Monday, 24 February 2025

826 students to occupy Matalan in Cricklewood


Alas, not a radical student demonstration in these dark times, but a developer's revised plans for the Matalan site on Cricklewood Broadway.

An almost entirely new plan has been put forward for the site which in December 2023 was consented for 238 homes as C3 flats:

Previous consented scheme

The developer cites new building regulations, including the post-Grenfell requirement for a secondary fire staircase, for their change of mind and presumably financial gains play a  part.

The new scheme is for 826 student beds across 164 rooms and 82 clusters (662 beds) in two blocks. Block A 5-9 storeys and Block B 3-7 storeys. There will be commercial space on the ground floors.


New proposed scheme


 So far there are no comments on the Brent Council Planning Portal and the developer claims favourable community responses from their consultations and a letter of support for the provision from Middlesex University.


The site in current context - bottom right building is Wickes

 The Planning Reference is 25/0413 and details and link to make comments can be found HERE


Anonymous said...

Just what Brent need, even more student flats. And of course our pretend university of northwest London will love it.

Anonymous said...

What is Middlesex University?

Martin Francis said...

Middlesex University is based in Hendon:

Anonymous said...

More student flats = no council tax being paid but the students will be using all of our services.

Anonymous said...

Butt gets the new homes bonus.