Friday 7 May 2021

Labour win Brondesbury Park by-election. Greens ahead of the Lib Dems.


Gwen Grahl, Labour Party, has been elected to Brent Council after winning a seat in the Brondesbury Park by-election that was held yesterday.

This follows the resignation of former councillor, Kieron Gill, earlier this year.

4,083 residents in Brondesbury Park ward cast their votes, marking a turnout of 42.5%.

Green candidate Sheila Simpson beat the Liberal Democrat to achieve third place in the poll with 11.7% of the vote. 


Thursday 6 May 2021

ALERT - threat to Barham Park's green spaces. Make your views known.


The two modest 70s houses at present

The word 'green' has been one of the most often used words in the GLA election across the parties but when push comes to shove will politicians really stand up for our green spaces that have proved so invaluable in the covid period.

An upcoming planning application to replace two modest houses on the edge of Barham Park with a much larger block of 9 flats will be a test case and one which may have wider repercussions for other buildings in Brent parks.

Barham Park was gifted to the people of Brent by Titus Barham for their 'enjoyment' and held in trust by the Barham Park charity,  However it is managed by Brent Council who often seem to have their own unique interpretation of words, especially when it comes to planning, so they may well think Brent people will 'enjoy' a block being plonked in their park.

This is the latest in a series of applications most of which have been refused and locals are gearing themselves up to resist the erosion of their much-loved and appreciated green space.

They are supported by a Brent Council member for Barnhill who I suspect from the thoroughness of the comment is Cllr Gaynor Lloyd:

I am writing to object most strongly to the above planning application.  

Appropriateness to the public open space/Barham Park and extent of land comprised in the planning application

As set out in the Design and Access statement, the existing houses were built originally to house park wardens; such accommodation clearly has a functional link to the park, as related to its maintenance. 

I fully appreciate that the issue of the restrictive covenants on the land are irrelevant to planning; nonetheless, I would point out that the two separate transfers of numbers 776 and 778 dated 12 August 2011 to George Irvin/George Christopher Irvin (predecessor of the applicant) imposed  very strict limitations on the use of the site. 

These were obviously imposed in accordance with the instructions of the Trustees of the Barham Park Trust (i.e., the Council acting as trustee) and limiting use on the  two separate parts of the site (776 & 778) in each case to 1 single private dwelling houses and garage (as to the garages, site photographs show that these were evidently demolished by the applicant). The Transfer Deeds contain further strict limitations on items and vehicles which may be placed/parked/kept  on the site of the two dwelling houses ? covenants which can be seen from the photographs included in the applications as having been breached. 

These restrictions are entirely on all fours with the designation of the Park, its status as public open space, its local historical importance, and continuing links via its design and history with the owner who gave it for the recreation of the local populace

I will be writing separately to the Trustees, in case this application should have escaped their notice. The restrictions on use imposed by the two transfers will clearly have affected the value received by the trust on sale in 2011, when this part of its permanent endowment was sold ? and the financial asset that is the benefit of that covenant is clearly something to which the Barham Park Trustees must pay full regard in their role as trustees. However, that valuation and asset issue is clearly of subsidiary importance in planning terms to keeping the Park's nature and integral local importance intact, which ought to be important for planning policy.

Notwithstanding the restrictions placed on the freehold titles of 776 & 778 Harrow Road, of which the owner (and its predecessor) would presumably be well aware, I note that this appears to be the ninth in a succession of planning applications for this site. 

However, on this occasion, I should be glad if a detailed examination of the plans could be undertaken to see whether the application site in fact goes outside the boundaries of the two freehold titles belonging to the applicant. (See below for my comment on the "over sail" of the main entrance).

Of course, I fully appreciate that there is nothing to stop anyone from putting in a planning application for land which is not owned by the applicant. However, in this case, the surrounding land to the north is either owned by Network Rail, or is part of the ownership of the Barham Park Trustees (London Borough of Brent of such Trustees); in the latter case, it is part of public open space, and subject to the provisions of the Bar Park Trust.

