Tuesday 16 March 2021

Brent Health Matters - Time to Talk Meeting Wednesday 17th March 5.30pm - 7.30pm



From Brent Council

Brent residents are invited to join the council and NHS partners at an event where details about the Brent Health Matters programme to address health inequalities in the borough will be explained and workshops will be carried out to listen to communities. The event takes place on:

Brent Health Matters – Time to Talk Event

Wednesday 17 March 2021, 5:30 to 7:30pm

To register go to: https://timetotalkbhm.eventbrite.co.uk


The aim of this event is to set the current Covid and health inequalities context and then engage faith, community, voluntary groups and organisations, local residents and businesses across the borough in designing and delivering the Brent Health Matters programme that is being implemented to tackle local health inequality issues.

We want to gather feedback from the community on 

(a) their perceptions of local health inequality issues and

(b) what local action plans should include to address these issues.

This feedback will help develop work to improve the health for all the different communities that make up Brent. From April 2021, they will be able to further shape action plans and see how their feedback has developed into tangible work by the community, Council and NHS partners if they continue to follow the Brent Health Matters programme as a Community Champion or Community.


REMINDER: Brent and Camden Cladding Meeting Tonight 6-7 - L&Q apologise as window falls out on South Kilburn development



As MPs, councillors and campaigners prepared for the above meeting tonight there was a reminder that the issue with new build is not limited to cladding and the fire risk - it is the overall quality of the buildings that have included balconies that flood, failed heating and ill-fitting windows that are a cause for concern and culminated in a window falling out recently endangering pedestrians in the street below.


The fallen window

The void left by the fallen window


 L &Q Homes were forced to apologise when a window fell into the street from bourne Place, one of their South Kilburn new builds:

They told Inside Housing LINK :


“Thankfully nobody was hurt, but this was a shocking and worrying incident.

“The safety of our residents is L&Q’s number-one priority, and we are very sorry for the concern this has caused.

“Our surveying team attended the site immediately to make the window safe and begin a thorough investigation into why and how this happened.

“All residents in the block were sent a text message on Saturday afternoon, and we were able to check the windows in the homes where we were able to gain access over the weekend.

“Our surveyors have assessed that there is no further immediate risk but advised residents to keep windows shut while we urgently complete a full inspection this week.

“We will continue to keep residents informed and updated while we work to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.”



Monday 15 March 2021

Boxpark advertising – public safety or profit? An update

 A Guest Post by Philip Grant

Last month, I wrote a guest blog about a planning application, which seeks to remove a condition from an existing planning consent. That condition was put there for public safety reasons. You can read the details in my earlier blog here.


The Olympic Way crossing on Fulton Road, and the LED screens (“JD WE’RE BACK”)


The condition prevents moving image adverts from being shown on large LED screens fixed to the Boxpark building in Olympic Way, when vehicles are using Fulton Road. It is designed to protect pedestrians on Olympic Way, as they use the busy crossing at Fulton Road, from drivers who may be distracted by the moving images.


After I submitted my objection to that planning application, the Planning Case Officer decided that the application was invalid, because ‘the proposals appear to be unclear in terms of which screens they are referring to and which screens the Highways Assessment appears to be relating to.'


Drawing from the planning application, noted to show where moving image adverts are proposed.


Now the application has been resubmitted, and has been validated, with the original planning application number, 21/0379. The new public consultation period on the application runs until 22 April 2021, so if, like me, you are concerned that it would be unsafe to remove that condition, you can make your objection on the Brent planning website for 21/0379. There is also a related advertisement consent application at 21/0427.


One of my original concerns was that only two people (one of which was Quintain) had been consulted on this application, and no local residents. Now letters about the application have been sent to a number of addresses in the Olympic Way area, although 16 of the 23 were to various parts of floors in the Olympic Office Centre (I wonder how the Covid-19 vaccination centre there will respond!).


An extra address has been added to the formal consultees, but this is “Environmental Health – Noise Team’ at the Civic Centre (although I think the proposal is for moving images, not movies to be shown on the screens). One of the specific points made in my February objection comments was:


When the original application was considered, both Brent's Public Safety Manager and the Metropolitan Police submitted comments on public safety matters. It is imperative that their comments should also be sought on this application.’


Why have they been omitted from the revised list of consultees? That is a question I will not just ask in this post!

Philip Grant.

