September Harlesden Library 4.30pm-7.30pm



Anonymous said...

A cleaner and greener future Harlesden.....

I have been trying for a year to get the already existing 400 metres of public right of way (over rail lines, canal and through industrial estate) that directly connects Willesden Junction (Old Harlesden if you bridged one rail track from Tubbs Road Pocket Park) to the new HS2/ Elizabeth Line Station building at Old Oak Common, major invested in at the same time as the massive new station builds.

The Elizabeth Line is fast east-west London transit, Birmingham, Heathrow fast too- and Harlesden folk would benefit from direct scaled-up access being built now direct to what is to be the UK's biggest transport interchange sited a mere 400 metres away from Harlesden Old Town.

If Hammersmith and Fulham and Ealing boroughs are wide awake to this car-free traffic plan future, why not Brent?

Anonymous said...

Harlesden Old Town has Britain's most polluted High Street, and being aware of Britain's biggest active travel transport hub building 400 metres away in Hammersmith and Fulham, should have been foremost in the minds of Brent strategic planners.

The border between Brent and H&F is not that between North and South Korean, so surely this new massive public transport infrastructure investment can in 2024 be boroughs shared by activating good growth design?

Harlesden is only 40% car-ownership homes, so investing in and upgrading this Old Towns active traffic direct route to HS2/ Elizabeth station 400 metres away is clearly public money well spent by Labour.

Georgia Gould, this one's for you!

Anonymous said...

Does the 'for our cars only' LTN high car ownership homes conservation areas focus of Brent planners and politicians, distort good growth plannings ever even being considered in Brent?

All the expanding Queens Park Conservation Area cars to be re-directed through car-free housing tall building zone South Kilburn instead.

Low car ownership Harlesden kept for future generations with Britain's most polluted high street. Reward for being 100% unaware of Britain's biggest active traffic transport super hub investment building 400 metres away in a rival (?) borough, though both boroughs have Labour councils.

Anonymous said...

Labour is set to scrap the National Infrastructure Commission and Infrastructure Projects Authority as being inept, ineffective and conflicting. To be one body, the National Infrastructure Transformation Authority.

Hope for no plan (site-by-site) ghosted 6 borough Great Western Tenanted Towers Global City finally appearing into decision- maker view?

Is selling this new tower cities (at UK densities unseen) precious NHS infrastructure assets such great health and wellbeing decision-making?