I mention this because it would appear from examination of the plans that areas of car parking and an area (inconsistently marked on various of the plans to the application) surrounding the Cedar of Lebanon go outside the ownership of the applicant. For example, please see Design and Access Statement, page 26 (page 6 of PDF), where the "site boundary" is clearly set the other (Northern) side of the Cedar of Lebanon.

Even aside from that, a close examination of the various plans and comparison with the Land Registry filed plan is somewhat confusing. The moving of the access road (the northern boundary of which forms the site boundary for 778 Harrow Road) as part of the plans, with a new access road under an "oversail" as shown on the proposed plans is difficult to follow. However, taking a measurement from the hedge boundary to the south west of the site towards the railway line, it appears a frontage of some 16 m would extend to the edge of the current access road, which is the land registry site boundary for 778 Harrow Road. The new plans seem to indicate a site frontage of some 20 m. I attach two screenshots from Google Earth, on which appropriate markings have been made.

It is quite hard to tell where that boundary then  falls on the various plans but the Design & Access Statement on page 30 (page 10 of PDF) refers to the replacement of the current access road with a planting bed. The picture on the same page shows posts which I believe were installed by the Council in order to prevent parking by the applicant/users of the site; the land is owned by the Council (Trust). As above, the access road forms the outer limit of the land in the ownership of the applicant.

This is also relevant, as the design includes an area of over-sail for the entrance which intrudes into land which does not appear to be in the ownership of the applicant; this is clearly of some importance, as it appears to indicate that the actual building goes outside the land ownership of the applicant. A similar comment applies to the installation of services (Section 14) which again appeared to be outside the boundaries of the site.

Tree works and Local Green Space and Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan

The Cedar of Lebanon is a tree within Barham Park, and again the ownership of the Council (trust); that the suggestion that "4 lower branches" should be removed to facilitate this development is completely unacceptable (Tree Report). 
There has been a recent tree survey of the trees in Barham Park (by Council officers following a survey for public liability purposes),  which has resulted in some trees in the vicinity of the application site being removed, and leaving a gap in the boundary trees for Barham Park at its western frontage. To suggest that any works be undertaken to this major tree on the boundary of the Park is quite unacceptable.

This building will block the view of the Cedar of Lebanon from the south of the Park, and create a huge artificial interruption to the views of this important area of local green space flowing naturally, as it always has, with uninterrupted aspect towards the railway line. This is a piece of public open space

Further, whilst  the Design and Access Statement refers to the proposed development blocking views of the railway line, a further objection that I wish to make is that the railway line in fact forms part of the heritage setting of the Park.

The heritage of the legacy of Titus Barham, and his father Sir George Barham before him was based on the dairy industry, and the foundation of Express Dairy; the great innovation was the use of the railway lines to bring chilled milk in from the countryside to London. The railway line on the embankment form part of the framing of Barham Park, and are not an intrusion at all. Unlike this building.

The Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan refers to Barham Park as an important area of local green space and specifically states "any proposals for the re- or redevelopment of Park buildings for residential use (Use Class C 3) will not be supported)." (Page 39) Policy BP1 Barham Park . Local Green Space policy: "Green infrastructure contributes to the quality and distinctiveness of the local environment. It creates opportunities for walking and physical activity and generally adding to quality of life. Green infrastructure is diverse in character and can include formal parks and gardens, informal grassed areas, linear paths, towpaths, sports pitches and various other kinds of landscaped area.

For many local communities, securing high quality green infrastructure in and around their neighbourhood is important. Neighbourhood plans can include policies for green spaces and can be used to designate 'Local Green Spaces' to protect them for current and future generations." In context of Green Belt/Metropolitan Open Land, a  legal case has referred to "death by 1000 cuts"; of course, this is "only" public open space, but the principle is the same. This large intrusive building will slice a corner away from the park, blocking the use of the tree line at the northern end, breaking the tree margin along the western boundary and completely changing the character and extending the Sudbury "town centre" beyond the railway line and into the park ? moving the built environment into an important and historic piece of local green space, interfering with the aesthetics and original design of the piece of parkland which we are lucky to have still surviving. 

