From Barham Community Library
We are making progress in getting our new building at 660 Harrow
Road Wembley HA0 2HB ready to open as a community library in Barham
Our negotiations with Brent Council are progressing and we hope to sign the Lease for the building before the end of May.
are keen to organise our volunteer rotas and agree on our initial
opening hours and activities. We will therefore hold a meeting for
volunteers on Saturday 14 May at 2:30 in the afternoon at our new
premises in Harrow Road. Please come along and bring anyone else you
know who might be interested in getting involved.
If you cannot make it on the 14th please let me know as we plan to have other meeting days for our volunteers.
We also have some events at the Library that you may be interested in:
Tuesday 31 May - 7:15p.m. - Shakespeare's Hamlet
Librarian Theatre are coming back to perform their 80 minute version of
Hamlet. tickets are just £7 (or £4 concessions for students, children
and senior citizens). Please let me know if you are interested.
Saturday 4 June at 2:30 - there will be a 60 minute talk about the 150 years of Fire Brigade in Wembley.
grant from Wembley History Society will present the history of the fire
brigade in Wembley. The event is free (although Philip would welcome
small donations to support our Library Charity). Please let me know if
you are interested ion coming.
Sunday 12 June - BIG Lunch - a picnic in Barham Park - from 11am
are encouraging local people to have a picnic lunch (you bring your own
and share) with your friends and neighbours. we plan to open the
Library and to have a stalls selling books, records, CDs and other stuff
to raise some much needed cash.