A Just Transition for Aviation Workers - a Green Party Trade Union Group discussion



The contribution of flying to global warming has long been an issue for environmentalists with many activists refusing to fly, most notably Greta Thunberg, and others rationing themselves to flights only when there is no alternative - although of course some would argue that the alternative is to stop completely, although that is a fraught decision in communities such as ours when families have so many relatives oveseas.

The rise of zoom conferencing during the pandemic may well  lead to an overall reduction in flying in the business sector and those not very healthy 'red eye' flights.

'Just Transition' refers to the demand that the transition to a low carbon economy is only viable if workers in the high-carbon sectors are offered alternative training and employment and not thrown into unemployment.  The importance of the Green Party engaging with trade unions over these issues was reiterated at our recent conference and a commitment made to emphasise work with trade unions and trade unionists in pursuit of a just transition.



Sunday 14 March 2021

PATIENTS REJECT USA TAKEOVER OF BRENT GP SURGERIES -- Accusations of Cronyism, Corruption and Cynicism, As American Corporation Makes A Grab For Two Brent GP Surgeries

Outraged patients are demanding that local NHS leaders reject a “Trojan horse” takeover of their GP surgeries by Operose Health, and start the public procurement process to find a new provider.  Brent CCG’s Primary Care Commissioning Committee is meeting on 17th March to discuss a regional NHS recommendation to approve the Operose takeover of AT Medics Ltd that previously ran the NHS contract for two GP surgeries, Burnley Medical Practice located in the Willesden Centre for Health and Care and The Wembley Practice based in the Wembley Centre for Health and Care.


Operose is a heavily loss-making subsidiary propped up by US based health insurer, Centene Corporation which is registered in Delaware, and has paid no UK tax.  Centene could pull the plug on Operose at any time forcing the the shut-down of a large number of GP practices.  Centene’s shareholders have accused it of financial cover-up and insider share dealing.


Operose Health’s publicity states openly that its market strategy is to exit NHS contracts that do not make a profit.  In one instance an Operose associate company pulled out of running Camden Road Surgery giving patients only 4 weeks to register elsewhere, to the fury of Camden councillors.


Patients argue that an open procurement process will guarantee patient safety and provide sustainable and transparent GP services, as opposed to Brent CCG rubber stamping a takeover where assurances by AT Medics have already been broken and Operose comes with a dubious financial future.


Nan Tewari, a patient of The Wembley Practice, accuses the NHS North West London region of wilfully misusing the pandemic as cover to bounce other local CCGs into rushing through approvals of the Centene/ Operose takeover bid.  Former Brent NHS non-executive director, Ms Tewari explained:  


It didn’t take much for our own basic internet research of Companies House records to uncover how Operose Health and MH Services are controlled and bankrolled by Centene to the tune of £tens of millions.  Then there is the little matter of Operose’s CEO and a director being former senior NHS executives.  Is it cronyism and corruption, or serial incompetence by greasy pole climbers, that led NHS NWL to withhold this vital information from the local CCGs?


On the one hand you have NHS region insisting Brent CCG has no choice but to agree the Operose takeover and on the other, it is advising that ultimate responsibility lies with Brent CCG as the legal decision-maker of the Brent GP surgeries’ future.  The breathtaking cynicism in this dishonourable ploy lies in NWL region knowing perfectly well that with Brent CCG soon to be abolished under national plans, patients will have no come-back if Centene decides to pull the financial plug on Operose and the surgeries close down.  Then, NHS region will shamelessly lament the late Brent CCG’s poor judgement and lack of prudence.  I’ve seen a similar scenario played out here in previous years.


She added: 


 NHS NWL says it’s satisfied by unenforceable ‘assurances’ that former GP surgery contract holders, AT Medics, would remain in control of the surgeries, yet in the space of a few short weeks since the Operose takeover, all the AT Medics directors have resigned or been sacked  It’s deplorable how NHS region gets away with continually palming off its sub-standard services and empty promises onto Brent patients.


Not that long ago, 3 reputable, UK tax-paying surgeries in Queens Park had wanted to merge and they were made to jump through a load of hoops and be grilled at length by Brent CCG’s Primary Care Commissioning Committee.  The double standard of NHS North West London practically instructing the CCG to push through the Centene/ Operose takeover under secrecy of ‘Chair’s Action’ and without any similar questioning, is a public scandal.


As with the Queens Park surgeries’ merger, the CCG must now fulfil its legal duty and moral obligation to Brent patients, and commission a reliable company through open public procurement rules, to run the two surgeries.



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