It seems somewhat ironic that the design and access statement goes to some trouble to emphasise the historic association of the Irvin funfair with the Park, when, if this application goes ahead, undermining of the historic integrity of the Park will take place as a result of this massive development. (In fact, however, I am not too sure where the author of the Design and Access Statement gets the suggestion that it was a "condition applied" by Titus Barham that a fair should take place annually in the Park; it is certainly not in the terms of the trust deed but, for the interest of our local historians, if that is a fact, then it would be useful to see the evidence. References to fairs to support the then  local Wembley Hospital are quite different, and relate to fundraising for another local asset close to the heart of Titus and Florence Barham.)
Flooding risk and recent works funded by the Barham Trust and managed by the Council

I note the Flooding Risk Assessment, and the indication of both the surface water sewers, and the foul water sewers shown on page 36. Looking at the flood risk map, there are areas of high flood risk shown on parts of the park. It may be a statement of the obvious but it is of quite some importance to local users of the Park that is much of the parkland as possible is available for use ? and when it is flooded, obviously, it is not available for recreation. Section 16 of the Flood Risk Assessment refers to surrounding areas of the park getting "saturated", and there is a clear indication that the works which have been carried out by Thames Water have not been successful in resolving the problem. Indeed these works (already long-standing) continue to this day and further extend along the boundary with the railway line, already causing significant disruption. 

The result of the investigation which was to have been undertaken with Trust funds of £5000 as to the flooding of the main field where the fair takes place each year are unknown to residents. However, it is notable that various surface water sewers cross that field, which may have required building over in view of the weight of vehicles and structures which sit on them at fair time, and this also should be looked at if there is a "system problem" for surface water disposal  in the Park.

For approximately a year, there have been works in the Park in this area in connection with drainage problems; an application was made by the Barham Park Trust to the Charity Commission for permission to spend up to £90,000 of (precious and non-renewable) restricted trust funds on drainage works in the Park. It goes without saying that this development ? if it goes ahead ? would substantially increase the area of hard surface; whilst it may be of comfort to the applicant/developer that the floor level of the development will be raised to avoid flooding risk for the building, as referred to in section 16 it is not of much comfort in the Park, if it exacerbates the risk of flooding in the main field abutting. I would certainly not want to see either the damage to surrounding park, or the possible consequential expenditure again from Trust funds in connection with these drainage works, if this development goes ahead. 

The foul water sewers shown on the plan run straight underneath the two existing houses. As above, there is a network of surface water sewers across the open field and to the north of the site, which will be well used (see high flood risk); no mention of the detail of the extensive works taken in the last year appears in the Flood Risk Assessment; enquiry should be made of Chris Whyte who brought details of the proposed works (and the estimate) to the meeting of the Barham Trust committee, and details of which were submitted to the Charity Commission for approval to the expenditure from the reserved funds, so that the Commission will wish to know that this substantial expenditure will not have been wasted/prejudiced.

Damage is already caused to field as a result of the fair held on the site. The photograph in the Design and Access Statement shows the vehicle access to the park in a poor and muddy and rutted state, indicative of what happens when the field becomes wet.

Ecological assessment

There have been a series of ecological assessments in connection with the various planning applications; the one attached to this application is very disappointing, and previous surveys have contained much more detail. Once again, it is notable that reference is made to daytime inspection in respect of bats. In 2014, we submitted some detailed comments to the then head of planning Stephen Weeks about a previous bat survey. These are reattached, because they make points of relevance and deal with comments made in this brief survey, such as dismissing evidence of droppings as being made by mice, and referring to the presence of cobwebs as indicating that bats also would not be present ? which is simply not correct!

I have recently commented about the Council's dealing with bat surveys in the case of Altamira, Moreland Gardens, and the consideration of bat protection issues. I am no expert ; however, once again this survey was carried out during the day in February. There is the identification of the possibility of bat roosts but, of course, at this time of the year, let alone during the daytime, no one is going to find any evidence of bat emergence. However, the survey does refer to the foraging corridor along the railway line. Indeed, it is specifically refers to the importance of intrusion of lights along that "corridor" at the Northern edge of the park. It does not seem that the ecological consultant is aware of the nature of the construction of this four-storey building, which will be so close, for example, to the Cedar of Lebanon that its branches are proposed to be cut. For example, in the Consultant's own report (paragraph, he refers to "corridors for bat flight must be retained where present"; he also states in paragraph "no trees will be damaged". He evidently is unaware of the full scope of the application. The oversail will penetrate the Cedar of Lebanon canopy; branches will be cute. Pictures of the northern elevation of the 4 storey building with large balconies and a roof terrace make it quite clear that lights will shine over the foraging corridor in the evening. How can it be thought that there will not be interference with bats?

Most importantly, there must be proper dusk and dawn emergence surveys undertaken during the period April to September to ascertain the true position, and ensure that the presence of bats in the existing buildings is checked. The Council must not countenance the potential to disturb bats  in a manner prohibited by legislation, and potentially involving the developer in criminal liability. The houses are buildings of a type, and era and within  a wooded environment along a railway verge corridor with a strong potential for bat roosts and bat foraging corridors. I can supply (from our experience with Morelands) more specific general guidance in  circumstances where a high probability of bat roosts, foraging , presence etc is identified, which I hope will be of help - but I am sure after that experience the Council contains more expertise on this topic. It is perhaps unfortunate, however, that, in none of the records for the previous planning applications is there any evidence of bat surveys (dawn/dusk emergence in the period when bats are active, rather than, for example, in the dormant period - Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines (Collins, 2016)), so there seem to be no efforts by the applicant to establish whether there is any bat presence in those two properties.

Bats are a European protected species. The Council has a statutory duty to have regard to the requirements of the EC  Habitats Directive in carrying out its functions ? the deterioration or destruction of breeding sites or resting places is prohibited. 
Field surveys in form of at least three dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys be undertaken during the bat emergence/re-entry survey season in 2021 to determine the presence/absence of roosting bats within the structures. 

Possible works affecting these spaces would very likely have negative impacts on potential bat roosts. These impacts could be killing or injuring of bats, physical disturbance (bats will abandon their young if disturbed) and lighting disturbance (bats may be prevented from re-entering their roosts by construction lighting).Demolition has the potential to kill bats and destroy bat roosts if present .

The surrounding habitats offer a range of green and blue corridors for roosting bats and the northern boundaries of the site have been assessed as being potentially important areas for commuting bats. Inappropriate construction lighting in these areas could therefore have a negative effect on bats, potentially preventing them from accessing on-site roosts.

"Communal use" and "Surveillance"

I note that all the flats are intended for rental; there is no indication whatsoever of contribution to Borough's desperate need for affordable social housing ? but yet another "contribution" to the private rental sector of the housing provision within the Borough. These flats, whilst including family units, will clearly be very desirable, benefiting from uninterrupted views over Barham Park, thus attracting a high level of rental. 

The Design and Access Statement reference  to "communal use" and inference of some sort of social value seem singularly inappropriate.

Further, it is hardly the function of the development to "police" the park; Section 5.3 of the Design and Access statement contains the following somewhat alarming statement: " The second objective suggests a development with a more Formal gardens and features of former Barham mansion at the heart of the park Former nursery glass house now part of the Jubilee Garden War memorial public character where the architecture is one of communal use rather than individual ownership, and where the residents benefit from the use of the park but also offer a degree of surveillance that might enhance the standard of behaviour in the park." Surveillance?? Enhance the standard of behaviour - this smacks of vigilante-ism. This is a park for the use of the public.

The 1937 Barham bequest was that the land, i.e. park and its buildings,  be left for the enjoyment of local people. The park keepers cottages were sold by the trust but with tight restrictions, and planning considerations will keep the uses appropriate the park. 

Brent Council as trustees must keep their corporate and statutory duties (including as the provision of housing under the planning policies), and should be objecting to this application.  Especially since they will realise it involves a breach of restrictive covenants imposed by the Council as trustee to preserve the small scale development in that corner of the Park.  Not only that but it would involve an unjust enrichment of a landowner at the expense of the Trust's permanent endowment were such covenants to be breached, the transfer value having reflected the tight land use.

It is not acceptable in any event that this piece of public open space should be developed anymore.  Improved, perhaps, but not demolished and rebuilt.

This new major access for vehicles will affect pedestrian access to the park from this corner and make this area of public open space for the limited benefit of the residents of this block, so that the park will become in the nature of a private facility and advantage simply benefiting these residents, and irrevocably change the nature of this important piece of local historical public space.

Balconies and roof terrace and intrusion into enjoyment of the Park
As above, the park is the enjoyment of local people; it is not for their activities to be observed from the "large balconies" at every level of the building, and the roof terrace. Park users are entitled to enjoy the park without being "surveilled". The lights from the building will inevitably affect ? once again ? wildlife in the park, along the darkened areas along the railway embankment.

Highway safety

The current bell mouth access from under the bridge is likely to give rise to issues of Highway concern; I note from the drawings that there is an intention to extend the bell mouth but with no detail and ? as above ? this land is not owned by the applicants, and the land itself is subject to the trust which, if it is going to dispose, will need the consent of the Charity Commission. The land is part of the Trust's permanent endowment, and sales have to be in pursuance of objects of the charity. It is hard to imagine how this particular use can fit within such criteria.

Looking at concerns of Highway safety:

a)            considerable increase in vehicular access to the site including collection of waste by using 1,100 litre bins requiring HGV access to the site, and reversing in or out of the site across a bus lane and heavily used A road.
b)            driveway crossing the vehicle access to the park, and depending on a right of way over a limited area (shown hatched yellow on the land registry plan attached) which will simply be insufficient for the development and the HGV access; again increase in this easement will require consent of the trustees and consent of the Charity Commissioners for the increase in width, as there is no legal easement available to the applicant.
c)            proximity to a very busy bus stop and the access point crossing a bus lane.
d)            No U Turn designation at this location which is generally ignored 
e)            potential danger and traffic delay from right turns into the site which will become much more of a problem with this large residential use . Vehicles exiting the site towards Harrow would cause disruption to traffic flow; this is a major bus route, and initial bus stop for the number 18 service to central London.
f)             there are insufficient parking spaces for the number of bedrooms but, in any event, this is contrary to the Council's policy on parking provision in developments.
g)            there have already been historic problems with the residents of the site blocking access to the park access road. Large number of bollards had to be installed which only went part way to resolving the problem. 
h)            it appears to be no delivery area so that there is a risk of delivery and service vehicles parking on the main road; there is a bus lane immediately outside service would be completely unacceptable. 


This point has been made in previous applications; there are many regular park users, including the walking group sponsored by the Council. There is a local residents association, and neighbourhood Forum (Sudbury town Residents Association). Yet, once again only the residents of Williams Way - i.e. the recently built flats opposite ? have been consulted. Most of those residents have not lived there long enough to appreciate the history of the park or to care about it as passionately as longer standing residents ? or indeed know some of the historical issues such as flooding problems.

I have spoken to the various neighbours, and residents of the surrounding area, and none of them were aware of the proposals put forward. It was only sheer good luck that the site notice (close to the development site) was noticed at all. There should have been much wider consultation, and it would be interesting to know what criteria were applied to decide on the range of properties consulted .

Philip Grant has pressed Brent Council to publish the comments by 'consultees' on the Council's planning portal but under 'View Consultee comments' this is what we see.  Hardly a demonstration of a commitment to fully informing the public and ensure transparency:

To make your views known go to LINK 

A Beginner's Guide to the Climate Emergency...How travel is changing to beat climate change - May 20th



From electric cars to cycle super-highways, the way we travel has been changing for a while. But what might travel look like in years to come, as we rise to the challenge of climate change? Has lockdown sped up these changes, and how are local projects getting communities walking and cycling more?

From global trends to local initiatives that are smashing barriers and helping people out of their cars. Join our expert speakers from 6pm on Thursday 20 May as they share their no-nonsense guide to help you make sense of the climate emergency.

In A Beginner’s Guide to the Climate Emergency… How travel is changing to beat climate change you’ll hear from four speakers, and have the chance to follow up with any burning questions:

  • Professor Nick Tyler – UCL and Co-investigator of Liveable Cities, a project looking at how to engineer low carbon UK cities

  • Vieve Ford – Director of JoyRiders, a London-based organisation empowering women through cycling

  • Carolyn Axtell – Community Organiser, #CarFreeLondon campaigner and Founder of JoyRiders

  • Mark Falcon – Chair of Clean Air for Brent, a local coalition raising awareness about air pollution


Register here:

When are you likely to hear results from the GLA election?


Brent Council pulled out the stops today to ensure that voters and their staff were Covid safe at polling stations.

The above polling station in Wembley Park had perspex screens to protect staff, a one way system with good air flow, social distance markers on the pavement, sanitiser and covid marshals on hand to ensure compliance with covid safety measures. Voters were urged to use their own pencils or pens.

Voting boxes will go to Alexandra Palace for tomorrow's GLA count which will also be constrained by strict covid safety measures including a reduced number of counting staff and restrictions on the number of party counting agents. The Brondesbury Park by-election count will also take place in a separate room at Alexandra Palace with the count by a 'super team' expected to be completed after lunch, as long as no recount is required.

The GLA Brent and Harrow constituency count takes place tomorrow but some other London constituencies will not be counted until Saturday.  The Brent and Harrow result will most likely be announced on Friday evening but as this is the first count under Covid conditions that cannot be guaranteed.

Provisional declaration times for Saturday are 8pm for the election of the Mayor and 9pm for the election of London-wide assembly members.  If the declaration is held over to Sunday morning the timings are likely to be 10am and 11am.

Guidance on how to vote can be found here:

You can follow real-time election results on the electronic screens here:

Wednesday 5 May 2021

URGENT MESSAGE: Brondesbury Park folk - you have a chance to elect a Green councillor tomorrow. Vote for Sheila Simpson!


Sheila relaxes in Roundwood Park after campaigning against Centenetakoevr of GP surgeries at Willesden Centre

Brondesbury Park ward  voters have an additional Brent Council by-election poll tomorrow, please vote for our candidate Sheila Simpson. It is time to elect more councillorswho are free to hold Brent Labour to account - however much it annoys them! (cf Anton Georgiou)

The by-election was caused when the Labour councillor Kieron Gill resigned having been suspended from the Labour Group for voting against the Brent Council  budget.  Labour people with political principles tend not to last very long in Brent when they act on their principles and lose favour with 'The Leader.'

You have a choice of electing yet another Labour councillor (Number 59) subject to the diktat of  The Leader or a truly independent person with the ability to make up her own mind based on green principles.

This is what Sheila says:

I've lived in Brent for over 25 years, working in the NHS and Local Government to support families and children’s well-being and believe well-run public services make a real difference to the quality of our lives. 

I am offering voters the opportunity to register their support for green values. People want to be part of the solution, to build a fairer, healthier society, but know they can’t do it without good government. Our Council must be firmly challenged to deliver on promises made to us. Protection of our public housing, trees and green space is urgent. Traffic and public transport must be managed well to cut harmful emissions, reduce carbon footprint and provide cleaner, safer, greener and quieter neighbourhoods.


Tuesday 4 May 2021

May 6th 6pm NHS North West London COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy, fertility and breastfeeding webinar

 NHS North West London COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy, fertility and breastfeeding webinar

May 6th 6pm to 7.30pm via zoom Free REGISTER HERE

About this event

This free webinar is essential to hear from NHS specialists to answer your questions and concerns about the Covid-19 vaccines with regards to fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Who should attend:

The event is open to all residents in North West London, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have concerns about fertility.

The panel:

The panel will consist of NHS specialists and independent chair to join in the discussion and provide updated information.


Following registration you will receive a confirmation email which will inform you that you will receive the webinar link 24 hours before the event.

If you haven't received the online webinar link, please contact Ray on:

Pre-event questions

To help us with the organisation of the event we would like to give you the opportunity to send us your questions before the event: To ask your question/s Please click here

Why you should vote Green in the Mayor of London and London Assembly election

Guest post by 16 year old Aria Banerjee Watts


Aria on the campaign trail

This Thursday 6th May, Londoners have a chance to make their voices heard. The Mayoral and London Assembly elections, postponed due to the pandemic, are now happening and have lost none of their excitement and importance. 


This isn't a national election but it's still vital to get out and vote. This is a way to choose the people who will represent us and shape the future of our neighbourhoods and city. The Mayor of London's scope of work is much broader than people realise: the role determines the state of our housing, how green and safe our environment is, the quality of our communities and how efficient our transport is. They may not be debating the future of the EU or negotiating with the UN, but they have the all-important job of improving the city we live in. 


The Green Party has long been fighting for the UK to improve its environmental record and combat the Climate Crisis effectively. National level action is certainly needed, but change begins locally and this election is about making a concentrated difference in your borough and city. Due to the huge role the natural environment plays in our everyday lives, we have to vote for a Party who will protect it. We all enjoy the green spaces in our local area, and we suffer when we walk to school or work along busy, polluted roads. Not only do the Greens want to make positive environmental change, they want to involve citizens too, because they recognise how important our opinions are. 


The Green Party's manifesto is not just about environmental issues, but also about better housing, transport and safer streets. In fact, these are all connected: we need to have greener homes with less energy loss to save money and conserve fuel and have more efficient transport systems to help commuters on roads and bridges that are not disruptive and environmentally damaging. These things are important for all cities, but particularly London. We need an Ultra Low Emissions Zone to protect our health from rising air pollution. Where so many people are struggling to find affordable housing, we need the Greens who are committed to prevent the loss of council housing and allow people to plan for new homes through a People's Land Commission. 


This election is unique - you can vote for two different mayoral candidates of your first and second preference. This will be on the PINK ballot paper, where you have to select two different names for your first and second choice. Sian Berry is the Green candidate. 


In addition to voting for a Mayor, you will also vote for 2 London Assembly members, one who represents your constituency and another who is a London-wide Assembly Member. The first is on a YELLOW ballot paper and the second on an ORANGE ballot paper. For the constituency member, you select a named person but for the London-wide member, you just pick a party. Please consider voting for the Green Party.


The proportional representation system of this election is more representative than the "first-past-the-post" system of general elections, and gives smaller parties, like the Greens, a better chance of being elected, allowing London’s population to be more accurately represented.  So please use your vote to support smaller and committed candidates.


During the pandemic, we have all found a new spirit of community, an appreciation for nature and our local area and have realised how much pollution improved when commuting paused for a while. Difficult times lie ahead for many people so we need a supportive Mayor who can help Londoners find houses, jobs and support services.


We've realised how much power every person holds to make positive change and shape a better, greener future. This election now gives us the chance to vote for a party who wants a new start for London, who believes in the same things as us and wants to fight to protect them.


As young Londoners who can't yet vote, we need adults to make a responsible choice for our future. We want to grow up in a safe city, free from crime and pollution with affordable houses and jobs. London really is a special city, that's why you should vote Green to give it a fresh start and make it even better for future generations.


Vote Sian Berry for Mayor, 1st choice candidate (PINK ballot)

Vote Green Party for London-wide Assembly Member (YELLOW Ballot)

Vote named Green candidate for Constituency London Assembly Member (ORANGE ballot)



Monday 3 May 2021

Emma Wallace Green Candidate for Brent and Harrow interviewed: 'In a fairer electoral system your vote really counts - vote Green to get green'


Emma Wallace at Headstone Manor Park

Journalism student, Liam Moran, who studies at Kingston University, interviews Emma Wallace, Green Party candidate for the Brent and Harrow GLA constituency

How are you feeling in the run up to election day?  


I am really looking forward to it!  Greens are feeling really positive about the outcome of the London elections, with more and more people saying they are voting Green.   We are hoping to see a Green wave in London, as we have seen in many other European cities who now have Green mayors.

Our two Green Party Assembly members, Sian Berry and Caroline Russell, have made a big impact at City Hall over the last five years, holding the current Mayor to his promises and pushing him to act on a wide range of issues, repeatedly.   With a Green mayor and more Green members in City Hall we can do even more to ensure that London is the Greenest city in the world.  


How has your campaign been so far?


The campaign has been really good.  I've visited and met so many great people, both online and in real life in Brent and Harrow over the last six months and heard about many of the issues people are facing, from the destruction of local environment and trees, to housing concerns and transport issues.  I've been campaigning with residents to push TFL to change their trackside habitat management policies and I've visited many of our beautiful parks and nature reserves, including Bentley Priory and the Welsh Harp and heard about the ongoing, longstanding issues impacting them.  I've helped out at Harrow's foodbank, the London Community Kitchen, and learnt about the incredible work they are doing there to support zero waste, zero hunger in North London.  I have also met a number of community groups to hear about their concerns around new planning developments, which are being proposed on green spaces.   If elected, Sian Berry, as London Mayor, and I as Brent and Harrow Assembly Member, are committed to listening and bringing diverse voices into City Hall to make sure our policies work for everyone.  


The Green party is a grassroots party, which depends on its volunteer and it has been so heartening to see people come out and help leaflet and spread our message over the campaign.  I am so grateful to them.   Sian Berry and the London Green Party have put together an incredibly comprehensive manifesto, including radical ideas to make London a healthier, fairer and greener city and it has been a pleasure talking about these policies on the doorstep and at hustings, seeing resident’s positive response to them.  


What is the main issue you will be focused on if you are elected?  


Whilst the impact of the pandemic is still being felt around the world, the Climate Emergency is not going away and must urgently be addressed if we are to avoid going over a 1.5C rise in global temperatures.  We are the only party that has a clear plan to tackle the climate crisis, setting urgent targets to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030.  The Green Party will take action through a holistic response, focusing on creating sustainable and insulated housing, developing a joined up and green public transport system, investing in walking and cycling, protecting and preserving our green spaces and trees and creating green jobs to transform our economy post Covid.  


What would you say to people who might be unsure about going out to vote in local elections as they do not believe that they are important? 


The London Elections have a much fairer voting system than other elections and consequently, your vote really counts!  The mayoral and general Assembly Member votes are a form of proportional representation, so if you vote Green, you get Green.    I encourage everyone to put Sian Berry as your first choice for Mayor, the Green Party as their London wide London Assembly vote and Emma Wallace as your Brent and Harrow London Assembly candidate.  Friends of the Earth have also just ranked Sian Berry's manifesto as the most climate-friendly and so it's clear.  If you want green, you have to vote Green!